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GrafPup (First Impression)

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2007, 12:31
by klhrevolutionist
Within the first three seconds of a new encounter, people are evaluating…
even if it is just a glance.

With Nathan F. gearing up for the next release of GrafPup I believe at first glance GrafPup will sell, you see with Grafpup presentation means a lot. And this is what helps give GrafPup the edge over other distributions sure it does not by default use the more popular xfce, kde or gnome instead GrafPup relies upon a developer and suggestions.

Nathan F. has long been known to be compatible with most people in the GrafPup / Puppy community. And when it comes to user input the creator & lead developer of GrafPup takes this very seriously. I personally find this feature of Grafpup very attractive if not the best. Of course everyone cannot be pleased but this does not mean that anyone cannot either..

What sets GrafPup apart is that when the user hits the desktop for the first time they will find that it looks a little different than what they (windows users) are used to but they realize it looks nice. I personally think that the naming of menu and desktop applications could be better as to give the everyday user an idea of what xyz app is and does, but with a simple click this is resolved.. hmm I should make this suggestion on the Grafpup forum as to give this suggestion a chance of becoming a real included feature !

The looks are not the only thing going for this hot blonde linux distribution. No, there is more.GrafPup has an ever growing server full of applications that are ready to use with the click of a button (934 applications and growing).

All of the credit cannot be given to Nathan himself a lot of the people that use GrafPup are quick to help find bugs, errors, etc.. And without this public support GrafPup would not be as good as it is. Many distributions get caught in the web of where the credit should go but with GrafPup credit is given without hesitation, maybe delayed but Nathan F. has good reason. Nathan F. is also co-owner of Texas Angel Photography among other trades. Texas Angel Photography

There are some areas that are in need of improvement for one instead of using the more popular, useful and helpful freenode irc server GrafPup relies upon [url=irc://]irc://[/url] Of course with the web site getting an overhaul this issue might be taken care of ? Another area that needs improvement is the /etc/rc.d directory. GrafPup follows in the footsteps of puppy when it comes to /etc/rc.d but a quick look at ttylinux can show the whole linux community how it should be done.

So the next time you think about trying Grafpup remember the three keys that set GrafPup above the rest.

1. The developer listens to the community
2. The nasty bugs and errors are eliminated when they surface
3. Your input is counted & needed

This has been a revolutionary moment brought to you by your friendly

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2007, 18:36
by zigbert
brought to you by your friendly
This forum got some VERY friendly persons, and you are definitive one of them.



Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2007, 23:56
by raffy
Yes, hail to the chief ! (that's NathanF) :)

Posted: Fri 06 Apr 2007, 03:26
by Nathan F
Shucks :oops:

One very important thing I try to do with Grafpup as a project, is to add in some farly cutting edge features and try to trickle them back into Puppy when possible. Like for instance aufs, and the color management library lcms (which only this year started shipping with even most multimedia distros). Consider it a test bed of sorts, a least the 2.xx branch anyway.

Let's not forget that the thing would not have happened at all without Barry Kauler and Puppy. Also, alot of others have helped along the way too. Bombayrockers was the first to get KDE working in Puppy, and I based the usr_kde.sfs on his work. MU has contributed more little bits of programming than most of us will do in a lifetime. And David May has donated both artistic talent and hosting space for quite some time now.

Even other distributions have at times been helpful. I occasionally correspond with Wolven, the creator of Wolvix, and learned a lot from Slax about the workings of unionfs, aufs, and correctly compiling a kernel.

More recently I have been priveledged to recieve a bit more direct help from both Dougal and PlineJ.

And lastly I would like to recognize that a lot of people have provided me with links and ideas I might not have found if not for them. It was klhrevolutionst who brought up the Slim login manager, and made me aware of Lxpanel, and probably a whole host of other things. Leon (from the Grafpup forum) has made a whole host of suggestions and observations that are now being incorporated into the base, everything from the simple numlockx program to getting me to see the light about Abiword. Joey Cagle has helped a great deal with pulling together all of the audio production software, as well as hosting for quite some time.

In short, Grafpup is far from being a one man show at this point. I see that trend continuing in the future, just as it is doing so with Puppy. I welcome all the help that is offered, and am always grateful for the kind reviews and comments. Really for the most part my experience with Open Source software has been that of a utopian ideal. The longer I stay and hack away, the more interconnected it all seems, and the smaller the world gets for me. A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that Linux has to show one unified face to the world and have a huge market share to be a success, but frankly the diversity will always be it's strongest asset, and the amazing communities that spring up spanning continents show that Open Source is already more successful than proprietary commercial software.

So I would like to invite anyone reading this thread, to get involved on whatever level you can and help to make the community and the sofware even better. If you must have hero's that's OK, but try to follow their example by being cooperative.


well said

Posted: Fri 06 Apr 2007, 03:54
by raffy
Well said, Nathan. I second most of what you said about open source software. Hope you don't mind my very brief second to klh. I did that 'coz klh's original post is already long. :) (no offense meant for klh)

In the next days or weeks, I hope we can focus on the legal implications of distributing Puppy Linux in devices (that are actually sold to users). It seems this is a tough front for the open source community, and again as a community, we will need each other for forging ahead.
