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Gtkpod crashing!

Posted: Thu 15 Nov 2007, 00:23
by jaddison
Anyone else having trouble with gtkpod mounting an iPod Video?

Puppy (3.01) mounts my ipod at /mnt/sdb2. If my ipod is mounted, and I set the mountpoint in gtkpod there, then everything shuts down when I hit the "apply" button.

If my ipod is mounted, and gtkpod isn't open yet, I can't even open it.

I'm flummoxed. This app played fine with my ipod under Mint, and it sounds like other folks have gotten it to work. Am I missing something?

Posted: Thu 15 Nov 2007, 06:50
by HairyWill
have you tried using the default mountpoint that gtkpod expects
make the directory /mnt/ipod
and mount it from the command line with
mount -t vfat /dev/sd?? /mnt/ipod
the -t vfat bit may be crucial, it might be that puppy is by default mounting it as a msdos filesystem which only supports 8.3 type names