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Internet Explorer in Muppy007

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 20:10
by MU
You need around 60 MB free diskspace.
It will install to an own folder, so your existing Wine-settings are not affected.

Click on the gslapt desktop icon.
Click on "refresh" to update the packagelist.
In the searchfield, enter "cabextract", and install it.

Then download: ... 0.5.tar.gz
or better get a newer version here:

Extract it.
You can right-click in XFE , -> extract here.
Click on the new folder ies4linux-2.0.5, and then on the icon to open the terminal in XFE.

Now enter:

You will get some errors about tput, but can ignore them.
Simply confirm everything, but choose "n" for IE5 if you don't want it.
The 60 MB are needed for IE6 only, IE5 in addition will need more.

After most was extracted, the script hangs, telling you "finishing last steps" or similar (It was german on my german Muppy).

Now hit CTRL-C (german: STRG-C).
It now should continue to install Flash.
Finally it tells you to start

I dragged this file on my Desktop in Rox-Filer.
When I clicked on it, the IE looked broken.
After I restarted Puppy, it looked correct.


Fullscreen-picture (154 kb):



Need IE and activex to use Airport free Wifi

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2007, 22:41
by rrolsbe
I believe the airport in Albuquerque, NM requires ActiveX to authenticate the wireless MAC address. This forces the use of Windows and IE to use the free Wifi access. For security reasons I would like to boot into puppy when using ANY unencrypted free Wifi service. Is it possible to install IE6/7 with activeX onto a generic puppy iso installation? Of course I would only use IE just long enough to get access to the network then use puppy's SeaMonkey, Firefox or Opera.

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 04:21
by telemetric_au
./ies4linux --no-gui got it going under user spot for me...

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 05:02
by telemetric_au
except it didnt run to well and had no buttons or menus so couldnt even type address...

tried the first version you mentioned and it is runnig fine as you captured...

puppy 4 a5

wine 1.1.3


Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 05:10
by telemetric_au
except i forgot to mention my install locks up at:
Installing Flash Player 9
Extracting files
Installing flash on ie6
i could install it ok with out flash9 though...

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 07:53
by telemetric_au
i got it going with a newer version but am having major cpu issues...

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 08:02
by Béèm
If you want to use IES4LINUX by itself, this procedure is good.
Just note that it generates an own Wine environment for C drives etc...

I was in the case that another Windows program needed IE to do rendering.

I had to combine the Wine environment from IE with the one of Wine.

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 17:59
by MU
here is a modified installer, it allows to install the IE6 in a current wine installation.

But I did not test this well, so I don't know, if other applications can use this IE.
Backup your savefile first (!)


Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 03:17
by telemetric_au
telemetric_au wrote:i got it going with a newer version but am having major cpu issues...

ok it is running ok now, no excess CPU or remnant process consumption after close:

i had to recompile wine with the following patch REVERSED:

Code: Select all

--- a/dlls/kernel32/sync.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/sync.c

@@ -270,9 +270,19 @@ HANDLE WINAPI RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx( HANDLE hObject,
                 WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback, PVOID Context,
                 ULONG dwMilliseconds, ULONG dwFlags )
- FIXME("%p %p %p %d %d\n",
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ HANDLE hNewWaitObject;
+ TRACE("%p %p %p %d %d\n",
- return 0;
+ status = RtlRegisterWait( &hNewWaitObject, hObject, Callback, Context, dwMilliseconds, dwFlags );
+ if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return hNewWaitObject;


Once patch has been rolled back it runs well.


Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 15:05
by playdayz
I did try ies4linux and got ie6 working, but did not test extensively or use. I found that Crossover Office installed and ran internet explorer 6 quite well. I did not test extensively but I ran and isntalled flash and real alterantive without problems. Crossover Office offers a free trial and the program itself costs from $39 as I recall. I purchased it to make a contribution to the wine project, but Crossover also offers a program where if one becomes an "advocate" for a particular program, tests it in crossover with each new release and writes ane valuation of how the program works, one can get free crossover. I am the advocate for K-Meleon for instance.

Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 15:48
by Eyes-Only
Just out of curiosity playdayz (and pardon me Mark for hijacking the thread for a moment, please?) but how did K-Meleon work in CrossOver? If you could be specific (for obvious reasons as a former dev) I'd appreciate it. ;)

While I'm not interested in the CrossOver programme myself, I'm VERY GLAD to see that you've done this---and I do wish others would as well. That's a very interesting "sub-programme" they're offering about becoming an advocate, and actually they're giving the person quite a bit of payback when you consider the price of the software, eh? Being PAID $39 to write a review? Whoa! I wished when I had been a Freelance Editorialist for my local state newspaper I'd had made as much! (Emphasis on the word "FREE" in "freelance" there!) Ah! But the notority and fame made up for it, albeit it ever-so-brief. ;) LOL!

Again, thanks playdayz. If you'd like, so that we take up no more of Mark's thread, you can either pvt msg me how K-Meleon worked, or email me at the link below. Just if you use the email write "re: K-Meleon in CrossOver" in the subject line so I'll remember. Damn memory of mine! -sigh-



(P/S: Thanks for the thread usage Mark! Guten tag mein broder! ;) )

Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 16:30
by cb88
don't forget this addon for firefox it will get most sites working that merely impose the restriction but actually do work.... although activeX sites still wont work i guess

User agent switcher:

the agents list you can install so it can fake more browesers; ... tcher.aspx

Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008, 09:56
by telemetric_au
my main need for IE is testing web site appearance during development..

Posted: Fri 05 Sep 2008, 00:02
by Boo2themoon
@ telemetric_au
You may find this site useful for testing your sites appearance in many different browsers and OS's