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Strange burning sequence

Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2007, 00:01
by Béèm
A person had an audio CD of which one track didn't play well. hiccups etc..
I ripped the CD and to my surprise the track in question was saved and complete.
So I burned a new audio CD with grafburn.

To my surprise the burned tracks are not in the same sequence as the original ones, altho the wav files are still in the good order.

Very annoying.

How could this happen?
How to prevent from happening again?

Re: Strange burning sequence

Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2007, 09:02
by Bruce B
Béèm wrote:A person had an audio CD of which one track didn't play well. hiccups etc..
I ripped the CD and to my surprise the track in question was saved and complete.
So I burned a new audio CD with grafburn.
You play at 1x

You rip at faster speed, maybe 4x or 8x, this can bypass some of the surface errors, because the laser on a faster disc has less chance of derailing and having to get back on track with a minor surface error.

About burning sequence: I'd think the default would be alphabetical sort order. With an option to move tracks around with most burning applications.

I don't know about grafburn, but I think you should look at the track names first the next time you do it.

If you do a cddb lookup make sure your renaming utility puts the track number first, otherwise I'd expect the new album to be out of order. Especially, if you are ripping/naming with one program and burning with another.