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Install Wine 9.49 to Puppy 3.01 (Thanks Slackware!)

Posted: Sat 17 Nov 2007, 02:50
by gorlewskik
After having unsuccess getting wine to work with all the official sources for wine for puppy (dot pups) from ibiblio and, I was about to give up. Then searching on this forum, I about gave up to! Everything I tried to install just about every download I could find and it didn't work and then I needed a new frugal install of puppy linux. yes. Puppy is so wonderful. You can mess it up and then reinstall it in seconds.

So, I thought, maybe I can compile this myself, after trying several other approaches. Then after trying for hours to compile the source of the wine release from to my puppy 3.01 too. I gave up. I realized that their must be an easier way. I explored, What exactly is a rpm package, a deb package and all kinds of packages and I gave up too releasing they were interesting, but not applicable to puppy. I realized that these don't work with puppy also. But then somebody mentioned that slackware packages seems to work with puppy. Was it true? Why not try something else? I tried installing the slackware binary .tgz for Slackware 10.2 from the official wine website. ... 6-1kjz.tgz

The install was quite simple. I unzipped everything to the / directory and then tried typing the wine command to the console. Error. So then I went to /install directory and tried running the install script there. Error. But the error message was simple. All the files were there, wine just wasn't looking in the right place. I discovered that the install script had created some shortcuts that were supposed to be in the /usr/lib directory but unfortunately had just been created in the same directory /install . Very simple fix. Copy all those shortcuts in the install directory to /usr/lib/

I tried typing 'wine' in the console. Success. How could it be so simple.

Now for a true test; try and open up a window executable file. After hours and hours (of working on other packages) of things not working, I had my doubts. This solution had been a matter of minutes so far. Would it be so quick? Was it going to work? So I mounted my window hard-drive and then extracted an executable to test, my favorite organizer called NeoMem available from I typed 'cd /root/neomem/' then typed 'wine neomem.exe' and it started spitting out feedback about what this is not installed and what that could be installed, but then all of a sudden my windows app opened up in full beauty. Cool. This is really neat.

Still using the application, a few of the features were a bit quirky. But it is a starting point. I wonder what other apps work with wine? This is great!

Posted: Sat 17 Nov 2007, 03:18
by vern72023
I have been using the slackware wine packages since 9.22 and have always found them to work well.
(.47 and 0.48 I tested and then dropped back to 9.46 whicbecause of problems with 3D and NTLM security which were related to bugs introduced in Wine and which were in the buglist to correct.
I hadnt seen 9.49 come out but thanks for the heads up.
BTW I use ACEmoney; Total Commander; K-Meleon browser, SoftMaker Office, Irfanview, Sysinternals toolkit; PStart; Real; Treepad; amd a few games -
I use these so that I can seamlessly work on either puppy which is on a CF-Card in my lenovo intelligent terminal, or on my Wintel machines, or by booting directly from the Victorinix USB keyring swiss army knife that holds my data.

has worked well for me for a couple of years now

Posted: Sat 17 Nov 2007, 14:15
by waldo
Since Puppy 2.17 it's even easier to perform "tgz2pet *tgz".
The install script will be executed!

In earlier Puppy versions i ran install and then

("Terminal here")
cp -ax usr/* /usr/

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2007, 06:37
by floborg
I got that same Slackware package and made an .sfs file (my first one). It seems to "work" after installing the OpenGL pet package.

I say "work" because I haven't thusfar gotten the functionality I'm after. For example, trying to run a setup.exe file just isn't working for me. I can, however, run stuff I installed in windows by going to the proper place in mnt/home. MIDI is flaky and there is a lot of lost functionality.

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:02
by NathanO
Which files did you have to copy? I am having trouble getting wine to run under Puppy 3.01.

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2007, 17:02
by Caneri
I don't know if you people tried this but here is a wine.sfs

Re: Install Wine 9.49 to Puppy 3.01 (Thanks Slackware!)

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2007, 18:43
by jonyo
gorlewskik wrote:After having unsuccess getting wine to work with all the official sources for wine for puppy (dot pups) from ibiblio and, I was about to give up. Then searching on this forum, I about gave up to! Everything I tried to install just about every download I could find and it didn't work and then I needed a new frugal install of puppy linux. yes. Puppy is so wonderful. You can mess it up and then reinstall it in seconds.
I tried typing 'wine' in the console. Success. How could it be so simple.

Wine SFS

Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2007, 04:43
by gorlewskik
Thanks for the link for a wine sfs ... this would have saved me a lot of trouble with my adventure, but who am I to know? the sources on the website do not seem to work with 3.01 ... but the slackware package does work fine once I found that one from the slackware 12 website.

Yes. Wine is simple. Some apps work and some apps don't. But I am grateful for the windows apps I do get to work with Wine. Someone should make a list of their favorite apps. The wine version as of this reply is 9.50. Thanks Wine Developers for all your hardwork.

Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2007, 05:23
by Wolf Pup
wine 0.9.51
needs opengl ...

wine can be started by right clicking windows file and open with wine.

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2007, 08:25
by floborg
vern72023 wrote:I have been using the slackware wine packages since 9.22 and have always found them to work well.

BTW I use ACEmoney; Total Commander; K-Meleon browser, SoftMaker Office, Irfanview, Sysinternals toolkit; PStart; Real; Treepad; amd a few games -

How exactly did you get K-Meleon working. I installed the latest version in the latest Wine (using the pet posted above) and when I run it, I get can error stating something like "couldn't create browser frame."

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2007, 08:31
by floborg
Wolf Pup wrote:wine 0.9.51
needs opengl ...

wine can be started by right clicking windows file and open with wine.
This one also leaves me with missing dependencies. These are:

An official pet named libgphoto takes care of the libgphoto dependencies. I'm not sure how to tackle the others. These are listed in ttuuxxx's big lib list on, but as plain text files. I actually went so far as to download the lib listed in the plain text file, create links to those libs, and put all of that in a pet. I'm not sure if this was the right way to do it, but it fooled the package manager's dependency checker.

Posted: Mon 28 Jan 2008, 21:22
by davidlandy
Did you try the sfs version of wine listed above?

Posted: Fri 08 Feb 2008, 16:09
by kattami
I just gotta rant abit today!!!!!

A MILLION THANKS to whomever it was who made the wine sfs-package.

I got it running in puppy 3.01 and it is opening my Thunderbird Portable program which is in a folder on my external harddisk. And it downloads the mail and does its job perfectly.

Wow....its just great to get this to work because I dont want to have any mail program in Puppy, nor do I want to waste any space inside Puppy, and had got used to use Thunderbird Portable from last 2 years.

:D :D :D

Error about installing some PET-s, for example Wine

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2008, 11:54
by fejesg

I need to use Wine, and found Your forum about it. I downloaded and try to install with the inner PetGet.

When I click OK, the program halt and displey the follow message:

The package has been downloaded to /root/.packages,
however there is not enough room to uncompress and install it.
The free space is 58122 blocks but it is estimated you will
need 72048 blocks temporarily for the expansion and install.

Petget Error:
"Note: If you are using a pup_save.3fs personal storage file,
it can be made bigger -- see Utilities menu.

This script will now delete the package and exit..."

If I needed to install any bigger PET, the PetGet halted with this error message.

I don't understand, why not enough space, I use Puppy on a 2 GB pendrive, and the size of 2fs is 1,2 GB.

Please help me.

Yours sincelery: fejesg

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 21:12
by djringjr

Your sfs file may be that large, but how much space does it have left?

On most Puppy and Puplets there is a blue bar on the bottom to the right of the speaker icon and to the left of the microprocessor load graph and clock which shows the space in the total of RAM and your sfs save file.

I just installed the pup you mentioned with 530M showing and it installed fine.

If you have 530 or so showing you should be ok.



Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 21:34
by djringjr
The above mentioned Wine pup file on is one also leaves me with missing dependencies. These are the same except

There is a forum listing now with links to libraries but alas the file is missing. ... 24599[url]

I found a forum page with a download for the files: ...

However, my WINE seems to work - at least partially without them.

Best to all,


Install Wine

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 15:22
by entlizhavalen1
I have installed Puppy on my Laptop. I have read through the forums about installing Wine. I have downloaded the file: ... 6-1kjz.tgz
but I can't get it installed. Also I can't find the .sfs files mentioned either. I believe they existed, but I can't find them. What am I not doing right?

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 16:25
by trapster
There is an .sfs + .pet file here.