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A very simple Win98/Puppy dual boot with grub

Posted: Sat 17 Feb 2007, 22:13
by arslan
Hi Puppy people,

I thought I'd share this with you:

For a while I had been using HD installed Puppy 2.13 with WakePup2
diskette as the booting method. However, I desired a more elegant solution.
So I downloaded Grub for DOS ( ...,
put grub.exe in C:\, added the following line to autoexec.bat:


and put the following menu.lst file to C:\

# Boot automatically after a minute.
timeout 60

# By default, boot this entry.
default 0

title Puppy
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram PFILE=pup_213.sfs
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

title Win98
savedefault --wait=2
(Since I already had Puppy installed to HD, in C:\ I already had these:
initrd.gz, pup_213.sfs, pup_save.2fs, pupswap.swp, vmlinuz and zdrv_213.sfs)

That's all, works nicely.

Posted: Sun 18 Feb 2007, 02:07
by Sit Heel Speak
Interesting. I'd always thought you had to specify a device number on the ram device, i.e.


in the kernel line.