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SMM (SaveMyModem) / mailwasher

Posted: Sat 24 Feb 2007, 09:25
by smitt
SaveMyModem is a anti-spam, mail-shaper, delete-on-server software
thought for users who have a dialup connection and are sick and tired
of downloading 1MB a day of spam and Win32-worm-attached messages.
Since now it supports only pop3 accounts, and smtp accounts for complaining.


Start: /root/my-roxapps/smm

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 10:19
by Sylvander
In Mailwasher I can open an email to view the text content, and click on a URL, and the default web browser will run and take me to the web page.

Can smm be made to do this?

I've looked for a way, and failed so far. :(

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 11:29
by trapster
You could always try 'telnet' to view email though it is all command line. You can pull up and read the contents and copy and paste any links into a browser.

The first thing to do is to open a connection to your mail server.

telnet mail.domain.ext 110
You should receive a reply like:
Trying ???.???.???.???...
Connected to mail.domain.ext.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK ready

Then log in:
USER [username]
This should give you:
+OK Password required for userName.

Now give your password:
PASS [password]
Should yield:
+OK userName has ? visible messages (? hidden) in ????? octets.

To see a list of your emails awaiting collection use the LIST command, this will also show you the id number of your messages (e.g. 1 or 2 etc.)
To view the contents of an email type RETR + the id number of the message (e.g RETR 1).
To delete a message use DELE + the id number of the message (e.g DELE 1).
To leave your mailbox and close the connection use QUIT

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 13:30
by Sylvander
1. Seems like hard work to me. :(

I'm a Windows refugee, and Linux and Puppy newbie.

I'd be prepared to try to succeed in this, but fear either failure, or else success, but too much like hard work.

2. Didn't understand part of your instructions:
(a) What EXACTLY IS:

(b) Info I have [is known to me]:
Name of the pop3 server =
Username [a variation of the account name I believe] = [I won't give this here]
User password = [I won't give this here]

(c) The telnet command is available in the "sakura" terminal.

3. I like "Save My Modem" [it works well, but with limitations], and would much prefer to use something like that or Mailwasher, but Mailwasher won't work under WINE.

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 15:54
by trapster
telnet 110

The username would be whatever you use before the "@".

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 16:44
by Sylvander
1. telnet 110

The above command [in green] worked OK [See screenshot 00 below], but what then?
You need to give very explicit instructions.
e.g. Are those things in square brackets to actually be typed/input inside square brackets?
Are USER & PASS to be in upper case on separate lines without following telnet?

2. The help instructions for the telnet command suggest the username etc should all be specified on one command line beginning telnet.
[See screenshot 01]

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 17:45
by trapster

after you type in

telnet 110

hit enter

a message from their server will say ok....blah, blah

type in

USER yourusername

hit enter

type in

PASS yourpassword

hit enter

type in LIST

a list of emails should be showing. ie
1 xxxxx
2 xxxxx
3 xxxxx

type in

RETR 1 to retrieve the #1 message

DELE 1 to delete the #1 message

I don't believe the commands need to be caps either.

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 19:52
by Sylvander
Deleted double post.

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 19:53
by Sylvander
Followed your instructions down to:
type in LIST
With no result.

What I'm using for this:
(a) My Blueyonder account has a code for a username.
There are 4 variations on this code; each is a different account or "user" [separate identity in Outlook Express, or account in Thunderbird] for which each variation is a username that must be supplied along with a user specified password to access the email account.
Hence there can be up to 4 users [or identities, or accounts].

(b) The email address used for any account is of the form:
But to access the pop3 account, an email client [or whatever program like smm] must supply the usercode_1 [or _2, _3, _4], together with the user assigned password.

(c) I'm able to supply the necessary info [as above] so as to use Outlook Express, or Thunderbird, or SaveMyModem to retrieve emails or email-headers.

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 11:02
by trapster
See Q2.14 Here

I can't help any further if that doesn't help.

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 14:19
by Sylvander
Still no success. :(

Is smm unable to do the necessary?

Or is there no other suitable program?