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Various new Distro's

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 21:43
by puppyjim
I am fed up of having to remember to RENAME my pup_save.2fs file everytime I try or use a NEW Distro - why not take a look at pizzaPup's way and look for YOUR_OWN unique ?_save file.

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 23:49
by Pizzasgood
Actually, I don't blame them. It was a pain in the butt to set up, and I'm still not certain I fixed every instance (secondary scripts that mess with the save-file are the area I'm the least confident about).

I do know Grafpup does this too though. More people used to do it in the Puppy 1.x days, because it was much easier (the save-file was pup_001.3fs normally, and you could just adjust which number you used by changing a variable or two).

It would have been nice if Barry had made a simple variable containing the savefile name, but he didn't. Maybe for Puppy 3.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 11:45
by puppyjim
I get around it (if I remember to do it) by deleteing the 'u' in pup - then doing the reverse before I leave the new distro.

A better way would be a Choice at boot-up to ignore looking for the pup_save file ie treat it as a new installation and take the file from the cd (hda) instead.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 14:40
by SirDuncan
With the CD, doesn't the boot option 'puppy pfix=ram' ignore saved sessions?

I'm not privy enough to the inner-workings of Puppy to know how to do this from a frugal install.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 14:48
by Eyes-Only
Works the same from the frugal install Duncan. Puppy boots up the exact same way as if you were using a LiveCD environment, just way loads faster. :) I even notice the loading difference on my 3.2gig processor, but I think it's because my DVD/CD drive is reading slower than it should be.

It's in the full HDD install Duncan where you lose all the "cheatcodes" to booting Puppy. At least they disappear from the screen anyway. I don't know of any way that they can be re-installed, maybe someone else does here though.

Hope that helped a wee bit Duncan?



Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 17:25
by SirDuncan
Odd, I don't get the screen to type in the boot options when booting from my frugal install. What version of Puppy are you using?

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 20:50
by Pizzasgood
You have to add them to the kernel line of menu.lst file in GRUB, or I think the append line of lilo.conf in Lilo. The part that pauses to wait for input is CD specific, so unless you emulate a boot from a CD you won't get it (some other boot managers may have a similar deal though). But the internal processing of those commands is still there, since that's separate.

A way to visualize it is that that initial "menu" thing isn't even part of Puppy. It's a small boot loader that comes in the iso. Actually, that's pretty much what it is.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 20:57
by SirDuncan
Pizzasgood wrote:The part that pauses to wait for input is CD specific, so unless you emulate a boot from a CD you won't get it
That's what I thought. I hadn't considered trying to add the commands to GUB, though. I can't say I've ever needed to do it from a frugal install, but maybe I will someday. Thanks Pizza!

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 21:43
by Pizzasgood
Also, instead of booting, editing, then rebooting, you can edit stuff (temporarily) from the grub screen. Just input any passwords you have set, then hit 'e' on the boot option you want to adjust. Then it shows the entry for that option and you can pick the line you want to edit and hit 'e' again. Edit, hit 'enter', then press 'b' to boot.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 23:07
by SirDuncan
You're just a wealth of useful information :D !

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2007, 17:09
by Eyes-Only
Hi Duncan & Pizza (BTW: Great having you back Pizza and I trust it was a good summer for you?),

To answer your question Duncan I have Puppy 2.17 on a full HDD install, not a frugal, hence why I don't currently get the options.

However, if memory serves me right Pizza (and my memory is very faulty!), before the full HDD install of 2.17 I did try a frugal install on my 10gig partition. However, I did it somewhat "differently" than most do. Let's see... how did I do that? Seems so I moved everything off the disk and onto the drive instead of the three files they normally recommend, plus I had "grub wake up the initrd.gz" file as well whereas in the regular frugal install of Puppy they don't take that into consideration. (I got this from the "HOWTO" section of the forum and added to it to reflect my PCLOS/Debian which end with calling upon the initrd.img, see?)

Like I said, "seems so" this gave me the standard Puppy "cheatcodes" in the frugal when booting by grub. I could be wrong. Damn memory! :(

Another way I've done with it in the past is to move files to the hard drive and instead of using GRUB to wake Puppy I've used the CD instead---sorta like a "partial-frugal install", or using the CD as a type of "WakePuppy" disk instead of a floppy, see? Seems so in this situation I've been given the cheatcodes as well.

I hope somewhere inside of all this mess was a kernel of something right that helped---pun intended of course. ;)



Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2007, 22:08
by cb88
barry has already fixed this issue in the latest puppy since you can add a custom name to your pupsave like pup_save_2.20_cb88dinamitepuppy.2fs

i think that is how it works but haven't tried it yet i'll prolly try out the 2.20 beta in virtualbox on puppy if the kernel module compile

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2007, 16:45
by expander2000
Greetings Puppyians,

I am a Linux user of about 10 years now and started to use Puppy Linux (PizzaPup v3.0) recently.
I am very impressed in so far with this particular OS.

I would like to share a misshap or possible bug with you all.

My HD consists of the following:

hda1 = Windows
hda2 = Extended fat32
hda3 = Slax KillBill Edition
hda4 = PizzaPup 3.0

After I installed Slax (which un turn installed SysLinux in the MBR) I proceeded to install PizzaPup on hda4.
I did a full hd install anf installed grub in MBR, all appeared well.
I rebooted and noticed that grub was not installed and syslinux was still there.
So I redid the full hd install and paused just before the grub install script to open Rox and see what was done in hda4.
All the PizzaPup files were there ok except for /boot.
So no boot files at all.
I continued to install grub to MBR and once done I looked again in hda4 to my surprise /boot and grub is installed but everything else is gone...?!?!?!?

After reading this forum on posts regarding Frugal install, I decided to try a Frugal install into my empty freshly formated ext3 partition.
That went well and no grub install script.
I modified Lilo in Slax to boot Puppy with all the right params and now loads great, all is good.

So all this to say that it seems that if there a non-grub boot manager/loader installed in MBR, strange things happen with full hd install in PizzaPup 3.0.

Anyone else get this sorta thing happen either with Puppy 2.17 or PizzaPup 3.0?


Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2007, 19:52
by Pizzasgood
Or Puppy 2.12, which is what Pizzapup 3.0 was based off.