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Grafpup-2.xx second alpha snapshot

Posted: Tue 20 Feb 2007, 18:44
by Nathan F
See the release announcement here for some details. This focuses greatly on bugfixes and is a great deal more stable than the first snapshot, but also introduces some new features that are worth having. There will probably be at least two more of these before moving to beta, because frankly there is a lot more that I want to get changed or added feature wise and new features often mean new bugs.

However, the nice thing about this release is it's relative stability compared with most of my previous alpha releases. It may not be complete yet, but what is there should work smoothly in most cases. My kids have been using it for the last couple weeks now, and my daughter in particular doesn't want to use anything else on her computer at the moment.

I've also added a lot of packages to the repository, and fixed some of the ones that were broken before. It should be a cinch to get xfce-4.4.0 running in Grafpup, just by installing the xfce4_all meta package. I have added quite a few audio and multimedia applications like audacious, easytag, and Kino, extra gtk theme engines and themes, and a few really cool games to the repo as well.

Another thing I'm working on is a way to update the list of available packages iwthout updating to the next release. I created a script that updates livepackages.txt with anything new, and removes any deprecated packages from the list as well. This script right now just runs during a version upgrade, but in the works is a new function for pkgtool which will do essentially what an 'apt-get update' does. Basically I should be able to update the package repo midstream now and the users will have access to the new packages right in the package manager.

Please test as brutally as you can and give good feedback. I want to make the next Grafpup not only a showpiece of what is possible with Linux but also utterly stable.


Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 15:13
by gamfa
I downloaded it to give it a try. Very nice, but I can't do a type 2 install for it. It tell me it can't find the pup_xxx file.

Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 20:10
by Nathan F
It sounds to me like you're using the first alpha snapshot, where I specifically mentioned in the release notes that the installer would not work and not to use it. The isos are dated - grafpup-20070207 was number one, grafpup-20070219 was number two. I changed the name of the filesystem squashfile from pup_xxx.sfs to graf_xxx.sfs, but as of the 7th I had not updated the installer yet.I'm running off a hard drive install from the second snapshot now so it should be working as of the 19th.


Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 21:16
by gamfa
Yes..I have the 20070207 version. Regretfully, I'm on dial-up so it does take me a few days (sometimes weeks) to do large downloads. At least this one lets me see what Grafpup is all about. I like what I see. I will be watching for the finished versions before I download again.

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2007, 20:39
by klhrevolutionist
I'm downloading now ! Will give report later.