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Pschedule 1.1.6 - Task on time

Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2007, 12:55
by zigbert
pSchedule is a dead simple gui to cron.

Sigmund Berglund

username: puppy
password: linux [Mirror] (6 kb).

Language support


Posted: Sun 14 Oct 2007, 18:20
by zigbert
Version 0.2 is uploaded. See main post.

Changelog 0.2
- total rewrite of 'Add task' function.
- 'Edit' builds selected task in the 'Add task' function.
- Auto setup of cron.
- Improved syntax for 'next run'.

Changelog 0.3
- More changes to syntax of timetext.
- Fixed for Puppy 3.
- Some speedup when 'Add task'.

Changelog 0.4
- Run command to test scheduled program.
- List shows max 25 chars of task. To prevent unreadable schedule.
- Pschedule shows 'Advanced schedule' if cron syntax contains / , -
- Bugfix: Show lists for time/date when 'edit'.
- Bugfix: Edit made new line in crontabs.
- Bugfix: Chosing Sunday from list did show 0 in 'Schedule'.
- Bugfix: Edit needed a restart of cron to take effect.
- Bugfix: Errormsg when trying to act on no selected task.

Changelog 0.5
- Bugfix: Edit cron-command with 'sunday' failed

Changelog 0.6 (22.May 2008)
- Bugfix: Edit always refered to default command 'gxmessage Happy Puppy' (thanks to nycjeff)

Changelog 0.7 (21.May 2009)
- Give each task a nr./name. (thanks to jake_take)
- Do not center windows on screen.
- The 'next run' entry in add-task-window is now visible.
- Bugfix: Delete only selected task if similar command. (thanks to jake_take)
- Bugfix: Avoid several instances of cron. (thanks to jake_take)
- Bugfix: Thursday failed in cron-builder-window.

Changelog 0.8 (31.Dec 2009)
- start pschedule with predefined task from terminal. (thanks to mcewanw)
- parameters -h and -v

Changelog 0.9 (13.Oct 2010)
- Free resizing of main window.
- Bugfix: Edit task adds another #
- Bugfix: Syntax error - Wedensday (thanks to don570)'

Changelog 0.9-2 (1.Dec 2010)
- Bugfix: Accept & in command (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: Wrong Title in error-box.

Changelog 0.9-3 (23.Jan 2011)
- New parameters to manage Pschedule from external apps
--> -e : edit a already defined command
--> -s : run silent. Do not show main window.

Changelog 1.0 (15.Feb 2011)
- Faster startup
- Language support
- Reorganized main gui
- Different outfit for fields that user edits and those pSchedule edits.

Changelog 1.0.1 (20.Mar 2011)
- Bugfix: Detect macrolanguage (fr, en..) when lang contains utf or similar post info.
- Bugfix: translation of 'task' and 'time' in editor (thanks to etiennep)
- Bugfix: Exec-path in .desktop file (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: Troubles after unstalling NLS. (thanks to shinobar) --> see line 46 pmusic
- NLS_ Added: $Time

Changelog 1.0.2 (3.Jun 2011)
- Bugfix: View webpages from About-dialog (thanks to Geoffrey)
- Bugfix: Language detection (rodin.s)

Changelog 1.1.0 (8.Dec 2012)
- NLS is supported by gettext.
- Simplified edit/add gui.
- Improved scaling og gui.
- Code cleanup.
- Skip lines in crontab that starts with #. (thanks to miriam)
- gtkdialog is now only supported executable - no gtkdialog(x).

Posted: Tue 23 Oct 2007, 16:52
by zigbert
Version 0.3. See main post.

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2007, 15:33
by zigbert
Version 0.4. See main post.

use this on a server

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2008, 11:58
by raffy
I will probably use this on a server being run in Puppy, like Watchdog. Thanks!

Posted: Tue 06 May 2008, 15:29
by zigbert
Version 0.5
See main post

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008, 04:51
by disciple
But if I select a given job and push the edit button, pschedule acts like I pushed the add button. but I've directed him here.

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008, 13:32
by zigbert
Edit works on my computer. I need more info. Run from terminal and see if abnormal output.


Posted: Thu 22 May 2008, 02:33
by nycjeff
Ok, I upgraded to v.5
Now, when I run from terminal:
# pschedule
I get this message once:
/usr/local/pschedule/func_human_to_cron: Line 40: [: : integer expression expected

then I get a similar message repeated 5 times.

/usr/local/pschedule/func_human_to_cron: Line 42: [: *: integer expression expected

Then right after that it opens the pschedule form.
I can select on the item I'm trying to edit,
when I do and push edit, I get the input form and I seem to get the correct scheduling information, but the Task box reverts back to the default "gxmessage Happy Puppy" rather than what I put in there.

Posted: Thu 22 May 2008, 15:07
by zigbert
Thanks nycjeff

Nice report!
please try the uploaded version 0.6.


Posted: Sun 25 May 2008, 01:45
by nycjeff
Thanks! That seems to have done the trick.

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2008, 15:05
by markofkane
How do i run programs? Just putting in the directory to the file does nothing.

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2008, 18:55
by zigbert
Please give us more information. I don't get your question.

What do you put in what directory :)


Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2008, 23:21
by markofkane
I mean I put the directory of the program i want to start up in the pschedule program, like maybe

/root/desktop/my program

(This is not exactly what I used, I am using Windows now, and cannot get the actual path right now)

Posted: Sat 05 Jul 2008, 00:50
by zigbert
Pschedule is a gui for the cron daemon. It execute the COMMAND (or program) you have scheduled. To schedule a directory is useless for cron and Pschedule.


Posted: Sat 13 Sep 2008, 01:37
by jake_take
I wonder why Pschedule data should be saved in /var/spool/cron/crontabs? Why not in /etc, for example? No files in /var is saved in pup_save, and the data in /var/spool/cron/crontabs is evaporated in next boot. So I must write the same task schedule in every boot.

To avoid this , I modified Pschedule files so that Pschedule data is saved in /etc and loaded there. But this is not easy for any begginers.

Thank you.

Posted: Sat 13 Sep 2008, 03:00
by ttuuxxx

Posted: Sat 13 Sep 2008, 03:13
by jake_take
Thank you, ttuuxxx. I do so.

Posted: Sat 13 Sep 2008, 03:20
by jake_take
Hi,ttuuxxx, again. I'm very confused. The link you wrote is here!
I was returned to the same thread. Is this Pschedule thread? or not?

Posted: Sat 13 Sep 2008, 05:09
by ttuuxxx
jake_take wrote:Hi,ttuuxxx, again. I'm very confused. The link you wrote is here!
I was returned to the same thread. Is this Pschedule thread? or not?
Sorry Jake I have the flu, Heatstroke, and a couple of pulled chest muscles, I'm on a lot of meds, A bit fuzzy. My mistake, I bet it made you feel like you were on the "Twilight Zone"