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partition informations - running some tests

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 02:02
by MU
can you help me?
I need some people (5 should be enough at moment) who do this:
please type:

cat /proc/diskstats >/root/mark-help.txt
probepart >> /root/mark-help.txt
gzip /root/mark-help.txt

Then please attach /root/mark-help.txt.gz here.

I'm doing some tests to find out a fast way to get drive-infos.
probepart is a bit slow, if you have many partitions.

I wrote a testcript, that gives me this result:
# ./finddisks
hda1 not mounted
hda2 not mounted
hda5 not mounted
hda6 not mounted
hdb mounted maybe a cdrom
sda1 not mounted
sda2 mounted
sda3 not mounted
sda4 not mounted
sda5 not mounted
sda6 not mounted
sda7 mounted
sda8 not mounted
sda9 not mounted
sda10 not mounted
sda11 not mounted
sda12 not mounted
sda13 not mounted
sda14 not mounted
sda15 mounted
swap: /dev/sda15 partition 522072 6132 -1
I'd like to find out more info, but don't know yet, how.
Must study the other utilities like MUT.



Code: Select all

include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

//thelist=xwin_system("cat /proc/diskstats")

//   3   64 hdb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


//print thelist

partitions = {}
counter = 0
for each theline in thelist

  for n=0 to 5
	  theline=replace(theline , "  " , " ")
  partinfo=explode(theline , " ")
  //print partinfo[2] & " " & entries

  if entries = 7 then
        mounted = "mounted"
	if partinfo[5] = "0" then
		mounted = "not mounted"
	end if
	print partinfo[2] & " " & mounted
  end if
  if  val(partinfo[1])>63 then
        mounted = "mounted"
	if partinfo[5] = "0" then
		mounted = "not mounted"
	end if
	print partinfo[2] & " " & mounted & " " & "maybe a cdrom"
  end if


for n=1 to count( swaps )-1
	print "swap: " & swaps[n]

lob help

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 02:23
by Lobster
lobhelp attached

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 02:27
by NathanO
I have two computers. Here is the first, an HP Pavilion zv6000 with a CD/DVD, 80Gig HD, two 8Gig USB sticks.

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 02:30
by NathanO
Here is the other, home made, 3-1/2" floppy, ~40 Gig HD, TWO CD/DVD player / burners, 2 PCMCIA Flash Cards, 4 Gig USB stick

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 02:49
by John Doe
Here you go Mark. Machine has two CD Drives, a Floppy Drive and two usb flash drives plugged in. No internal IDE in this one.

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 03:44
by oldbox
I had a sony tiny microvault plugged into an external usb hub at the time of the commands.

Hope this helps you.

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 04:00
by craftybytes
Here we go Mark -

ASROCK VIA M/B; AMD Duron 1.8GHz CPU; 1.0GB DDR RAM; 20 GB HDD; 80GB HDD; 1 x 1.0GB USB Flash drive; 1 x 2.0GB USB Flash drive; DVD/CD Burner/Reader; Floppy drive..



Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 07:26
by Pizzasgood
hda = dvd-rw
sda = 80-gig SATA drive
sdb = 128 mb usb flash drive

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# ./finddisks
sda1 not mounted
sda2 not mounted
sda3 not mounted
sda4 mounted
sda5 mounted
sda6 mounted
sda7 mounted
sdb1 mounted
swap: /initrd/dev/sda2                        partition 498004  0       -1
Except sdb1 is not mounted anymore. It was not very long ago. Otherwise all looks correct.

Running Puppy 2.14 if it matters.

Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 09:00
by MU
Many thanks, I'll have a look at your files this weekend.
Today I must travel to northern germany.

Here is another code-example.

Using fdisk -l is the fastest you can have.
It does does not show the difference ext2/ext3, it just says "Linux".
So we might need blkid.
Also fdisk does not show CDRoms.
As blkid is slower, I will try to find other ways.
Maybe using /proc again for infos about CDROMS.
For this your files will be helpfull, to see what special identifier those CDROM-drives use.

See you, Mark

Code: Select all

include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/"

//thelist=xwin_system("cat /proc/diskstats")
//   3   64 hdb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



sub try1()

blockids=xwin_system("blkid -s TYPE")

for each theline in thelist

  for n=0 to 5
	  theline=replace(theline , "  " , " ")

  partinfo=explode(theline , " ")

  use = 0
  if entries = 7 then
	use = 1
  end if
  if  val(partinfo[1])>63 then
	use = 1
  end if

  if use = 1 then
        mounted = "mounted"
	if partinfo[5] = "0" then
		mounted = "unmounted"
	end if
	filesystem = "unknown"
	for each block in blockids
		type=cutleft(block , "TYPE=")
		block=cutright(block , ":")
		block=cutleft(block , "/dev/")
		if block = partinfo[2] then
			filesystem=replace(type , "\"" , "")
		end if

	if filesystem != "unknown" then

		names[counter] = partinfo[2]
		types[counter] = filesystem
		ismounted[counter] = mounted
		counter += 1
		print partinfo[2] & " " & filesystem &  " " & mounted
	end if
  end if


'for n=1 to count( swaps )-1
'	print "swap: " & swaps[n]

end sub

thelist=xwin_system("fdisk -l")

for each theline in thelist

	if left(theline , 5) = "/dev/" then
		if ! instr(theline , "Extended") then
	  		theline = trim(theline)

			name=cutrightfromleft(theline , " ")
			name=right(name, len(name)-5)
			for n = 0 to count(names)-1

				if name=names[n] then
					size=cutleft(theline , " ")
					size=cutleft(size , " ")
					size=cutleft(size , " ")
					size=cutrightfromleft(size , " ")
					size=replace(size , "+" , "")
					print name & " " & types[n] & " " & size & " " & ismounted[n] 
				end if
			//print theline
		end if
	end if


Posted: Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:21
by Leachim
From one of our school computers. Running from usb-flash-drive. Windows XP on the builtin hdd.

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2008, 00:27
by JustGreg
Here is the information from my system running a 80 Gigabyte drive,
1 Gigabyte USB external hard drive, 1 Gigabyte compact flash device and 2 Gigabyte SD card in the USB mult-card reader.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008, 10:03
by Billwho?
Here is the information for 3 machines I have here. One is incomplete but I hope it helps anyway.

Posted: Mon 28 Jan 2008, 00:05
by r__hughes
This from an IBM T22 Thinkpad

Posted: Fri 27 Jun 2008, 16:52
by MU
I updated my script.
It gave wrong values on one computer:

Code: Select all

/dev/sda1   *           1        1216     9765625    b  W95 FAT32
the "*" bootflag now is filtered out.

It also no longer uses /proc/ to find out, if a drive was mounted, but /etc/mtab.
The code got shorter now.
Another issue was, that Extended partitions were no detected (excluded) correctly.
Only the second line in this "fdisk -l" output was detected:

Code: Select all

/dev/hda2             679        1559     6660360    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda4            3648       24316   166015625    5  Extended
This is corrected now.


Code: Select all

include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/" 


blockids=xwin_system("blkid -s TYPE") 

'for n=1 to count( swaps )-1 
'   print "swap: " & swaps[n] 

thelist=xwin_system("fdisk -l") 


for each theline in thelist 

	if left(theline , 5) = "/dev/" then 
		if ! instr(theline , "Ext") then 
			theline = replace(theline , "*" , "") 
			theline = trim(theline) 
			name=cutrightfromleft(theline , " ") 
			device = name
			name=right(name, len(name)-5) 

			size=cutleft(theline , " ") 
			size=cutleft(size , " ") 
			size=cutleft(size , " ") 
			size=cutrightfromleft(size , " ") 
			size=replace(size , "+" , "") 

			mountedmtab = "unmounted"
			for m=0 to count(mtab)-1
				if instr(mtab[m] , " ") then
					thedev = cutrightfromleft(mtab[m] , " ")
					if thedev = device then
						mountedmtab = "mounted"	
					end if
				end if

			filesystem = "unknown" 
	  		for each block in blockids 
  				type=cutleft(block , "TYPE=") 
  				block=cutright(block , ":") 
  				if block = device then 
        				filesystem=replace(type , "\"" , "") 
      				end if 

		'-- too slow...
		'result = xwin_system("disktype " & device )
		'dsize = "unknown"
		'for d=0 to count(result)
		'	if instr(result[d] , "size " ) then
		'		dsize = cutleft(result[d] , "(")
		'		dsize = cutright(dsize , ")")
		'	end if

			if command(3) = "-m" then
				size = int(size/1000)
			end if

			print name & " " & filesystem & " " & size & " " & mountedmtab 

		end if 
	end if 

Here is an example output:

Code: Select all

# ./finddisks -m
hda1 vfat 5125 unmounted
hda5 ext3 5738 mounted
hda6 swap 839 unmounted
sda1 vfat 9765 unmounted
sda2 ext2 9765 mounted
sda3 ext2 9765 mounted
sda5 ext2 97 unmounted
sda6 ext2 48730 unmounted
sda7 vfat 48828 unmounted
sda8 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda9 ext2 9765 mounted
sda10 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda11 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda12 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda13 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda14 vfat 9237 unmounted
sda15 swap 522 unmounted
The swappartitions are shown as "unmounted", what is wrong.
I must add a fix for that.

Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2008, 19:56
by MU
updated code.

run with option "-all" to show cdroms (they start with "-").
DVDs not yet added.
This was just tested on 1 machine, so might not work reliable.
It is optional, because cdrom-detection is slow.

Also swap now is displayed as on or off.

And or mounted drives, the mountpoint is displayed.

Code: Select all

include "/usr/lib/wxbasicscript/" 


' cdrom:

args = argvtostring()

args = " " & args & " "
blockids=xwin_system("blkid -s TYPE") 

'for n=1 to count( swaps )-1 
'   print "swap: " & swaps[n] 

thelist=xwin_system("fdisk -l") 

mtab = readfiletolist("/etc/mtab")

swaps = readfiletolist("/proc/swaps")

for each theline in thelist 

	if left(theline , 5) = "/dev/" then 
		if ! instr(theline , "Ext") then 
			theline = replace(theline , "*" , "") 
			theline = trim(theline) 
			name=cutrightfromleft(theline , " ") 
			device = name
			name=right(name, len(name)-5) 

			size=cutleft(theline , " ") 
			size=cutleft(size , " ") 
			size=cutleft(size , " ") 
			size=cutrightfromleft(size , " ") 
			size=replace(size , "+" , "") 

			mountedmtab = "unmounted"
			for m=0 to count(mtab)-1
				if instr(mtab[m] , " ") then
					thedev = cutrightfromleft(mtab[m] , " ")
					if thedev = device then
						mountpoint = cutleft(mtab[m] , " ")
						mountpoint = cutrightfromleft(mountpoint , " ")
						'mountedmtab = "mounted"	
						mountedmtab = mountpoint
					end if
				end if

			filesystem = "unknown" 
	  		for each block in blockids 
  				type=cutleft(block , "TYPE=") 
  				block=cutright(block , ":") 
  				if block = device then 
        				filesystem=replace(type , "\"" , "") 
      				end if 

			if filesystem = "swap" then
				mountedmtab = "off"
				for each swap in swaps
					if instr(swap , " ") then
						theswap = cutrightfromleft(swap , " ")
						if theswap = device then
							mountedmtab = "on"	
						end if
					end if
			end if

		'-- too slow...
		'result = xwin_system("disktype " & device )
		'dsize = "unknown"
		'for d=0 to count(result)
		'	if instr(result[d] , "size " ) then
		'		dsize = cutleft(result[d] , "(")
		'		dsize = cutright(dsize , ")")
		'	end if

			if instr(args, " -m ") then
				size = int(size/1000)
			end if

			print name & " " & filesystem & " " & size & " " & mountedmtab 

		end if 
	end if 



if instr(args, " -all ") then
	drives = xwin_system("probedisk")
	for each drive in drives
		if instr(drive , "|") then
			device = cutrightfromleft(drive , "|")
			drive = trim(replace(drive , "/dev/" , ""))
			typ = cutleft(drive , "|")
			drive = replace(drive , "|" , " ")
			if instr(typ , "|") then
				typ = cutright(typ , "|")

				select case typ
					case "cdrom"
					m = ismounted(device)
					print "-" & drive & " " & m
				end select

			end if
		end if
		'print drive
end if

function ismounted(device)
			mounted = "unmounted"
			for m=0 to count(mtab)-1
				if instr(mtab[m] , " ") then
					thedev = cutrightfromleft(mtab[m] , " ")
					if thedev = device then
						mountpoint = cutleft(mtab[m] , " ")
						mountpoint = cutrightfromleft(mountpoint , " ")
						'mountedmtab = "mounted"	
						mountedmtab = mountpoint
					end if
				end if
			return mounted

end function
# ./finddisks -m -all
hda1 vfat 5125 unmounted
hda5 ext3 5738 /initrd/mnt/dev_save
hda6 swap 839 on
sda1 vfat 9765 unmounted
sda2 ext2 9765 /mnt/sda2
sda3 ext2 9765 /mnt/sda3
sda5 ext2 97 unmounted
sda6 ext2 48730 unmounted
sda7 vfat 48828 unmounted
sda8 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda9 ext2 9765 /mnt/sda9
sda10 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda11 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda12 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda13 ext2 9765 unmounted
sda14 vfat 9237 unmounted
sda15 swap 522 off
-hdc cdrom MATSHITADVD-ROM SR-8174 unmounted

Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2008, 10:06
by Billwho?
Here you are Mark.
This is the main machine I have been using these days.