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NIC not working in MINISYS MUPPY008 full HD install!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007, 10:55
by taichifu

Just downloaded Minisys Muppy008 run fine from livecd, can access internet. But on full HD install can't connect to internet. Netwotk wizard can't see my network card (VIA Rhine), tried to install it manually without any success, Has anyone had this problem before. I have install Muppy008 at least four times same problem.

NCI works fine with any version of Puppy and Muppy 007 HD install, but not Minisys Muppy008.


Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2008, 18:12
by sicfishe
I have the same problem. Muppy 008 works fine when booting off the CD, but will not find my onboard ethernet (viaRhine) after doing an install to the hard drive.

I would love to be able fix this problem because I really liked all the features of Muppy 008.

Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2008, 19:38
by MU
try this:

Insert and mount the CD.
Now type:

Code: Select all

mkdir /root/mount
mount -o loop /mnt/cdrom/zmsy_080.sfs /root/mount
cp -ax /root/mount/lib/* /lib/
umount /root/mount
If the CD is not mounted in /mnt/cdrom , then you must adapt that line.

This should do:
mount the .sfs with all Kernel-Modules.
Copy them to the harddisk.

It might be, that the Installer did not copy these.
Does that solve it?

Posted: Thu 10 Jan 2008, 18:47
by taichifu

Tried the code mentioned but can't carry on the necessary procedure. Instead I copy all the LIB folder from the CD Live onto the hard drive and all work fine after a reboot. I also notice that Google Earth install without a hitch and work 1st time, whereas I tried to install Google Earth on Puppy 3.01 without any success.

This version of Muppy is a breeze an lightning fast all in all very impressed.

Thanks for your help.


Still unable to find and networking devices

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:49
by sicfishe
I tried the above stated fix without any success. I have even downloaded and installed 008.1. When I try to setup networking and internet connection the networking wizard indicates that it did not find any networking devices. If I boot off the CD it is able to find my ethernet card. I thought this HD install bug would have been fixed by now. Any ideas on how to fix? I would love to use Muppy008.

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:04
by taichifu

Had the same problem and did what I said in my last post and did work for me. All I did was copy copy all the LIB folder from the CD Live onto the hard drive and all work fine after a reboot.

try it again should work.


Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:25
by MU
If it does not work as for taichifu, I cannot help at moment.
I had a closer look at the universal installer, and there seems to be no full code for the Driver-addon on full Harddisk installation in Puppy.

This is one of the reasons, why I added the warning-message, that does not recommend this type of installation.
Be aware, you might encounter other irregularities.

This point is also not high on the ToDo list.
We just have a limited amount of developer resources.
We do not want to clone another Distro.
We want to enhance the points, that make Puppy so unique and special.

One of these points is the use of sfs and 2fs files.
Here, also things have to be enhanced, and that has main priority at moment.

So as far as I can help with tips as above, I'll do, but I will not start to write my own universal installer for full harddisk-installations.


Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 15:29
by n1n31nchn41l5
is it possible to do a frugal install of mupy008?

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 16:54
by Sage
The issue of NIC drivers has been dealt with in detail earlier. You have to copy them from the CD when running under pfix=ram. Works for me. The same was true for one of BK's releases. He fixed it subsequently. It isn't primarily a fault of the PUI, per se, just an oversight on one line of code as I understood it? Due to ignorance, with Muppy I copied directories across willy-nilly until it worked! No doubt one of the smarter folk around here will remind us all which directory is mission critical. As for Mark, once we know the chapter and verse, all that should be necessary is to use a newer PUI. But then, ignorance is a wonderful shield against wisdom and truth.