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Correct Menu replacement for TEENpup 2.0.0

Posted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 04:51
by john biles
Hello everyone,
After studying the menu system in puppy 2.14 and newer versions, I have created a replacement folder that will fix the problem.
Please note, this is not a patch to cover an underlining problem, but the correct up to standard fix and follows the correct puppy format, so adding new dotpups and pets shouldn't cause any more problems with the menu. Any created will be the fault of the dotpup/pet creator, not me, so annoy him or her to provide the correct menu fixed dotpup/pet..

As Barry K said the filing system "xdg" isn't that hard to understand, and I agree with him completely.

O.K now to fix TEENpup2.0.0's menu.
First download the attach file and unzip it.
You should now have a folder called "applications"

You need to go into /usr/share and delete the folder "applications" completely and replace that version of "applications" with the new "applications" folder you have just downloaded.

now go into /opt/kde/share/applications and delete everything in the folder "kde"

Finally go into /usr/sbin and open a terminal here by right mouse clicking and selecting "window" "terminal here" from the drop down menu. When the terminal opens type ./fixmenus and press enter and it will update both the JWM and ICE menu's. (You may need to restart both Window managers to see the updated correct menu.)

That's it, please let me know if it works or doesn't for you.
I also recommend you remaster TEENpup2.0.0 with the fixed menu using Dougal's remaster and not puppy's standard remaster.

Posted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 06:21
by Gekko
You should probably remaster and reupload as TEENpup 2.0.1 for people who download it in the future.

Posted: Tue 12 Jun 2007, 11:17
by Gekko
I just installed it, much much cleaner menus :)