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2.15CE - how to save first session to DVD

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2007, 04:20
by Flash
When I shut down a DVD of Puppy 2.15CE Final, it doesn't ask if I want to save to the CD. The screen goes black but the computer doesn't actually shut down. Puppy seems to just freeze. The first time this happened was after I had booted a 2.15CE DVD for the first time and spent a while getting everything just the way I like it, so I really wanted to save that session to the DVD. In desperation I started hitting keys more or less at random. Darned if the save screen didn't pop up when I hit ctrl-alt-F1. I said yes, save to CD, and it did. When it rebooted, my settings were where I had put them. After the first session is saved, I can save a subsequent session with the "save" icon on the desktop. If I don't use the "save" icon, I have to use ctrl-alt-F1 at every shutdown to save the session.

Puppy 2.14 never acted like this. What changed?

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2007, 11:35
by jonyo
Strange stuff..
Got a coupla 2.15s on the go.
Run live cd save file to HD & save option come up on first shutdown as in earlier & later vers. No diff.

Posted: Thu 28 Jun 2007, 00:28
by vanchutr
Dear Flash,
I met the same trouble as you.
I try to burn a new DVD (-R) with the burnccd (terabyte co). Ouf!, now I can save my personal files on CD when shutdown pup215.

Posted: Fri 29 Jun 2007, 20:10
by jonyo
Oooops :oops: . Never tried it with DVD..