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Financing Puppy

Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 18:38
by tronkel
The latest Puppy derivatives from e.g. MU and Pizzasgood are really very presentable looking. The are up there with the big boys now, as is the base Puppy itself of course.

MU and Pizzasgood appear to be struggling with finance to pay for server hosting. The valuable contribution that they make to Puppy deserves to be better supported. That of course also applies to Barry's work - so how about this for an idea.

Why not take, say the coming 2.15CE and make a deluxe version out of it that would be charged for. It doesn't have to be expensive US $25 maybe? - priced to sell.The standard version(s) of Puppy would as always, still be free.

As an example, Vector Linux do this seemingly very successfully with their "deluxe" versions. Puppy development is now, and has been for some time, at the stage where this ought to be contemplated.

Money could be held by the Puppy Foundation and disbursed to the many excellent developers involved with Puppy. A better Puppy repository for Barry could also be financed from this.

The whole Puppy project as a whole would be advanced.

A real incentive to do well with 2.15CE

Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 18:48
by MU
at moment it is ok.
I just added a new server .

Payed it from the rest of donations I had.
What we might need in future, is an bandwidth-upgrade, but no idea how much that would cost.
Then I will need 240 Euro every 14 month to renew the fee for, and (without a potential bandwidth addon).

From what I got in the past, I think will get this amount by random donations, especially as I make larger advertisement for it now on (the yellow box).

However your idea might be interesting.
If the foundation could earn an amount of 200-500 $ in general.
That could be used for critical situations.
For example I have no idea, what happened to Ted Dog (
Imagine he is so ill, that we never would never hear from him again.
Then we had to think about finding a solution to keep puptrix (or a copy of it) running.


Ted and donation link

Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 22:46
by raffy
Am at a loss on what to suggest to get full access from Ted's servers (if you dont have them yet). Probably someone from Texas could drop by Ted to check on him.

What you did to emphasize donations is alright - maybe having it as a yellow box on top, right side of every page will be good for getting the servers self-financing.

Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 23:05
by MU
If I was at home, I would download all files from, then upload 1 file every day to (only 1 to keep traffic low).
If someone with good internet connection could do that, please contact me.

Apart from that it would be great if someone might visit Ted, to see if he needs help. I was hoping he would come to germany to the specialist he talked about.
Now that I live in the south, I even might be able to meet him then to have a talk :)


Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 23:33
by veronicathecow
Hi, just a thought but why aren't we making use of Torrents? I tried a while back and they wern't running. Surely even a server seeding torrents rather than downloads would use a lot less bandwidth?

I have in the past and will again donate some cash (As soon as someone starts buying some more of my Amazon books!). Many thanks for Puppy!

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 00:30
by MU
Inappropriate Use of Software: Use of software or any device that would facilitate a continued connection, i.e. pinging, while using Servage services could result in suspension service. BitTorrent seeders, trackers and .torrent files are not allowed.
from: ... =about_aup

There are torrents at:

But I don't know which hoster is used for that server.
Ah found it:
Data Transfers (Bandwidth): $1.00 per gigabyte
Disk Space (Storage): $0.01 per megabyte-month
This would become more expensive than servage I fear. (almost no Isos) reached 500 Gigabyte/month.


Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 01:37
by MU
so many books :lol:
Had to google a bit to find out, what you were talking about:
Owl By Night Books
350 Rare, Antiquarian, Religious, Welsh, and Unusual Books for Sale

Good luck :)

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 17:07
by klhrevolutionist
Stop censoring the forum. If you do not agree with my post fine, but do not delete my post.

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 17:50
by bobn9lvu
klhrevolutionist wrote:Stop censoring the forum. If you do not agree with my post fine, but do not delete my post.
What post are you talking about??? PM me please...
Also, If a post WAS removed, the moderators should at least leave an explanation post in it's place so the forum members do not ask "WHAT?" like I am doing... :)

Bob 8)

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 18:25
by veronicathecow
Hi Mu wasn't after publicity! (But thanks for looking anyway)The chances are against Puppy members wanting these weird and wonderful books are fairly remote, but with a few million people on Amazon...

Anyway, I was wondering how people would feel about me putting some CD's on Ebay and giving some donations for any I sell. If it was mentioned on the main site it might lower the bandwidth requirement and generate a small amount for funding Puppy...

Someone already includes Puppy on a group DVD inc lots of other distros but I was thinking of doing one entirely Puppy orintated with some help files. (In case they can't get on the net without help

Please someone say "Hey I will do it if you want"

I've got to much on at the moment without burning extra CD's but I really want to help get puppy spread out there....

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 18:33
by klhrevolutionist
veronica: My post did not have anything to do with your book. I enjoy the idea of you actually wanting to contribute funds from your book sales. Not sure that it should be on a main page or not..

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 23:25
by veronicathecow
Currently trying to upload Puppy-215CE-Office-Alpha.iso to a torrent seeder.
Will take an hour or so and will post the torrent if/when it works

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2007, 22:16
by darrelljon
Could Puppy USB sticks and books be sold? I put some suggestions at the Puppy Shop wiki page.