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How puppy linux found me the girl of my dreams...;-)

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 22:25
by ecomoney
Hi Everyone

Ive been just about absent from the forum over the last few months, I feel some explanation is necessary. How Im going to write Im not quite sure...Im not quite sure if it should be in here or under "off topic". If the title wasnt "*truly* off topic", then it would be. As you know from this thread, I set up a cybercafe at our local community centre using Puppy. This is used by many of the local people for accessing email, applying for jobs, researching, IM recreation etc.

One day about three months ago, a (rather good looking if I say so myself) woman came into the cafe, wanting to use Skype to telephone some solicitors in Spain. We tracked them down using google maps and the Spanish telephone directory online, and had some important documents sent over. Stacey (as she was called) had access to a XP computer at her mothers house, but, although being an expensive model and only a couple of years old, ran so slow it was practically unusable. Virus warnings flashed up constantly which put her mother on edge, in between spam spyware messages. Her mother had got so worried by this that the computer had practically become something that they dare not use. She much preferred the puppy computers in the community centre for their solid reliability, and because there was so much more software available. This was despite the fact that the entire ten pc cybercafe cost just a tenth of the price of the single home computer.

Since this was pretty curious, I got chatting and found out about Stacey and her situation. She had grown up locally, but had gone off the rails as a teenager and ended up in Benidorm, Spain. There she had fallen into the wrong crowd and the "party lifestyle which resulted in her becoming homeless. A local "club owner" had taken her in, with whom she had an on off relationship and had fallen pregnant. Immediately on finding this out, she returned back to England and had her daughter Jessica in 1999.

When Jessica was five, her father in Spain gave repeated re-assurances that he would sell his club and give up the "lifestyle", and settle down to be a good father to Jessica. Stacey and Jessica returned to Spain where they lived for a year together and another year apart. Nothing that was promised changed and Jessica was growing up fast, and starting to take things in from her environment when her father had her at weekends - drugs, drink and vice. After a holiday back in Britain over christmas 2005, Stacey, and Jess, took the decision to stay in England, and give access rights here to Jessicas father, away from the influences of Benidorm.

After they returned to England, Jess settled quickly into life here and quickly forgot what Spanish she new, and cought up and began to excel at School. Jessicas father visited a couple of times and seemed happy with the arrangement. Jessica was thriving in her new environment. 11 months and 19 days afterwards, two policemen arrived at Stacey's door, and told her that she was accused of child abduction, that she would have to attend court and be sent back to Benidorm. They took both of their passports and left, with instructions that they were under police observation and must not stay anywhere else. The action was brought using an obscure and ancient international agreement called the Hague convention, which explicitly states that "welfare is not a consideration". Stacey and Jessica must return to Spain, where they would have to live in an apartment provided by Jessicas father, with no means of financial support, they would not be eligeable for legal aid, and it could take anything up to two years to complete.

Stacey told me she wanted to set up a website -, and create as much publicity about her case as possible on the TV, newspapers and the radio. I set her up a site from the cybercafe in an evening using the open source Drupal CMS, our company linux hosting account and the puppy powered computers. Stacey quickly became a linux convert, and found her way around the new system in no time at all. Through the website we have heard from many mothers, often fleeing abusive relationships and intolerable situations, that have been forced to return to those situations in countries with questionable justice systems. Often their lives have been put in danger and the trauma has had dire consequences on the development of the children.

Over the next few months, I got gradually more and more involved in the case. I worked with Stacey on viral marketing, running a website, and in dealing with the press and the media. We visited Downing Street and enlisted the support of politicians who were hoping to reform the Hague convention to take child welfare as a consideration. At one time we were denied legal aid to fight the return, so we raised £10,000 with the help of generous donors to carry on. Over time I grew very close to her (and Jess) and I admired the determination with which she fought the system. We seemed to have an unnerring knack of communication. One thing led to another and we fell head over heels in love. On the 19th of March this year, we tied the knot. It was a great day, with the funds from the reception being donated to our legal appeal.

Through the use of open source software, we are able to effectively manage a media campaign, legal documents, email, scanning, printing, edit websites, making phone calls and publishing pictures. Stacey has twice now been ordered by the high court in London to cease activities on the website, but this just makes other people on other sites talk about it more. We managed to apply pressure on the court to allow Jessica's views and opinions to be canvassed (even though they were eventually ignored by the court). This means that all other children must have their views heard in court in future cases too, which is a start. We are still fighting the case on a day to day basis on donated and otherwise outdated P.C.'s. Our final court date is on the 12th of June. Even if a return order is made, the advice that we were able to exchange with other mothers and legal experts will allow us to challenge it. Currently we are trying to raise another £7000 in time to file a residence order in Spain. Despite the case costing the U.K. taxpayer more than £100,000 so far for lawyers and court fees, our legal aid will not cover applications to foreign courts, despite our legal system awarding the non-english speaking father all of his costs.

The internet, and affordable access to it, is critical to injustices being exposed, people to arm themselves with knowledge, and apply pressure to create change in our social and legal systems. Puppy linux and open source is a crucial part of allowing that to happen. I am sorry that the case has taken up so much of my time, because it is such a worthy project, for environment, social and economic reasons. I believe that this technology will revolutionise how we live our lives, account for our actions and find solutions to problems. Allowing this technology to be dominated by a large Bush-funding corporate monopoly would set the human race back years. Thanks again everyone for contributing to such a great project.

Heres a few pics

Wedding day

Wedding invite...puppy linux and openoffice.

New blogger on the block

Petition to the Prime Minister

Re: How puppy linux found me the girl of my dreams...;-)

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 23:17
by WhoDo
ecomoney wrote:On the 19th of March this year, we tied the knot. It was a great day, with the funds from the reception being donated to our legal appeal.
Congratulations on your new and absolutely gorgeous family!

I wish all of you the strength and support you will need to beat this iniquitous ruling, to keep your family together, and to keep Stacey and Jessica far away from the father in name only who clearly should have no legitimate claim in this case.

Britain has not been backward in standing up to terrorism and tyranny in other forms. Your Prime Minister and his supporters should be just as willing to stand up to the individual terrorism that this case obviously represents, and simply DO WHAT IS RIGHT! My heart and prayers go out to you, your beautiful wife and her very lovely daughter.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 02:16
by Pizzasgood
Congrats! Those are very good excuses for not hanging out in an online forum. :lol:

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 04:13
by Lobster
Good news. Congratulations to you, Stacey and Jessica.

Have put this on the wiki and here:

. . . how appropriate . . . the day after Puppy Luv Beta is released
(Code name for Puppy 2.16)

I will dedicate the merit of my daily Yinyana Buddhist practice to
your families health and happiness

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 08:31
by gary101
Congratulations ecomoney on your wedding!

I saw this story on Calender (yes, in the same TV region as you) and my thoughts are with you and your new family. Whoever said 'the law is an ass' was 100% correct!

I hope to be able to congratulate you and your family again when you have won this court battle.

Best wishes


best wishes

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 12:18
by raffy
Cheers and best wishes to a very nice new family. :)

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 12:29
by BarryK
That's weird, I posted to this thread, but my post is not there. I waited, refreshed, nope.

Anyway, cutting it down to a few words: best wishes from me too!

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 14:44
by Flash
Hmm. Other people have said the same. It has never happened to me. :? Should I do a poll to see how many people this has happened to?

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 14:58
by Sit Heel Speak
Good luck on your fight. At this long range, it looks like you may get a more receptive hearing once Gordon Brown takes over as PM. He seems less mesmerized than Tony Blair by all this European Union, Hague Convention, et cetera nonsense.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:35
by Gekko
Damn Tony Blair, good ridance to an asskissing American wannabe. Oh noes politicalism.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 23:01
by cthisbear
You are just a Groupie gatherer.
Your secrets are revealed here.
Obviously I must book at your next performance to enjoy" the fruits of your labours".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:35 am
Here are some more, and most excellent, pictures of the day taken by our voluntary photographer Moey. You can see more of Moeys work at:-

Some of the "Groupies"!

Local pub supergroup "Zero Damage" enjoying the day.
Ecomoney Director Robert Simpson on Bass with Zero Damage

Anyway in this spirit of lovey doveyI will post you a copy of my old poetry book...appropriately entitled .."Love is Tough"

Yes I can barely get past 4 letters..but there you go.

Reading this will allow you to miss Purgatory on your trip to heaven.

Best wishes Chris.

I take it that I can post said item to here.

Street 71 Ferry Road
District North Lincolnshire
City Scunthorpe DN15 8LY
Country United Kingdom

Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 00:18
by amish
i really don't hang out at this forum anymore, but i stop by to see what's going on. first of all, mazeltov, ("good luck," especially with with love etc.) because it's a good thing for people to find the right person for them, and you seem to have found a person that makes you happy...

second, i don't want you to think i don't have any respect for you, one of the last things i said here was that i think ecomoney systems is one of the best things that can help puppy... if you're looking for a GOOD example of free software plus business plus commercialism (vs the usual bad examples, like um, suse) ecomoney is the way to go.

but i think here of all places was kind of an insensitive place to post this thread. when i first clicked on it i thought (cool, this should be a nice story) but i was surprised to see your name at the top.

i mean, well, you figure it out- i'm sure you know exactly what i mean. good luck just the same, we have to do what we think is the right thing for us. i'm sure that applies to you also, only fairly.

gone again- cheers.

Posted: Wed 16 May 2007, 21:02
by sunburnt
What wonderful news! A definite case of Puppy love!

Truly adversity can make for fairy tale outcomes!

Best wishes & hopes for more children!

Posted: Wed 16 May 2007, 22:21
by bobn9lvu
Flash wrote:Hmm. Other people have said the same. It has never happened to me. :? Should I do a poll to see how many people this has happened to?
WHAT?? Getting married, or loosing a post??? :lol: :shock: :lol:

If it's a post, join the club :!: :D

Bob 8) :lol:


Posted: Sat 02 Jun 2007, 20:10
by ecomoney
Hi, we have had some more news from the legal teams. Apparently with all the publicity and web activity, the other side wishes to reach an agreement where we can stay in Britain indefinitely. This means Im going to be free to get back to work on my first love.....puppy!!!!

Stacey is continuing the campaign to get the Hague Convention reviewed (with help from her puppy powered pc). Guess I will be seeing you all around the forum again. Thanks for all the "good lucks" and heads up.

Posted: Mon 04 Jun 2007, 10:12
by Gekko

The computer as a tool for living

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 11:54
by andrewed
Congratulations, ecomoney and Stacey and Jessica!!!

I really loved your story--a real cliffhanger till the post before last, in which you announced your approaching success.

amish's reaction confused me. This is the appropriate place for personal stories about Puppy.

Further, it strikes me as a perfect example of why we mess with these fickle devices anyway: because they help us live. In this case, they are powerful tools for winning back power we have unconsciously given away for millennia to near-goblins, with their dark political objectives. The mediocre vision and 3rd rate products of one of their minions, Gates, held out nothing for this woman, though it sounds like she would have found a way no matter what. Whereas a gentleman-scholar from Australia and his rag-tag crew of volunteers around the world has helped turn the tide for not only her and Jessica and you, but untold thousands of violated families wherever the Hague holds sway. It reminds me of another great story your Isles recently gave us--"Evelyn" with Pierce Brosnan.

ASTOUNDING! AWESOME! Thank you for your dedication and passion and for telling this story here. Our era's information deluge will help bring down the artificially powerful forever, and Puppy and its user-creators are already leading the way. Best wishes and have a wonderful life together, you three.

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 15:24
by ecomoney
Thank you andrewed, you pretty much sum it up. I have to confess I was nervous about posting this story here, as it is part of my personal life, rather than my business/hobby like other forum members. I thought I would because I wished to explain my absence, and again thank Barry and the team for producing puppy and contributing to open source.

I think its important for the people using puppy "in the field" to post back their experiences for the more "back room" developers to show them exactly how important what they are doing is. Also, although I have used it to help others in our local community who use it for "living their lives", its the first time Ive really had to rely on it myself and for people close to me. The whole experience has really driven home to me the importance of what were doing here, and made me twice as determined to do whatever I can to assist.

Right on

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 15:56
by andrewed
You're welcome, ecomoney. Yeah, we're out here putting our lives on the line with this software! It's serious stuff.

Next, I can't wait to check out your local currency system, an interest of mine for years. Cheers!

Posted: Wed 27 Jun 2007, 01:26
by Eyes-Only
Like Amish, I'm also one who infrequents this forum as much as I did in days gone by, yet it's due to my ever-failing health and a wish to spend time with my grandchildren who have managed to have kept me here 3 years past my "expiration date" when I feel well enough.

Unlike Amish, I happen to think this is the perfect place for this post to have been posted and for all the reasons others gave. I can give no better other than the fact that it shows the tenacity of True Enduring Love!

May the Great Spirit richly bless you, your wife, and your daughter, Ecomoney! And may the Spirits of Health and Happiness set up their encampment in your midst, and may the light from their campfire continue to give all of you Excellent Health and light your way to Happiness Divine.

This is my prayer for the three of you as you commence upon Life's Journey together.

Ainsi soit-il! Blessed Be!


(P/s: Please keep us apprised as to how things go? I'm sure many of us would greatly appreciate this. We walk with you as you've shared with us!)[/b]