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Posted: Fri 20 Apr 2007, 20:10
by mysticmarks
I have uploaded a new 49MB sfs file. Its called webP2P_215.sfs. You should also see the checksum file there as well.
(be patient and check back, the server may be down depending on bandwidth)

webP2P_215.sfs contains:

Flash 9 for seamonkey
and now FrostWire

with XDG menu entries for Azureus and FrostWire.

Don't forget to:
#1. move/save the sfs file to /mnt/home
#2. reboot
#3. open console/terminal and type ---> fixmenus
#4. restart the window manager icewm

I hope everyone will enjoy this new P2P oriented sfs. Once I see that Frostwire has been released supporting Java 1.6, this entire package will be rebuilt and updated. Enjoy! :D


Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 00:55
by Gekko
Sounds good, want help creating a p2p mega sfs? I can help you gather together everything you need :D


Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 05:34
by mysticmarks
im always up for new ideas. Lets hear it. :wink:

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 07:39
by Gekko
Add linuxdcpp (DC++ for Linux) and aMule, which I have compiled, and shall give you. You could also make a javaless alternative with gtk-gnutella instead of FrostWire and Transmission instead of Azureus for us Java hating trolls :)

some love java

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 08:04
by Lobster
good idea from Gekko

some love java
some prefer decaf

I am quite happy with transmission (in Puppy) :)


Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 20:08
by mysticmarks
Great idea. This file has java for another reason. I have java here as a part of the web addons. Because java is in here for that, why not exploit it with other java programs. Almost every page i browse uses java, therefore having was a better than not having. Im all for a non java p2p alternative though. sounds good. :)

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2007, 02:24
by Lobster


Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2007, 03:21
by mysticmarks
hey LobsterEd. Thanks for the input. I've been watchin qbit for a while. I havent used it since it was .6x. It is promissing, but last time i used it it leaked memory, and and would crash my connection intermittently(router detected it as a blaster worm).even after opening up my router completely it would still happen. Can you relate any experience with it in its current release?

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007, 13:58
by Bill_Gates
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded !

Is this file, webP2P_215.sfs mirrored anywhere?

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007, 17:24
by Previously known as Guest

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007, 18:28
by Béèm
Having seen Java was in there, I downloaded the file in the pup_save directory.
I started boot manager to include the webP2P sfs on next boot.

On next boot I get following:

Code: Select all

Creating unionfs on (/initrd)/pup_new (to become '/')...
/sbin/init: exec: 1784 chroot: not found
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
So I booted without a save file.
Renamed the webP2P sfs to sfs.bak and rebooted as usual.

Still the same problem.

How can I solve this?
(I would hate to loose, what I have in the actual pup_save file)

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007, 19:10
by Bill_Gates
Thanks "Previously known as Guest" :)
Béèm wrote:Having seen Java was in there, I downloaded the file in the pup_save directory.
Beem, shouldn't the .sfs file be located in the /mnt/home directory?

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007, 20:50
by Béèm
I see that I expressed myself not clear.
I did put the webP2P sfs in the same directory as the pup_save file(s) resides.
As far as I understand, this is the right place, like all other eventual sfs files.
When they have (in this case) _216 in the name they load automatically on boot, when the have another name (like my openoffice 2.2.0 sfs) they can be set up to be loaded at boot through the boot manager.

After some trials I found a pup_save file, which did load.
I checked and /mnt/home is indeed the directory in which resides the pup_save file(s) as well as the sfs files.
So I didn't make an error here.

So I don't know how to go from here.

Posted: Thu 31 May 2007, 13:10
by Bill_Gates
I seem to be having a problem as well. This file did load and after running fixmenus and restarting the windows manager the entries for Azureus and FrostWire were listed in the menu but nether app will run....Java problem? What did I do wrong? :?

By-the-way I'm running 2.16. I changed the file name to web2P2_216.sfs. Is this a problem?

Posted: Thu 31 May 2007, 21:48
by mysticmarks
Bill_Gates wrote: By-the-way I'm running 2.16. I changed the file name to web2P2_216.sfs. Is this a problem?
my sfs files have been designed for 2.15CE, although you should be able to type frostwire or azureus in console to start them.

im currently following the changes to puppy in 2.16, and will be assembling a new sfs which will contain the brand new frostwire, azureus(maybe), flash 9 latest, java (1.6?), possibly opera as well. Im actually building a new puppy unleashed, thats in the works as well. Watch the announcements in the coming weeks!

Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007, 03:59
by Bill_Gates
Thanks mysticmarks, I didn’t even try to start those apps via the console. I’m a lazy point and clicker myself! :oops:

I eagerly await your new sfs file for pup 2.16. But how about building 2. One with Opera and one without. :wink:

Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007, 04:29
by jonyo
Not sure why mentioning opera here?

Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007, 05:30
by Bill_Gates
jonyo wrote:Not sure why mentioning opera here?
mysticmarks wrote:im currently following the changes to puppy in 2.16, and will be assembling a new sfs which will contain the brand new frostwire, azureus(maybe), flash 9 latest, java (1.6?), possibly opera as well. Im actually building a new puppy unleashed, thats in the works as well. Watch the announcements in the coming weeks!

Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007, 18:00
by jonyo
Wondered as opera's readily available :). Sure would be nice to have flash 9 & english spelll check good to go :D. More point & click good to go toooo :P

Posted: Sat 07 Jul 2007, 09:07
by T_B
mysticmarks, any progress on a new convenient webp2p file?
Would love to see it working on 2.16, too bad the current version doesn't.

Also please add azureus :)

Edit: BTW I'm not really into frostwire (It's too bloated and slow for my taste) , aMule would be a great replacement. Maybe something to consider.