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Puppy 2.14 Need to Set Dialer to Pulse Dial

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 12:16
by Wage Slave
I have searched the forums but couldn't find anything on this. Please help me if you can.

I am a complete beginner in Linux but am highly impressed with the way Puppy runs on my grandfather's Celeron with 64 Mb of memory

I need to setup the dialer to use pulse rather than tone dialing. Hard to believe but the system here in Japan is pulse. The PCI modem was detected and dials fine in tone but I can't find a way to change it to pulse.

Many thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2007, 19:02
by Flash
Did that modem ever work in Japan (for instance in Windows)? About all I can suggest is to first find out from the modem manufacturer if that modem supports pulse dialing.

Sorry I can't be more help. I haven't used a dial-up modem in years, and never in Linux.

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 11:17
by Wage Slave
Thanks very much for the response The modem works fine in pulse with Windows 98. In Windows there are radio buttons to set the dial type.

Perhaps I was not clear. What I need to know is how to initialise the modem in Puppy to pulse dial rather than tone dial. I saw something about the iniialisation string which I suppose I would need to edit.

Anyway, I couldn't find any way in Puppy to make the same change.

Quote "I haven't used a dial-up modem in years, and never in Linux."

Neither have I but he doesn't want pay for broadband and I just need a way to check email etc when we are staying at his place.

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 13:34
by mouldy
You can change the dial string, not the initialization string from ATDT to ATDP. I just tried it with KPPP dialer and it dialed out with pulse. Trivial with the KPPP dialer, just go to modem section, click modem commands and go down list to the dial string and change it and click ok couple times. I would have to investigate to change this in other dialers.

There is a KPPP dotpup package for Puppy independent of KDE. Its a little annoying with error messages generated cause it cant find its KDE stuff but it works fine otherwise.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 01:14
by mouldy
For wvdial, goto config file: /etc/wvdial.conf and add the line "Dial Command = ATDP" without the quotes. I put it before the password line, but dont think it matters.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 01:20
by mouldy
Ok, for Gkdial, open /etc/ppp/chatscripts/whateveryoulabelledyourispaccount file as text, then you will see ATDT right before your isp telephone number. Change ATDT to ATDP and save file. The line will look like "OK ATDT5556666", change it to "OK ATDP5556666" again without the quotes.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 03:35
by Wage Slave
Wow Mouldy. Thanks very much!

Please see the post below. Apologies for my slowness.

I can't play around with Puppy at present because I can't get Puppy to run on my newish computers :-(. I will have to wait until next I go to GFs place.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 05:21
by Wage Slave
OK I have a chance to do some reading and thinking.


Gkdial and wvdial both seem to be included in Puppy.

I think I was using Gkdial.

To modify either Gkdial or wvdial I use a text editor to open the revevant file right? No need to use konsole or get a command promp at all.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 22:52
by mouldy
Just find and click on the file in ROX and it will open in geany or whatever text editor you have set as default. Geany is default in the version of 2.14 I am using and should be in yours unless you set another editor as default.

I have never figured out why, but different dialers work better sometimes with different computers, different modems, and different versions of Puppy. I used to use gkdial all time, but two computers I use regularly now, one likes wvdial best and one likes KPPP. If you ever have troubles with one dialer just try another.

Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007, 00:51
by Wage Slave
Great, problem solved and thanks again for your patience.