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Green Computing

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2008, 22:17
by Aitch
Topic of Interest- 'Energy Saving through Green Computing'
Online debate: 27th Feb 08, 10am PST,1pm EST, 6pm GMT
4hrs in total - but pick your own choices
Program:- ... ?td=rossky

A possible opportunity to promote the Puppy community
& it's advantages to those who haven't heard of it

Is this yet another OLPC type thing & nobody is really bothered?
Or is the environment more important than even the media hype?
Can we seriously move towards consumer led demand,
with sensible economies of scale,
rather than manufacturer market bombardment,
with all its waste?

comments/views for this event/my post


Re: Green Computing

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2008, 23:18
by ttuuxxx
Aitch wrote:Hi
Topic of Interest- 'Energy Saving through Green Computing'
Online debate: 27th Feb 08, 10am PST,1pm EST, 6pm GMT
4hrs in total - but pick your own choices
Program:- ... ?td=rossky

A possible opportunity to promote the Puppy community
& it's advantages to those who haven't heard of it

Is this yet another OLPC type thing & nobody is really bothered?
Or is the environment more important than even the media hype?
Can we seriously move towards consumer led demand,
with sensible economies of scale,
rather than manufacturer market bombardment,
with all its waste?

comments/views for this event/my post

1st I would buy a 30 Year Continuous Power Laptop Battery
or buy stock in it !!!!!!! :) ... -10.1.html

next I would run any old laptop on it, since it last 30yrs and is recyclable, its all good, case closed. might as well cancel the 4hr Green Computing meeting, lol

or a combination or solar/wind generator but i don't like the idea of having multiple lead batteries as backup since we all know lead batteries are bad for the environment, best to run them on demand and have an agreement with the local electric company for you surplus voltage and then on low supply hrs no wind or sun and get the surplus back, I've read that can happen. So you lend extra and get it back later on, some places actually pay you for the extra :)

Or once I read about this contraption that sits in the ocean and bounces up and down in the oceans current and with each motion up/down it produces dc voltage, only good if you near the ocean.!

I read about 2 months ago that this scientist in Canada actually burned salt water by accident by exposing it to high radio frequency. He said it was very disturbing to see salt water burn so easily, But it don't stop him from broadcasting it around the world the very next day. That basically means that we could burn all the water in the without converting it to hydrogen first, How scary.

About 15yrs ago I watched this show "Tomorrow Today" and basically in a remote area of the USA they took some nuclear waste and poured it on the ground. Then they put 2 large probes in it and then zapped it whit a extremely high amount of electricity, what was left was a completely new building material, they said it was just like marble Out house counter-top. and had less radiation then what a tv screen produces and could be used for new homes. Or as a complete marble replacement. Why haven't they done this around the world?? who knows,
I personally think why couldn't we just pour nuclear waste in active volcanoes? that would neutralize it also, lets not forget the theory on mars and what went wrong with its surface, basically it was the molten core which cooled, a lot like earths when it releases into the sea or on the land, we are just lucky that the earth is way bigger then mars and hence why we here and the there. But one day when the core on earth is actually gone so will life on earth. So maybe pouring nuclear waste into it might extend the life of the planet?

But really if you think about green computing the biggest issue is cutting down whats left to the rain forest of the world. Without the lungs of the planet we can't breath. without air you wouldn't need a pc because your So maybe time for a new War on air? I think air is more important then oil. Just that its free today, in the future everyone might have to own a machine to produce personal air. If it gets thin enough.

Well i did my part for this post,

Re: Green Computing

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 00:39
by SirDuncan
ttuuxxx wrote:1st I would buy a 30 Year Continuous Power Laptop Battery
or buy stock in it !!!!!!! :) ... -10.1.html
That has to be the coolest thing I have read about in quite some time! To think that I was happy with the 5-1/2 hour lifespan of my new battery :( .
ttuuxxx wrote:or a combination or solar/wind generator but i don't like the idea of having multiple lead batteries as backup since we all know lead batteries are bad for the environment,
Could try lithium-ion batteries. They're still not inert when used up like the betavoltaic battery, but far better than lead.

I've been wanting my parents to invest in some wind generators for a while now. We live on a hill where we have at least 10 mph winds almost all of the time. Wind power would definitely take the edge off of the power bill. I also want those solar panel shingles (they look like normal shingles), but they still cost way too much.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 01:33
by Pizzasgood
My battery lasts 40-50 minutes :| But I mostly just use my laptop as a portable computer for traveling, so to me the battery time is a happy bonus letting me unplug and move to another outlet without shutting down.
But one day when the core on earth is actually gone so will life on earth.
I'm willing to bet life would keep on going. I doubt that Mars ever had anything remotely like Earth life on it, if it even had anything. Earth life is pretty resilient. People are always going on about how it's fragile, and in many ways it is, especially on the scale of individual species. But overall it makes roaches look like paper dolls. So long as there is an energy input from somewhere, I don't see life ceasing for a long, long time.

That's not to say there wouldn't be big changes of course.

Just that its free today, in the future everyone might have to own a machine to produce personal air. If it gets thin enough.
Not just because of pollution and what not. There isn't any air in space. Regardless of what the nay-sayers say, colonization of outer space is inevitable, assuming we don't kill ourselves first, or less likely, burn through so many of the planet's resources that we can no longer get off the ground.

Residents of future space colonies will likely see part of their tax money go towards maintaining breathable air (assuming they use a system that includes taxes). Then people will care about their air.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 01:46
by ttuuxxx
I also think that Countries like Australia where i live now need actually stop being bullied by the Rich who have a love making money at the cost of the environment.
When you buy a new car you get a battery that last like 6yrs, but when that puppy dies, let me tell you they import these cheap car batteries from china with 1yr to all the way up to 3yrs warranties that aren't sealed they leak acid on the roads via a tube. Really this day and age when you pay $120 for a 1yr battery then it gets recycled what a stupid government that allows this. I've even bought a bosch battery with a 2 yr warranty for $200 Au from "Super Cheap Auto" and only lasted 18months.
The thing that kills batteries is the cold not the heat. In Canada where i'm from we have battery heaters in cars and you plug them in, or in -50c they crack. and go dead, Not in Australia and Canada has 10yr warranty on sealed batteries. and the min is 3yrs not 1yr.
My next thing is insulation Australia homes use Insulation as an option, how stupid, and when they do insulate they use r3. lol WTH is r3. So basically a new house like mine uses heat most of the winter like 24hrs a day and air-conditioning all spring,summer,fall. really if you had r20 or higher the house would be insulated enough to actually hold the heat or air-conditioning. But once again the government hasn't said lets fix the problem, maybe they think Aussies are stupid and don't have a clue what rest of the developed world has.
Australia loves windows And all the windows or single pane glass, not dual plane, and if you mention argon gas they look at you like a confused dog??
really windows like this have been made for over 20yrs now,
they are made to keep the sun's heat out in the summer or cold in the winter outside. I could go on for days how things need improving here. Its just a very large waste of electricity, I bet if i could have the same products that i could get in Canada here in Australia my electricity bill would be 1/4 of what it is now.
One last not the price of insulation in Australia for R3 is 70% more expensive then R20 in Canada. And the last time i bought a sheet of drywall in Canada in 1999 I paid $4.65 a sheet, In 2004 I bought the same sheet made by the same company but in Australia and paid $21 at Bunnings.
When you build a house where i live the lot is $250 000 $120 000 is local taxes (hidden in price) then the total price of a 1 story house with 4 bedrooms is around $470 000. With no insulation, single pane windows, brick vent spacing without the zinc vents, so basically at night you can see tons of cockroaches coming out of you brickwork, makes you hollow walls a perfect place for them to live :)
Then they put this stupid rubber gasket under the window which shrinks on purpose because of the sunlight and unprotected rubber just doesn't work, then the ants come straight into your house and then all your ever doings is spraying chemicals all over, trying to kill these pest.
And for a country which has a billion flies a square meter you think they might import tons of purple martin;s and introduce them. They eat up-to 2000 flies each a day and aren't poisonous like the cane toad or invasive like the Indian Myna Birds. They are just an oversize sparrow which likes to eat flies.

We were talking about ?

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 06:07
by PlatonicPimp
I've always figured that in the future someone will make nanites that turn silicates into microchips.

And then these nanites will escape into the desert, adapt, and become a new part of the ecosystem. A part that just happens to eat sand and shit computers.

But that's my crazy fantasy world.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 06:52
by John Doe
PlatonicPimp wrote:I've always figured that in the future someone will make nanites that turn silicates into microchips.

And then these nanites will escape into the desert, adapt, and become a new part of the ecosystem. A part that just happens to eat sand and shit computers.

But that's my crazy fantasy world.
lol, i almost spit my beer all over the screen. that's funny. keep up the creativity. you never know, it might happen someday. i had a funny image of little bugs stacking up all the silicon atoms and carefully lining up the valence shells. an argument ensues while they are doping the second layer and they all get in a fight then start throwing atoms at each other.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2008, 18:48
by Pizzasgood
And then these nanites will escape into the desert, adapt, and become a new part of the ecosystem.
Interesting. Extrapolation: the individual nanites begin to group togeather into macroscopic "plants" who's "fruit" are various chunks of hardware, causing the various hardware factories to be replaced by farms and breeding facilities.

Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2008, 16:22
by SirDuncan
Pizzasgood wrote:
And then these nanites will escape into the desert, adapt, and become a new part of the ecosystem.
Interesting. Extrapolation: the individual nanites begin to group togeather into macroscopic "plants" who's "fruit" are various chunks of hardware, causing the various hardware factories to be replaced by farms and breeding facilities.
Computers that grow on "trees"! The sheer awesomeness makes me want to cry. On the inside. Almost.

The problem is that they would probably be a rather invasive species. At least electro-magnetic "herbicide" is not damaging to the environment.

I feel that I should make some reference to the Replicators, but I'm not sure how many people would get it.

Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2008, 20:57
by Pizzasgood
Nanites usually get cast as the bad guys. In current issues of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comics though, the residents of Knothole recently relocated to a city built entirely out of nanites, trees and all. Nice place too, though I preferred the old Knothole villiage better (circa issue 50).

Posted: Thu 10 Jan 2008, 05:59
by PlatonicPimp
I figure that, at that scale, the difference between organic and inorganic is the presence of a few carbon atoms, and "nanites" may wind up being not so much extremely miniature machines as extremely altered viruses or bacteria. In any case, invasive species can become native remarkably rapidly. They adapt to their new ecosystem, and the new ecosystem adapts to them. All species were invasive at one time or another.