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Where's the JWM theme exchange

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 01:19
by willhunt
There seems to be a lotta good info on icewm but where is the JWM theme exchange?

Re: Where's the JWM theme exchange

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 03:39
by cb88
willhunt wrote:There seems to be a lotta good info on icewm but where is the JWM theme exchange?
nobody is stopin ya from uploading some your self ;)

i don't know how to make a jwm theme though sorry

maybe you should rename this thread jwm theme exchange!

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 07:03
by willhunt
it's my fondest wish some one with more skill than me will open a thread with that header as for my theme's none have made it past
rougeish stage and am hoping to learn some more..........

a man's reach should always exced his grasp :)

Re: Where's the JWM theme exchange

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 08:15
by WhoDo
willhunt wrote:There seems to be a lotta good info on icewm but where is the JWM theme exchange?
Try Joesnet themes page for a goodly selection. Be warned that they do not yet support JWM 2.0 which is the latest version I believe.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 21:06
by cb88
@whodo i think that link is broke

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 21:53
by WhoDo
cb88 wrote:@whodo i think that link is broke
Just clicked on it myself and up it came. Maybe it was overloaded when you tried it?

Posted: Tue 02 Oct 2007, 03:28
by cb88
seems that my school doesn't like that site? maybe the site has wierd scripts on it or maybe it didn't like the address format

anyway i can get to it from home :)

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 02:01
by cb88
here is a rather october apropriate theme...

Code: Select all

	TITLE:		Narnia 
	AUTHOR:		thoughtjourney
	Created:	01/08/2005
	Version:	0.1.0
	Updates:	none: first release.
	JWM ver:	0.23.0
 Hacked BK Feb 2006 for JWM 1.4
 theme hacked by cb88 for jwm 2.0 with graitients renamed burnt


<!--	<BorderStyle>
               <Font>DejaVu Sans 12</Font>
        </BorderStyle> -->
    <Font>DejaVu Sans 12</Font>


               <Font>DejaVu Sans 12</Font>





               <Font>DejaVu Sans 12</Font>



here are two themes from the developer blog:

Code: Select all

TITLE: hotdog
Created: 01/09/2007
Version: 0.1.0
Updates: none: first release.
JWM ver: 0.23.0
Hacked BK Feb 2006 for JWM 1.4



<Font>DejaVu Sans-11:bold</Font>





<Font>DejaVu Sans-12:bold</Font>

<Font>DejaVu Sans-11</Font>

<Font>DejaVu Sans-13:bold</Font>
<!-- <Height>24</Height> -->





<Font>DejaVu Sans-13</Font>


<Font>DejaVu Sans-12</Font>



Code: Select all

          Title: Jwm-Vista
          Author: Tom
           new for jwm 2.0, replaces borderstyle above -->







<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->




Re: Where's the JWM theme exchange

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 11:06
by WhoDo
willhunt wrote:There seems to be a lotta good info on icewm but where is the JWM theme exchange?
Your wish is my command! :P You will find the JWM Themes Exchange under Additional Software, right next to the IceWM Themes Exchange. I've even started it off for you by modifying one of the themes submitted by cb88 in this thread.

Enjoy! :wink:

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 17:33
by gary101
I have used Icewm in the past as the theme management is so simple.

Could you please tell me if I want to add any of these themes to JWM where do I save them and do I have to create a directory for each one?

I would not mind having a go at programming a theme creator for JWM/Puppy but I would need to know more about how puppy handles the files first.

All the best


Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 17:42
by cb88
the themes are in /root/.jwm/themes which is a hidden folder so you gotta unhide the hidden folders but clicking on the eye in rox

the themes are just text files that decribe the colors that should be displayed

for a theme to show up in the theme manager you need to add it to the list in the themeslist file

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 17:52
by cb88
also a restore defaults button is needed cause it sure is easy to mess up jwm if you alter the themes and it messes up the jwmrc

it seems that now i have to copy ./.jwmrc~ to ./.jwmrc before it will change my theme...

and now it is broke all the way I guess that is what you get for messing where you have no idea what you are doing :roll:

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 18:24
by gary101
You are not alone!!!

Just tried to add one of the themes above and now I the theme cahnger does not work at all.

Will keep investigating

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 18:32
by gary101
Ok, got it back working

I renamed the .jwmrc to .jwmrcBroke and renamed .jwmrc-previous to .jwmrc

Now to try and get those themes working (ever the optimist :lol: )
