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wxLua DotPup?

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2007, 03:38
by 2byte
Is there a Dotpup or pet of wxLua? Would anyone be willing to create one, please?

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2007, 19:58
by MU
I just have an archive from february 2004.
You can extract it somewhere, and then run run-microbrowser-linux or "wxlua.exe microbrowser01.wx.lua".

Both, Linux and Windows versions of wxLua are included.
Download and screenshots (microbrowser001.tgz):

I also uploaded wxLua-examples-and-pdf.tgz , the reference-documentation.

Microbrowser is a small "proof of concept", to embed wxLua-Code in HTML-pages.
It allows to run local applications from that browser (this does not work with seamonkey or Opera).
In Puppy, you will need to create a symlink "nedit" to one of Puppys Texteditors to see that it works.



Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2007, 20:38
by 2byte
Thank you Mark!

I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. One of these days I'll know as much about Puppy and Linux as I do windows and I won't have to ask for everything.

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2007, 20:49
by MU
Unfortunately this version is quite old, so it will be worth to create a new one.

But for smaller programs it might be ok.


Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2007, 01:01
by muggins

there's a self-installing auto-package for wxLua available here:

but i vaguely recall that you had a work-around to get auto-packages to work with puppy's busybox.