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Compiling problems in 1.0.5a(Solved)

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2005, 06:31
by Ian
I couldn't think of anywhere else to put this as we don't have a section relating to the use of 1.0.5alpha. I will move it if we accquire such a section or if John or Flash can think of where it should be posted. ( no rude suggestions please)

In trying to compile a program I got an error regarding ltclstub8.4 and from what I have been able to find out this is a file that is created when tcl is compiled.

Has anyone else had the same experience.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2005, 08:08
by Guest
Ian,Ian,Ian (shakes head in shame)

What are we trying to compile petal ?


Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 04:53
by Ian-not-logged-in
Its a database called Sqlite. Its here if you are interested in having a look.

Thanks mate.

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2005, 06:52
by Ian
Ok, I finally found this:

and here is a snippet from it:

'When you build or install Tcl, you will notice a new library, libtclstub8.1a.'

I can't find this library in Puppy, the only one I could find is /usr/lib/

I wonder what affect commenting it out of the makefile in sqlite would have.

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2005, 15:14
by BarryK
The Tcl/Tk libraries currently used in Puppy are taken out of Mandrake 9.2.
I haven't yet migrated that library to Vector.

So, if you have access to Mandrake, fire it up, and you should find the req'd lib.

Note, the stub library that is missing can often be chosen to not be required by
a configure option prior to compiling -- some kind of "disable stubs" option.

# ./configure --help
to see the options.

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2005, 22:10
by Ian
Thanks for that Barry.

This is a followup.

I copied the two stub files tcl & tk from Mandrake 10.1 and it compiled, thanks again Barry.