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Stardust gtk-theme 0.5

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2007, 14:50
by zigbert
- I have tweeked the theme H2O-gtk2-Saphire. Works well together with original JWM theme. H2O-Stardust is only 10 kb compressed.
- Have made an iconset for default desktop icons. The glas-theme in 2.15 is nice but there are limited numbers of icons. Stardust_icons48 is gray-bluish as gtk-theme. Filesnames are the same as in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps. Just overwrite existing icons, and poof...
- There is also some extra icons in same shades.
- Some icons are made for dialogboxes in xpm format. They have only 6-bits colordepth to keep size down. See here.

Stardust-0.5 (10 kb). Gtk-theme for builtin gtk-theme selector.
Stardust-MU-0.5 (10 kb). Gtk-theme for Marks (MU) gtk-theme selector.
Stardust core icons (97 kb).
Stardust extra icons (67 kb).

H2O-Stardust gtk2 theme



Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 09:16
by sbaguz
Very nice!

Here is my version, with a nice Vista menu bar, the LiNsta green progress bar and a brighter colour for all blue parts. You'll find also the Emerald version.
It works fine in IceWM.



Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 10:08
by Lobster


I have two themes in tmp

Emerald and Saphire directories
- where do I place these?

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 10:34
by WhoDo
Lobster wrote:Emerald and Saphire directories
- where do I place these?
Both go under /usr/share/themes and then you should be able to select them with MU's Gtk-Themechooser utility.


Where would I change the default window workspace color? In both of your themes it is a dull grey, but I would prefer a crisp white especially for the Emerald version. Otherwise they look GR8, m8!


Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 17:00
by sbaguz
WhoDo wrote:
Where would I change the default window workspace color? In both of your themes it is a dull grey, but I would prefer a crisp white especially for the Emerald version.
I know, I know... :?
That was also my first idea seeing these themes... It' s very simple to avoid this: you have to edit the gtkrc file in the style "default" section replacing all #cccccc with for example #eaeaea or #f7f7f7. This works fine... except for the Gimp where some windows have the right colour and some others remain of the darker one... Because I use very often Gimp, I preferred to keep the dull grey.


Posted: Sun 15 Apr 2007, 13:25
by zigbert
The theme now also contains desktop icons. See main post.

Posted: Sun 15 Apr 2007, 14:16
by Lobster
:D Superb

Stardust is already in the Alphas/Experimental Puppy 2.16 (a new 2.16 experimental 3 due today Sunday)

Barry is (rightly in my opinion) making Stardust the default JWM theme for 2.16 - hope he sees and manages to include your icon set. Though I like the icon set in 2.14 and 2.15 (glass icons) too.

A very pleasant set of icons :)

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 13:07
by lvds

Great job ! This is really nice looking !

...I have understood, Saphire and Emerald are in the second pack and i didn't seen them...
theu are great looking...

Where can i download other themes if availables, for JWM ? ...I only have the old ones.
I would like one brushed metal like apple OSX :-)

excuse me for editing again this post but there is something i cannot understand. When i change my theme to Emerald with MU-GTK-themechooser, i get only whatever being inside the windows to change and look new, but the top of the window with the bar with the X does not change like yours... what do i have to add ?

Best regards,

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2007, 22:57
by Pizzasgood
The inside is a separate thing from the outside. The outside is the domain of the windowmanager, such as JWM or IceWM. JWM has only limited theming abilities, mostly changing colors and sizes. IceWM (used in Puppy 2.15CE and several puplets) has fancier themes, like the vista theme seen in the second post or more Apple-esque themes. But it still only affects the borders and taskbar.

The guts of the window are done by a tool kit, in this case GTK. That's what this theme is for. The reason it won't change the guts of every window is that some programs use another tool kit, like QT or FLTK.

Also keep in mind there are two versions of GTK, and version one is still used by some apps. A GTK2 theme like this one won't affect GTK1 apps. Puppy doesn't have too many of those anymore though. Some themes have a version for both 1 and 2, such as the Smooth-Peachy-Clean theme I use in Pizzapup.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2007, 17:54
by lvds
ah ok thanks :-)

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2007, 04:07
by klhrevolutionist
This is really nice ! Great job.

Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007, 16:55
by veronicathecow
Hi zigbert, I love the icons, so clearly recognizable This is exactly what Puppy needs to complement it's easy to use nature. Many thanks!

Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007, 19:09
by zigbert
Nice that you enjoy this simple facelift for Puppy. It's clear that it needs a minor upgrade. The home-icon is unsharp, and color needs a tweek in both help-icon and connect-icon. I'll guess next will be the menu-icons. Some of them really need an upgrade.

So, Barry. If you read this. Will you hold on to xpm for the menu, or are you ready for png now? Do Puppy have any libs/progs that doesn't accept png?


Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 15:05
by Nathan F
A GTK2 theme like this one won't affect GTK1 apps.
True, but the theme would probably port OK since it just uses the pixmap engine, which we could easily add in for gtk1. I think it would need some simplification of the graphics though.

Zigbert - so far as I have been able to determine Puppy is perfectly ready for png. The problems will lie in findong all the applications which reference the old icons as .xpm. These images are used in more than just the menu, a lot of them appear in wizards too, and some appear in help pages and "home.html". But with the mini-icons they will mainly appear in the menus and wizards.


Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 15:33
by zigbert

Code: Select all

The problems will lie in findong all the applications which reference the old icons as .xpm.
If the applications support png, would it then be a problem making a xpm-link to the png?

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 16:06
by Pizzasgood
The only real problem with that is confusion. As far as I've been able to see, just linking them like that works fine. Thats what I did in Pizzapup, as I wasn't ready to go through and edit all the .desktop files, and it helps keep Puppy packages that want the .xpm happy (and makes them look better).

For Puppy itself though, I'd say the better solution is to fix all the references. Maybe keep the symlinks around for a while to keep stuff backwards compatible, but change all the official stuff to the new locations.

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 16:17
by Nathan F
I think it would work for most programs, but not entirely sure.


Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 05:43
by lvds
Nathan F wrote:
Zigbert - so far as I have been able to determine Puppy is perfectly ready for png. The problems will lie in findong all the applications which reference the old icons as .xpm. These images are used in more than just the menu, a lot of them appear in wizards too, and some appear in help pages and "home.html". But with the mini-icons they will mainly appear in the menus and wizards.


to find every scripts using an icon we could use grep, for example:

Code: Select all

cd /
grep -r laurent.xpm *
we could also use a sed to replace each xpm item found with a png one...

Anyway these old xpm icons from the menus needs really to be updated. That have been a long work i did on mine distros eXpand ...

Best regards,
Laurent (close to a RC1 for his next distro...)

Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2007, 12:08
by zigbert
The header of list and tree are now NOT equal to buttons. Now it really looks like headers. :wink:

See picture and download in main post.


Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007, 13:26
by zigbert
gtk-theme version 0.3.
Menubar also got a facelift + some minors.