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Wiki Attack

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 09:44
by Lobster
The wiiki is under attack from script bots with names such
as "DiiX6f"


This happened on my Tmxxine site (a day before Puppy was hit)
Tmxxine uses a slightly hardened (later version) of the same "Wikka" engine software, which is supposed to be more secure.

We get this aprox monthly and I am busy sorting it, however more attacks are likely.

The problem is we have registered users that are bots (names that are a combination of letters and numbers are mostly bots)

That means they are past the first line of defence which is to only allow registered users to edit . . .
I certainly don't want more restrictions for users but as always there is a need for security . . .

Now I know that the next version of Wikka is likely to allow the removal of registered users and I could not find a plug in that does this now.

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 11:17
by Gekko
Find a plugin that requires the input of alphanumerics from a picture, like every other wiki system in existance :roll:

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 18:34
by Eyes-Only
Oh man... while your suggestion Gekko is excellent and I agree it's needed, I groan when I think of this. Well, not that I use the Wikki myself (I mean post articles there---I do read!).

My biggest problem with those type of security messures are that they invariably keep me out too somewhere along the line. I'm colourblind. :lol: Not severely so, but "just 'nuff" that every now and then a group of colours come up and I don't think to scroll down until after I've written a long post---which takes me an excessive amount of time due to my illness and why I can't post on the developer's forum---and I scroll down and see that I can't see the letters/numbers and there goes the post I spent all that time composing.

Isn't it the developer's forum that has this system? Something similar? A alphanumeric and it's likewise time related? That's why I had to give up posting bug reports on alpha builds and such on the site. Or maybe it's "Barry's News Blog"? Whatever.

But I do agree that it's an excellent idea that is effective in keeping bots out.

BTW Gekko: I've always meant to tell you this and never got around to it that I like your avatar. ;) Perhaps because we both have Gekkos? LOL! :lol:



Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2007, 03:08
by Gekko
Yeah I like yours too :P I had mine custom made by a friend :P

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2007, 05:11
by jonyo
They're both cool & matter of fact I didn't even know they were gekkos or what that is exactly :oops: I assume it's what they're called?

Why'd ya pick that & what's the story?

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2007, 06:28
by John Doe
jonyo wrote:...or what that is exactly...
Cute little lizards:

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2007, 10:34
by bugman
I used to live in a tiny basement apartment (think cell) with a "house gecko"--meaning the gecko had free rein of the place. I hardly ever saw the gecko, but the apartment was amazingly roach-free, so it was doing its work. I think that the former tenant had been from Puerto Rico, where house geckos are a way of life.

Not green, btw, kind of creamy-colored, and only a few inches long.

Posted: Tue 03 Jul 2007, 23:56
by Eyes-Only
That is so neat Bugman! I'm sitting here trying to imagine what it'd be like to be someday working at the computer when suddenly---out of the corner of my eye---there's this fast little blur scurrying across the floor. LOL! :lol: I think of the type that makes you turn your head really quick only to find that "nothing's there", right? And yet you realise it had to be your "little house guest".

I find that so cool! I always wanted a pet gecko... Ah well...

Jonyo? The reason as to why I have this for an avatar? Well, for years I used to have a really nice Native American avatar where I'm half-Native American. But then years ago I got involved with the Mozilla Suite as a beta-tester, then went on to become dev of K-Meleon Wechselbalg 0.8.3, which is a fork of the Mozilla browser component using the Windows API widgets but using the Gecko Rendering Engine...

I finished with that project and then went back to Mozilla. Well, as many know (and many don't) the "Godzilla" character is like the "mascot" of the former Mozilla Suite, only they changed him to a "Gecko" that looked a lot like "Godzilla". (I'm being over-simplistic here for space.)

So where I worked so much with Gecko I thought it would be neat having as my avatar on the Mozilla Forums the Gecko character. I'm also in a wheelchair. And when I'd found this avatar at the Online Mozilla Historical Museum (I believe it's called?) what better avatar could I have for myself than this? ;) So it was out withe the Native American one and in with this one---and this is the way it's been on every forum ever since.

More than likely if you visit another forum and you see the avatar, the name, and the Native name in Akadien ("L'Peau-Rouge" is Akadien-French for "Native American"), then you've found me. ;)



(Sorry I sorta hijacked the thread! :oops: )

Posted: Wed 04 Jul 2007, 00:10
by Gekko
In Queensland, Australia there's house gecko's :P. My grandmother screamed when she saw it walking upside down on the roof. She called it a demon animal :D. Dad got a broom and started to prod it off the roof and I caught the little silvery thing. Took it outside and put it on the wall. It promptly climbed back into the roof ;).