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Problem with cross compiling MySQL

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2007, 00:56
by paulsiu
I was thinking of creating a DotPet for MySQL. I downloaded the MySQL source and try to compile it. Much to my surprise, I cannot cross compile to a i486 platform (I have a turionx2, which is i686). After googling a bit, I notice posts that indicate that MySQL can't handle cross compiling.

Now I don't happen to have a 486 sitting around, so I was wondering how folks have gotten the cross-compiling to work for mysql

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 13:04
by paulsiu
From what I can tell from the documentation, there is no easy way to cross compile MySQL. I then attempted to compile it natively and find it to be tricky to compile as well (I gotten the server to work, but SQLAdmin won't compile).

I also find the footprint to be fairly large. I don't plan to run an enterprise web server from my usb stick :? . All I want is to setup Ruby environment for playing around with Ruby on Rail. I could get it setup eventually, but all I need is a compatible databse. I am going to look into SQLite next as a replacement instead.

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 15:29
by Nathan F
You should also note that earlier mysql versions are significantly smaller than the current release and have all been well tested. Many major hosting providers use a mysql-4 server rather than mysql-5 and have a good track record with it. The key is proper configuration. However, if you can get by with sqlite then that might be preferable anyway.
