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Is Optimized coming back ?

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2007, 09:58
by setecio
Is Optimized being updated - it sounds like an excellent derivative, but I don't see any recent info on it.

Firefox with plugins, 3 best audio plugings, Abiword, firewall, ... set to go.

I would love a 'not too much altered from the main Puppy' ready to go version with Abiword, firefox & all its plugins, set up for streaming media, so that 99% of the internet just works.

Is Optimized being updated, or has another derivative replaced the need for it (CE,pizza,teen?) ? Thanks.

Is Optimised coming back?

Posted: Fri 18 May 2007, 08:01
by cliff_the_kilt
I, too, am interested in this derivative.

I have been going through my collection (over a dozen) of Puppy releases to see which are worth using as a base for (eventual) full conversion of my network (10 computers).

Initially I will dual boot with various other M$ OSs and Linux Distros, when I am happy with a combination, I will take the full plunge.

Optimised is one of the top contenders, along with PizzaPup, SimplePup, GrafPup, 1.08 and 2.02 Professional (those are the top ones)

However I ran into a problem with Optimised:

Using a test machine:
I booted it OK before, but wiped the hard drives, reinstalling Win98 and partitioning the drive to make areas for Puppy to play in.
Since then, I get prompted for a login and password, when booting Optimised.
I have booted to Win98, checked that no Puppy files are lingering (they shouldn't, after a wipe and rebuild, but I checked, in case I missed a partition somewhere), so what gives?


Incidentally, I have an agenda: I want to find the BEST Puppy (or other Linux distro) to make a move from M$ as painless as possible.
At which point, I intend to embark on a crusade to persuade as many people as possible to try out the liveCD I have chosen.

So, back to topic, what is happening with Optimised?
(and what's this login prompt all about?)

........... Cliff

Re: Is Optimised coming back?

Posted: Fri 18 May 2007, 08:05
by WhoDo
cliff_the_kilt wrote:Incidentally, I have an agenda: I want to find the BEST Puppy (or other Linux distro) to make a move from M$ as painless as possible.

At which point, I intend to embark on a crusade to persuade as many people as possible to try out the liveCD I have chosen.
Sounds like I might have my first candidate for EZpup! :P

Posted: Fri 18 May 2007, 20:48
by klhrevolutionist
Thanks for the interest in Optimized. I will look into the latest puppy release and try and modify it for the end-user a bit more.. Feel free to post any ideas, thoughts or suggestions, hmm.. this mightbe better suited to go into the puppy derivative forum area..

Optimised login

Posted: Sat 19 May 2007, 07:50
by cliff_the_kilt
I noticed another thread where folks are puzzled by this login prompt in Optimised:

No answers on offer there either :(

There may be other posts which have a clue, so I am wading through 14 pages of "HowTos" for tips :roll:
On the way, I am discovering all sorts of useful tips and suggestions.
Which is exactly as it should be, nice work guys!!!

Has anyone got an idea as to what the login ID and password should be?

..... Cliff

(meanwhile, back to testing 1.08, PizzaPup and others on spare machines, while Optimised goes on hold)

yes, I am a Noob, but weren't we all once?

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2007, 12:51
by darrelljon
What size was the optimized image?