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scramble: SDL based anagram game

Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 11:33
by muggins ... e=Scramble
Test your word knowledge, and spelling skills, with this anagram game. You are given six letters. From these 6 letters you are to create as many words as you can. But, you have a time limit! You must create as many words as you can before the time runs out. Additionally, you must find the majority of the words OR find the six letter word to continue

This game needs SDL libraries. Run via Menu->Fun->Scramble, or enter scramble in a console.

(N.B. The game is designed to work with an english text-file dictionary, stored as /usr/share/dict/words. Due to puppy's small size it doesn't come with the standard linux words file, so i've added the file to /usr/share/scramble directory. Scramble first checks if there is an existing /usr/share/dict/words file, in which case it will use that, otherwise it uses the one in /usr/share/scramble. You can easily add words to this file, with a text editor, to increase vocabulary).

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2007, 02:43
by muggins
And if you disagree with the "umpire's" decision, about the validity of a word, you just need to open the file words, in a text editor, and add/delete the culprit.