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A question for PupGet Package Manager.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 09:06
by flamesage
I think it would be a great idea if every program that came with puppy, were registered in the pupget and would show up as already installed, I have a bunch of crap that came with the install, that i'm never going to use, sort of like whenever you get windows, you always get a bunch of..
"FREE INTERET" or "FREE GAMES" crap all over your desktop.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 19:09
by mike
I think that's a good idea as well .....

could get a little tricky, but with the appropriate warnings - such as removing Moziilla-suite will render a, b, c, and d useless - i

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 21:15
by rarsa

Do you realize that Puppy is a Live CD? How are you going to remove it from the CD?

OK, It's not allways a CD, you can do a HDD installation. Well, the preinstalled packages are in the usr_cramfs file. Are you suggesting removing them from there? Why? Does your computer have a HDD with less than 60 MB?

Preinstalled Pupy applications take barely any space. With that in mind I can offer a solution:

Ignore those programs.

Here is another one:

Remove the ones you don't use from the menu!

Easy, eh?

Oh, I have even another solution: Remaster Puppy!

Not as easy, but not rocket science.

What? more solutions? Why not Linux from scratch! Then you have just what you want.

Not as difficult as it sounds.

Hey! if you are really aggraviated by the extra applications, you can always do something about that.
sort of like whenever you get windows, you always get a bunch of..
"FREE INTERET" or "FREE GAMES" crap all over your desktop.
I failed to see the parallel.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 22:56
by Ian
You can always download Puppy unleashed and create your own Puppy CD.

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2005, 05:28
by Flash
Here's a similar thread from the Beginners forum.

Generally, I agree that being able to remove unwanted applications would be nice. The problem is that shared libraries, or dependencies, make it dicey to do no matter how you do it. Remastering may not be rocket science, but it's not as easy as baking a cake either. There doesn't seem to be a way to tell if removing an application will break something else except to try it. It just seems like there ought to be a better way, at least for Puppy. If it means applications would be larger because they don't share anything, the ability to safely remove unwanted applications would make up for it.