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Alsa verion on Puppy 2.14?

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2007, 18:30
by outsider
I just installed puppy 2.14 full drivers onto a laptop, and proceded to configure the sound card... Alsaconf pops up, and it tells me that it's running v1.0.8.

Is this true? I think the latest alsa version is 1.0.13.
Since 2.14 of puppy was only released several days ago, I would have imagined that a later release of alsa was available.

Is a higher version of alsa difficult in install in puppy?

Posted: Tue 13 Mar 2007, 17:15
by outsider
Just did some more research, and puppy 2.13 is advertised to have alsa 1.0.11.
How come my copy of puppy is running 1.0.8? Did I do something wrong?

Posted: Tue 13 Mar 2007, 23:55
by steevieb
I also have in 215CE Office Alpha.