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Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2007, 10:32
by oui
bonjour big_bass

i have 2 problem with fatfree 3.0

- it don't recognize his pup_save.2fs after a frugal installation so he starts each time as new system and you can add nothing in permanent installation (puppy 3.0 works properly)

- the Xvesa became on fatfree 3.0 and on puppy 3.0 a very poor Xvesa! in Xvesa and fatfree 2.17 I use the resolution 1280 x 1080 x 24 but this better resolution is not available any more (same for 1400 for people with better video card as my card).


Re: @big_bass

Posted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 00:43
by big_bass
oui wrote:bonjour big_bass

- I use the resolution 1280 x 1080 x 24 but this better resolution is not available any more

I updated this thread
if you want more options I made a script for you

First ,thanks for trying fat free and taking the time to report your situation.

because you asked ...
I booted fatfree3 selected xvesa set my monitor installed to my ext2 drive frugal and when it prompted me for the pup_300.sfs I said yes I used no encryption 512M save and when I rebooted everything was fine the only thing I noticed different instead of the usual /mnt/home there was a folder created called puppy300 inside that was /mnt/home /puppy so , It worked for me ( another note I installed IDE)

The xvesa driver is based on the video card you have I booted version 3.01 all the way down to version 212 with xvesa and the video setting you posted was not available
I suggest you find the version that booted xvesa with the 1280 x 1080 x24
and please post the version of puppy that xvesa had those settings on your current configuration

P.S I have email for my name at
the fourm administrators can keep the threads more organized that way
anyone is welcome to write

thanks, have fun and build what you want