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Wireless connect

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2007, 08:26
by donde
Just downloaded 2.14. and burned CD. Using Fujitsu laptop with built-in wireless. Broadcom 43xx is adapter. Both LAN and Broadcom adapters show up. Puppy sees LAN as eth0 and wireless as eth1. Using Netgear wireless router with WPA. Cannot connect. Set Profile Name as Profile Name, and ESSID as NETGEAR. Put in proper Key code. Puppy just can't find the network. Went to Open on router and laptop. Still can't connect. Wireless works fine with XP loaded.
Need help...thanks...Don

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2007, 09:44
by tempestuous
You need firmware for the bcm43xx driver

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2007, 19:02
by donde
Thanks so much. That did it. Been away from Puppy way to long while all you dedicated gurus are still toiling to always make it better. If I bring laptop to an internet cafe that has open router instead of my WPA, will I be able to connect without making any changes? Under XP, this idea worked. Also, where can I catch up on all the new things you have. Was at 2.01 before.

Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2007, 03:21
by tempestuous
rarsa's new-and-improved Network Wizard in 2.14 should let you create multiple profiles (I think). Try it.

For what's new in Puppy see the news page (longform)
or release notes (shortform)

Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2007, 17:06
by donde
Well, here we go again. Went to Internet cafe to see if I could get connected on open router with no success. Went home and was back to normal with WPA. Then, did something in the wizard to mess it all up and now can't connect. The wizard is very confusing, with a lack of step by step. I think was successful just by accident the first time. Decided to start 2.14 all over again fresh with no files on HD, but bring in the driver you mentioned. Got late, try again tomorrow. Maybe, I should address this to rasa, but appreciate your input. If I ever figure it out, I'll write down exactly the procedure.