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Audacity Dotpup - A fast, cross-platform audio editor

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2005, 20:16
by puppian
Audacity 1.2.3

Audacity is a multi-track audio editor designed for easy recording, playing and editing of digital audio. Editing is very fast and provides unlimited undo/redo. Supported file formats include Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV, AIFF, and AU. Features:

# Record live audio.
# Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs.
# Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files.
# Cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together.
# Change the speed or pitch of a recording. And more...

Download mirrors:
Site 1
Site 2
right-click and choose "Save Link As"

Recording quick start: Go to File / Preference, choose "2 (Stereo)" under Channels and then restart Audacity. Next, choose the input source (such as "Microphone", "Line In", "Audio CD", etc.) using the drop-down menu next to the mic icon. You may need to set the volume levels of your audio device using the sliders for best results. Homepage

To uninstall, right-click the icon in /root/my-roxapps/ and choose "Uninstall Audacity".

This DotPup is created with the libraries collected by Klhrevolutionist :)

good work

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2005, 21:43
by klhrevolutionist
Great Job puppian and thanks. I believe this will help out puppy's
greatly. This can be used for creating audio tutorials, as well as
for PawCasting. If anybody thinks of any other uses for audio puppy it would be greatly appreciated to advise us.

Thanks Puppian

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 06:39
by MU
great :)

Just downloaded but not installed yet.

Some days ago I tried to get rezound working, another fine soundeditor.

It starts and you can load mp3, but it won't play them :?

So its great to hava audacity now :)

Thanks, Mark

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 13:48
by BarryK
Hey, that's great!

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 14:30
by puppian
Thanks :) I wasn't fond of sound editing because that's too slow in windowz...
Now with puppy and audacity I'm having fun playing with my sound files...very fast !!! Puppy is great !!!

Btw, audacity needs to export mp3 files. So to convert files to mp3 files, go to File / Export As MP3 and when asked where is, browser to /root/my-applications/lib

Radio Puppy pawedcast about Puppy 1.0.5

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 17:34
by Lobster
I have used Audacity to create a Radio Puppy pawed cast about Puppy 1.0.5 in ogg vorbis format - it is a 1.3 meg file

this is the bit you want
Does it play in the standard xine or are extra codecs needed for ogg vorbis?

Thanks to Puppian who Dotpupped Audacity and KlhRevolutionist who prepared it for Puppy :)

My broadcast is a bit choppy (my editing . . . )
The info and a bit extra about Puppy 1.0.5 can be found here:

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2005, 14:41
by puppian
Hey the pawed cast is great!!

It's a quick download and the sound is clear.

I can't open the file with gxine, but both xmms and mplayer play it fine.

I like the intro too :D

PS. and thanks Rev, for collecting all the libraries needed together 8), it's the most timing consuming task when making a dotpup

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2005, 23:26
by Pizzasgood
Thanks both of you! Now when I want to transfer my cassette recordings to my harddrive, I don't have to run them through lame. I can just do it all from the same program. One of these days I'm going to use it to try making some music with just my voice and maybe audio samples. It'll probably suck, but you never know! :)

Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 22:58
by peppyy
It was in front of my nose all the time. I have been doing a lot of recording on minidisk and editing with Audacity found that if I send .ogg to windows users most of them can't open them. I searched the board to find where lame was located and finally gave up.

Out of curiosity I did a google search today and there was my answer. I can't wait to send off a couple samples of my new native american flute to my friends.

Posted: Fri 10 Mar 2006, 02:15
by Lobster
peppyy wrote:I can't wait to send off a couple samples of my new native american flute to my friends.
I want to hear it . . . Rumi the worlds most popular poet regards the flute as the ideal metaphor for the soul. Could be. I just like the sound of the Ney and the Japanese flute and . . .

Talking of Audacity we now have ALSA so most people should have sound and be able to do a Puppy podcast . . .
I think I did a Howto on that. Yes use ogg and low sample rate and mono . . .

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2006, 01:50
by Pizzasgood
Lame is either in standard puppy or the dev addon. I've never installed it in Puppy. It's just always been there since the first time I looked for it.

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 02:43
by peppyy
Lobster wrote:
peppyy wrote:I can't wait to send off a couple samples of my new native american flute to my friends.
I want to hear it . . . Rumi the worlds most popular poet regards the flute as the ideal metaphor for the soul. Could be. I just like the sound of the Ney and the Japanese flute and . . .

Talking of Audacity we now have ALSA so most people should have sound and be able to do a Puppy podcast . . .
I think I did a Howto on that. Yes use ogg and low sample rate and mono . . .
I should really try to keep up better on the boards. I am almost finished with my book so maybe that will give some more time.

I uploaded the flute files to my4shared and you can find them here.

The password is cloudflute

I have both a Cm flute and a new Em I just got. All the recordings are from the first day I had each of them. They were transfered from a minidisk to puppy on my puppy music machine, (Currently about to run out of disk space with 1gb of music on it already)


Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 03:58
by Lobster
:) Very haunting . . .

Many thanks :)

Can you make it sound like a Puppy?

Posted: Fri 21 Apr 2006, 03:50
by peppyy
Must be you heard Coyote's wish.

I actually had a bunch of them howl to that song when I was hiking one day.

I am waiting for Puppy 2.0 for my next upgrade on that machine.


Posted: Wed 12 Jul 2006, 03:27
by klhrevolutionist
If you have audacity installed you can use this script. Create new blank file and paste this code into the blank file. Then rename the file to wma2mp3. Then chmod +x wma2mp3

Usage = cd to the directory which contains your wma files and use command
wma2mp3 *.wma

Code: Select all

# wma to mp3

if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then

  echo "File $1 not found!"


  wav=`ls "$1" | sed -e 's/.wma/.wav/' | tr -d "*"`
  mplayer -ao pcm "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "$1" &&
  mv audiodump.wav "$wav" && unset wav &&
  lame -h -b 192 "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.mp3" &&
  rm -f "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" ||
  echo "There was a problem with the conversion process!"


# convert all wma files in directory

if [ $# -eq 1 -a -d "$1" ]; then

for file in $1/*.[Ww][Mm][Aa]; do
  wma2mp3 "$file"


# One or more wma files were given

for file in $*; do

  wma2mp3 "$file"


# Not enough information

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then

  echo "Usage:	wma2mp3 myfile.wma"
  echo "	wma2mp3 /directory/containing/wma/files"
  echo "	wma2mp3 myfile.wma myfile2.wma myfile3.wma"
  # You have to use quotations for the arguement below.
  # Failure to do so will result in only one file being
  # converted. Namely, the first one it comes across...
  echo '	wma2mp3 "*.wma"'
  echo "For converting .wma's that have spaces in the"
  echo 'name, use the directory option OR "*.wma"'


Taken from & cleaned up by: KLH
This should converty all wma files in the directory, but it might only do one at a time.

Audacitcy Plugins

Posted: Wed 20 Dec 2006, 22:22
by sylvi
Hello everyone

Im a singer from Linconshire England, Ecomoney set up my pc for me.

Ive just had audicity installed after upgrading to puppy 2.02 Openoffice. The additional plugin effects 1-6 at the bottom used to be a big long list, but now they are greyed out. How can I add them again?

Im very new to linux and forums so please be nice to me, but I need these very urgently for my work :D

Puppy need to Sing

Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2006, 04:39
by Lobster

Welcome to the kennels

Send a PM (Private message) to Puppian, first post in this thread if no one answers

Also keep an eye on the multimedia Puppy

Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2006, 10:46
by MU
The effects are not greyed out, if I select a part of a musictrac of an opened file.

If nothing is selected, then the effects are greyed out.

I'm using this one: ... .3.2-beta/


audacity effects plugin

Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2006, 12:11
by sylvi
Hi again.
'Greyed out' was the wrong term/explanation used.

I used to use audacity with a different/older version of puppy, and there were more options in the effects drop down menu. In the old version, i could click on the drop down menu and be given the option to use more plugins. I now only have 1-6. Some of the many previous effects were 'flange', 'reverbe' and so on, perfect for vocal effects. Please, if anyone can help me, I would be very grateful as i am working on a new song.

I already have an album out called 'Just Life' by SYLVIMAREE, written by myself and produced by M1 Music. Available from or
I have had Puppy Linux for the last 4 months, I thought it would be fantastic if i could produce my own music too.

Audacity 1.2.5 Stable

Posted: Wed 21 Feb 2007, 12:56
by puppyfan12
Has someone already built a dotpup package for 1.2.5 stable? It has the following updates since 1.2.3:
Changes in Audacity 1.2.5

* An official Intel Mac version is now available.
* Fixed bug in Generate Silence which caused it to apply to all tracks instead of just the selected ones.
* Mac OS X: audio device opening code has been rewritten. First, it is much more conservative about changing device settings; it will not change settings when you open the program or close the preferences dialog anymore, and it will not change the settings when you begin playback/recording if the current settings are adequate. When it does change the settings, it should work much better on devices such as the Griffin iMic, ART USB Phono Plus, and Ion iMX02 USB.
* Mac OS X: added new Audio I/O preference that lets you tell Audacity to never change any audio device settings.
* Newer libsndfile supports FLAC import and export
* Updated soundtouch to current version which is faster and better quality
* Modified configure script prefers system libraries to local copies to reduce compilation times and memory usage.
* Minor updates to help files.
* New or updated translations: Bulgarian (bg), Galician (gl), Traditional Chinese (zh_TW), Simplified Chinese (zh), Slovenian (sl), Swedish (sv), Bangladeshi (bn), Slovakian (sk), Romanian (ro), Lithuanian (lt), Welsh (cy), and Turkish (tr).

Changes in Audacity 1.2.4b

* A serious problem with the French translation was corrected.

Changes in Audacity 1.2.4

* The File menu now includes a list of recent files.
* The "Generate Silence" effect now prompts for a length.
* Audacity is now built with Vorbis 1.1, which features better encoding quality and file compression.
* Dragging sound files into the Audacity window now works on Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows. (Before, it worked only on Windows.)
* Better support for certain audio devices on Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"
* The "View History" window can now discard old undo levels to save disk space on Windows. (This previously worked only on Linux and Mac.)
* "Preferences" command is now in Edit menu.
* "Plot Spectrum" command is now in Analyze menu.
* Opening a project file saved by a later version of Audacity displays an intelligent error message. Also, trying to import a project file (instead of open it) displays an intelligent error message.
* Audacity now compiles in Visual C++ .NET 2003.
* Other minor bug fixes.
* New or updated translations: Arabic (ar), Czech (cs), Finnish (fi), Hungarian (hu), Japanese (ja), Norwegian (nb), Slovenian (sl), Simplified Chinese (zh_CN), Traditional Chinese (zh_TW).