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Re: Updated Universal Installer

Posted: Wed 02 May 2007, 20:35
by Dougal
rrolsbe wrote:BTW... I believe your universal installer is one of the best features puppy offers. Thanks VERY much for your work on the Universal installer.
It's not mine... i've just started improving it in the last couple of weeks.

I'll have a look at that thread, thanks.

Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 03:28
by bostonvaulter

I just realized that I hadn't tested the newer version of the find-grub file. Unfortuately I got the same thing

Code: Select all

# time ./find-grub 
grub installed to MBR of device |hda|

real    0m0.175s
user    0m0.070s
sys     0m0.070s
I'm also interested as to why it is so much faster this time?

Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 14:31
by Dougal
I think the second time around I just went over the partitions and looked for the /boot/grub/menu.lst file, rather than use disktype on all of them to see if grub is installed...

Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 18:08
by bostonvaulter

Does that mean it still isn't working correctly? because it doesn't seem to find my menu.lst file

Posted: Tue 08 May 2007, 19:52
by Dougal
bostonvaulter wrote:dougal,

Does that mean it still isn't working correctly? because it doesn't seem to find my menu.lst file
I don't know, I'll have to have a look at it (I didn't use exactly the same code in the end).

You can always try using the installer to do a frugal install and just say no to the grub part (all it will do is copy a few files onto one of your partitions...easy to delete).

Posted: Tue 08 May 2007, 19:54
by Dougal
I've just updated the attachment in the original post again.

Have fixed the problem with some vfat superfloppies being recognized as ext3.

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 08:13
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, I'm afraid I found something strange with the Installer.
I've a number of HDDs including a SATA which works lovely with Puppy.
I have a frugal on sda2, my data on sda3 and a full on sda1
When I came to install 2.16 beta I found the installer offers me sda2 and 3 but not 1...
Strange huh? I tried it both unmounted and mounted but it made no difference. I don't have a Flash drive plugged in at the moment in case it confused things.
I also checked with my two PATA drives and I get offered all partitions on these.
Before trying to install I did remove all the files Barry recommended in the 2.16 beta notesw and then re-booted with pfix=clean.
Any ideas?
Thanks Tony

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 08:40
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, you will be pleased to know that the installer did however work flawlessley on my watch (Now that's what I call a Flash watch 8-)
It correctly identified it as sdb1 and I'm writting this from it. Now if I can only install it on my SATA....

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 12:57
by Dougal
veronicathecow wrote:When I came to install 2.16 beta I found the installer offers me sda2 and 3 but not 1...
What kind of fs have you got on it? Please post here the output of "disktype /dev/sda" and we'll try and find out why it misses it...

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 16:24
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, here's my current set up. Many thanks (P.S. It could have been more comlicated by I couldn't fit in the 80Ggb PATA as I have run out of power cables!)

sh-3.00# disktype /dev/sda

--- /dev/sda
Block device, size 111.8 GiB (120034123776 bytes)
DOS partition map
Partition 1: 7.997 GiB (8587160064 bytes, 16771797 sectors from 63)
Type 0x83 (Linux)
GRUB boot code, compat version 3.2, boot drive 0xff
Ext3 file system
UUID 76EE83DA-B968-478A-9DCE-5E9EBC6555AD (DCE, v4)
Volume size 7.997 GiB (8587157504 bytes, 2096474 blocks of 4 KiB)
Partition 2: 8.005 GiB (8595417600 bytes, 16787925 sectors from 16771860)
Type 0x83 (Linux)
Ext3 file system
UUID 2798E847-0081-479C-9DD6-1C1AEBE1B079 (DCE, v4)
Volume size 8.005 GiB (8595415040 bytes, 2098490 blocks of 4 KiB)
Partition 3: 93.79 GiB (100702103040 bytes, 196683795 sectors from 33559785)
Type 0x83 (Linux)
Ext3 file system
UUID CD9A66BC-A843-45D4-802B-9A3FE957E764 (DCE, v4)
Volume size 93.79 GiB (100702101504 bytes, 24585474 blocks of 4 KiB)
Partition 4: 1.999 GiB (2146798080 bytes, 4192965 sectors from 230243580)
Type 0x82 (Linux swap / Solaris)
Linux swap, version 2, subversion 1, 4 KiB pages, little-endian
Swap size 1.999 GiB (2146787328 bytes, 524118 pages of 4 KiB)

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 20:34
by Dougal
Ok, I know what's the problem, it's because the GRUB line appears before the "file system" line. I'll fix it.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 14:08
by Dougal
I've updated the original post again.

- fixed the problem with veronicathecow's partition not showing.
- added compatibility with 2.16

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 17:01
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, still no joy....
heres a screen capture I thought that would give you most info
I ran it using the CD, opening it by right mouse in rox window of where program unzipped to and choosing "New script" and then typing in the name puppyinstaller. (I meant to say Right mouse on blank area in folder containing your updated code, Windows, Terminal here oooops ) Hope that was right
Many thanks

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 19:34
by Dougal
veronicathecow wrote:Hi Dougal, still no joy....
heres a screen capture I thought that would give you most info
I ran it using the CD, opening it by right mouse in rox window of where program unzipped to and choosing "New script" and then typing in the name puppyinstaller. Hope that was right
I don't understand what you did... "new script" in rox creates a nwe **blank** script.

To run it, either copy it into /usr/sbin and then run it as usual, or open a terminal in the directory where the new one is and type

Code: Select all


Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 21:36
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, sorry rather tired at moment, I meant to say Right mouse on blank area in folder containing your updated code, Windows, Terminal here which (correct me if I am wrong) gives a Bash shell in that directory and will run commands (I assume it will search for commands in that path before looking in the "Path variable"?
Would that be okay?

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:37
by Dougal
veronicathecow wrote:I assume it will search for commands in that path before looking in the "Path variable"?
No, it only looks in the PATH. That's why you need the "./" before the app name.

Note that you can also open a terminal in the directory by presing the "`" button.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 12:20
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, thanks for useful tip (Never knew a use for that character before!)
I had to change permission to executable as otherwise it said I could not do it. See I am learning something slowely 8-)

Seemed to go okay until it said add to grub. Then it tried, and appologised for failing to be able to! Very polite, I like that.
Will see if it has installed in a mo.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 15:23
by Gn2

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 18:31
by veronicathecow
Thanks GN2 ......... ~

Posted: Sat 12 May 2007, 08:57
by veronicathecow
Hi Dougal, got myself in a bit of a knot earlier because I was running the installer from a HDD that was of course mounted when the installer was trying to do stuff including write new grub records. In the end I moved it to an unused partition (sda2) and set about trying to install to two partitions. A full on sda1(upgrade) and a frugal on sda3.
None of the installs worked, the first 3 came up with "Error 15 file not found" and the last one with Kernel panic not syncing no init found."
Anyway I had made a backup of my original menu.lst and copied it back to grub and am up and running again.

Linux on/dev/sda2
Linux on/dev/sda3
puppy 216 frugal on sda3
puppy 216 on sda3

Notice that sda1 is not listed
Any thought and thanks for your time. Tony