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Pizzapup 3.0 FINAL

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 01:03
by Pizzasgood
NOTE: This link is broken. I can't fix it until August or September. OTOH, you may be interested in Pizzapup 3.0.1 instead.
Pizzapup 3.0: ATE (About Time Edition)
RC-1 was promoted to final. If you already have RC-1, you already have the final.
pizzapup-3.0.iso (95 MB)

NOTE: Uses pza_300.sfs and pza_save.3fs



This is Pizzapup 3.0. It is aimed at making me happy, not making everybody happy. If it makes you happy, great, but world peace is not its goal. There is no perfect Puppy for everybody, so this tries to fill a more specific niche. The standard Puppy is limited in appearance to save on size, whereas many of the fancier Puppies are very large with things like Open Office and Wine. Pizzapup falls in between, with good appearance and general functionality, while remaining below 99MB in size. Sure, it's missing Open Office, but Abiword and Gnumeric are much faster and far smaller.

So, what does Pizzapup 3.0 have to offer? For starters, optional encryption, Mplayer, Xmms, Firefox, Rox 2.5, XDG menus, and IceWM. It also defaults to a nicer GTK theme and provides a number of alternates (Including both fancy and simple, in case of a fast or slow machine). There is a number of IceWM themes and several wallpapers included. The icons have also swapped out for nicer ones, mostly from the bctangokde set, which is based on tango (but orange :D ). If you right-click on the white-space in a Rox-Filer window, choose "options", and go to the "types" tab, you can change icon themes. I've included multiple colorschemes of the icons in case you don't want orange. Mplayer and Xmms also come with several themes each. Also, I changed the cursor to the Yellowdot theme.

This version also includes a Save-file-wizard (under 'control-panel') that can create, encrypt, and decrypt save-files. There is a Defaults-wizard that makes changing the default* files easier (such as defaultaudioplayer or defaulttexteditor). PSI, 3DCC, Graphburn 0.7, and Zmixer are all included.

Firefox comes preloaded with some Puppy bookmarks, the flash (7) plugin, and mplayerplug-in. A note about mplayerplug-in: if you close Firefox while video or audio is loading, it will crash. You're closing it anyway, so it isn't a big deal, but the "report error" box is annoying (and ugly). You can change or close the tab, or browse away. It only happens when closing Firefox itself.

If the gui for Mplayer doesn't work, try this dotpup. It will remove the version Pizzapup comes with and install Mplayer 1.0pre-8 (originally packaged by tempestruous I think, in the mplayer108.pup or something similar).

Pizzapup 3.0 comes with SDL and 3DCC pre-installed. Note: It includes 3DCC, not the drivers. You run 3DCC and use it to download them. Also note: along with Puppy's normal SDL pupgets I also included sdl_image, which they don't include.

I replaced Barry's GTK theme changer with MU's. I kept the original GTK themes that Puppy includes, in addition to the ones I added (all except Delightfully-Smooth and G26 have "Smooth-" preceding the name).

I removed Dillo (replaced with HV3 apha 13), Seamonkey (except certain libraries), Inkscapelite, uXplor, GTK-See, JWM, and Gxine, among other minor things. You should be able to reinstall them through pupget, but I can't guarantee there won't be issues (Inkscapelite, for example, doesn't play well with the Smooth-GTK engine, but will work with non-smooth themes).

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll link to several files with some other details, such as which exact packages I removed, my notes, etc. They're unedited, so don't expect neat, concise, or organized. For clarification, feel free to make a post or PM me.
todo (completed)

Philosophy behind Pizzapup:
Simply put, Pizzapup is my sandbox. It is not intended to be the standard Model-T, but instead a concept car. I use it to see what Puppy and I can do, with hopes that some of the expiriments will filter back into the standard Puppy if they're successful. It is also to show that a small OS is not weak and ugly, but instead highly efficient. The bloat of Vista disgusts me. Many people have the idea that an OS needs to be bloated to be useful. That is the exact opposite: A bloated OS is useless. Others have the idea that a good looking OS must be bloated. This is more true than with functionality, but still wrong. Pizzapup 3.0 is 95 MB, including extra themes (I'm a firm believer in choice and personalization). For the most part, it looks better than XP, and far better than 98. It's also many times smaller than both. And it even recognizes my roommate's harddrive (Take that XP :D ).[/rant]

A note on future Pizzapup versions:
I'm in college, so I don't have time to churn these out even half as fast as Barry ;) What I plan to do is continually add bits and peices to my local version, and when it has accumulated enough I'll clean it up and call it a new version. I'm not going to follow any specific schedule either. I have other projects that need some attention, so I'll just be working on Pizzapup on the side. Like I said, it's my sandbox, not a whole version. Besides, it'll still be a faster cycle than Windows ;)

I'd like to thank the folling for their contributions:
Barry: for Puppy, Unleashed, and promoting individual experiments
John Doe, kirk, and PaulBx1: For the encryption stuff (I created the wizard myself, but the /sbin/init mods were their work)
NathanF: Graphburner
Rarsa: XDG menus
MU: MU-GTK-themechooser, 3DCC, PSI, and hosting, among many other things
GuestToo: Rox 2.5, some IceWM themes, much other misc stuff
Theforkofjustice: For testing Mplayer until your computer fried ;)
Wow: That small Puppy banner that I used as a template for my Pizzapup banner
Whodo: The two Almond Xmms themes
Tometo: For the wallpaper (I just removed the version number, otherwise it's unedited)
Peeps at Devient Art: Most of the other wallpapers
Everybody I'm forgetting: Whatever you did
Everybody else: Inspiration, encouragement, random scripts and support, etc.


Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 02:25
by mbutts
boy i love ur default desktop it rocks! nice skins. i just downloaded alpha and used it a couple times. looks like ill download this version and give it a try. i have access to cable internet yet tonight so i better take advantage of the bandwidth since ill be downgrading to dial up. im really enjoying trying other ppls puppies.

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 02:56
by Pizzasgood
My screenshots are slightly out of date now. The new default Xmms theme is much nicer. I'll make another one or two tonight if I get bored (trying not to think much, had one exam today and two more tomorrow).

Installing additional dotpups under Pizzapup

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 14:43
by puppylinuxw
First congratulation and thanks to Pizzapup 3!

Im thinking about switching from puppy 2.00 opera to Pizzapup. I like the size and philosophie of pizzapup!

The only serios question that i have is:
Will installing additional dotpups make problems cause of missing libraries from seamonkey or jwm?
e.g. xchat, wine, skype


minimum memory required

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 15:00
by puppylinuxw
Willl 256MB of memory will be enough running Pizza 3 comfortable?

What experiences are made so far?


encryption feature

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 15:07
by puppylinuxw
I dont understand the encyption stuff.
Will the entire pup_save be encryptet or only possibility encypting files like bcrypt?


Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 19:31
by Pizzasgood
256 should be okay. It isn't too much bigger than the standard Puppy (11-12 MB). I've run beta-3(.5) on my brother's 256MB machine and it did okay. It seemed faster than Puppy 109CE, but I had a bunch of stuff installed in that, whereas Pizzapup was going straight from ram.

The encryption encrypts the entire pza_save.3fs file.

Most dotpups should be fine. Dotpups that would do stuff to the JWM taskbar (like an applet) probably won't work. It is possible to make applets that run in IceWM though, but they have to use eggtrayicon. I have plans to make a volume-setter this way (using the retro style of Xtmix).

Dotpups with Seamonkey dependancies may have problems. I did keep some of the libraries though, otherwise Gaim wouldn't have worked. If you have problems with such an app, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the congratulation :)

hey there

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 23:38
by oldog1984
still new but just wanted to tell yoy i like it i am useing it now i have used puppy on and off for over a year and i just think it is great :D :D :D thanks alot to you and all the all the other guys that have worked on all of the puppys.


Posted: Wed 14 Feb 2007, 23:18
by oldog1984
amsn 0.96 work on your ver i played with it alittle last night seem ok just want to let you know.

this is my unit

Posted: Wed 14 Feb 2007, 23:25
by oldog1984
the computer i am useing is a all in one ecs board vid-sound nic with a amd
duron chip the board is km400-m2 with 256 megs of ram and seems to be doing fine just thought you might want to know thanks alot

Posted: Thu 15 Feb 2007, 02:45
by Pizzasgood
Great. Thanks, and glad you like it :)

tried it out,

Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 01:59
by teslasnp
i tried it out, it looks pretty and works, but i can't get it to properly load my wifi card(ipw3945). not a big concern, but i'll be looking for another release, and i'll be working on a workaround for wifi.

gotta love cheese

Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 08:48
by TonshA
Hi Pizzasgood. This release has been really amazing - you've done a fantastic job with it.

The multimedia support really blew me away. The best I've ever seen for a Puppy release (That I can recall anyway). I suppose that's MPlayer for you.

One thing I noticed: Trying to access .wmv files in Firefox did not open them up within the MPlayer browser plugin. Quicktime & MPG files opened straight away within the browser. (I've not tried any realtime videos yet).

Oh! Another thing (v.minor). Clicking on an excel file didn't open the file in Gnumeric. Didn't do anything actually. Easily fixed by setting the run action in Rox. No problem. It's a spit'n'polish thing...

I know this is your sandbox, and not intended for any kind of official release, so no worries about fixing these. I would like to know if there is any way I can fix the .wmv thing though.

Not done any hard testing of it - just played with it, and really loved it. Toying with the idea of putting it on a mate's PC - need to add an OOo .sfs file and maybe GIMPshop, but that should be enough.

Just thought I'd feed back to you. (but now I feel a bit guilty, 'cos I've been dying to try Nathan's Grafpup release and not given any feedback to him!! :o)

Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 18:23
by Nathan F
I finally got around to trying it out and I have to commend you on a job very well done. I'm very impressed with everything that has gone into this, especially on the artistic/themes side of things.

There are a couple things I'd like to learn more about, and while I know if I searched the forum enough I could find the answers, but could you maybe post some links for me or give some tips since I'm so swamped already? I'm interested in offering the encrypted save file option in Grafpup, even though it can now run multiuser anyway. I'm also wondering if there is any plain information anywhere about how to change the mouse cursor, that doesn't say something like 'Go to the Gnome preferences menu'. I thought I knew how to do that but apparently not, because my cursor is still using the default one. And the ones you find are always quite noce, BTW.

Back to Pizzapup. I like the delightfully smooth theme, and it's one I didn't have, so thanks for finding it. The xmms theme is also quite nice, and icewm is looking good also.


Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 22:57
by Pizzasgood
Thanks. I'll be trying out Graphpup next week (too many exams this week). The encryption consists of three things. You have to edit /sbin/init (in initrd) to load an encrypted file. You also have to edit the shutdown script where it creates a save-file to ask if it should be encrypted and then make it that way. Finally (and this isn't a requirement) there is my save-file-wizard, which lets you create, encrypt, and decrypt save-files. When it makes a new one, it can also copy in the contents of an existing save-file.

I based the /sbin/init changes on John Doe, kirk, and PaulBx1's work. They had a thread here that detailed the process. Next week when I package my packages, I'll also document my changes to the shutdown stuff, or at least post the scripts.

Oh, I also added

Code: Select all

modprobe aes
modprobe cryptoloop
to /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.

The cursor was simple. There were some files in the devx addon that Puppy needed, then you just stick the theme in /root/.icons or someplace in /usr that I don't remember.
The files were:
/usr/X11R7/lib/ (a symlink)

Wmv's, eh? I'll take a look.
I had already noticed that Rox didn't have a runaction set for .gnumeric files and fixed that, but I don't work with Excel (any more) so I never noticed that. I'll take care of that in my package.

I was going to call this RC a final, but if I get wmvs working I'll probably upload a new iso. I think there was some other small tweak I wanted to do, but I don't remember now.

I'm not opposed to fixing things. Small details like that are important. What I am opposed to is "Most people do such and such, so you should support them". I'm open to suggestions, but I have no desire to please everyone. If there is a conflict between what would satisfy the majority and what would satisfy me, I win. That's why it's Pizzapup, not MajorPup. But I will gladly iron out small wrinkles when I can. Even though they make my head hurt sometimes, I like to know about all the little things, and if they don't warrant a new release on their own, they can work their way into the next one.

Thanks again to both of you. :)

Posted: Sat 17 Feb 2007, 06:02
by Nathan F
The files were:
/usr/X11R7/lib/ (a symlink)
Ahh, that would explain why it works on my main box, but stops when I boot the iso on another computer. I'll grab the files and check it out. Thanks for tha bit of clarification.

Thanks also for the link and bit of explanation about encryption. At this point I think my /sbin/init script is going to bear very little resemblence to the original by the time all my scheduled changes are applied. I don't know when time will permit, but I think I'll go ahead and add the feature to Grafpup at some point.

I like your comments on what you're willing to fix compared with what you're willing to change. Frankly I've pissed off a couple people by some of the things I changed in Grafpup recently, but all of my work is pretty public now and anyone is welcome to create their own take (so long as they credit Barry as the originator). Frankly Pizzapup wouldn't be worth much if it weren't for all of the differences and quirkiness.


Posted: Mon 19 Feb 2007, 01:59
by Pizzasgood
Yep, it took over an hour for me to figure out why the new mouse wouldn't show up when I first booted a fresh Pizzapup, then pop up on the second boot. Turned out I had a devx_xxx.sfs file, but it didn't detect it on the first boot.

Then I had the problem of my standard Puppy acquiring the cursor from Pizzapup, because it thought the pza_212.sfs file was an extra .sfs file it should load, so I had to change to pza_300.sfs :roll:

I'm not sure why wmv files aren't loading correctly. When I drag one in from a ROX-filer window, it loads up in the plugin, but when I go to the same one on the web it asks me to download. In the file-types, it only gives an option for a "Windows Media Player Plugin", whereas other media files only have "mplayerplug-in 2007/1/16", with the exceptions of .avi and .wav, which do the same as .wmv.

I've added the correct run-action for excel files in my build-tree, but without some more significant changes I can't see uploading a whole new iso.

I'll give it until Wednesday before I finalize RC1, just in case.

Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 05:38
by Pizzasgood
Okay. I hereby declare Pizapup 3.0 RC-1 the finalized version. The "RC-1" in the filename may be disregarded. Maybe I'll ask MU to rename the iso and fix the md5-sum to match.

I know I said that this week I'd package up many of the things I made, but I might not have time. Depends on how much homework I get done tomorrow. It will be done though.

Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 07:24
by amish
Pizzasgood wrote:Okay. I hereby declare Pizapup 3.0 RC-1 the finalized version. The "RC-1" in the filename may be disregarded.
good man. i'm sure we can count on the quality we're used to from your efforts. a question... everybody seems to be shamelessly breaching the 2-digit barrier with iso sizes lately, tho to be fair, an alpha iso says nothing of what the release will be like. did pizzaspup also go over 99mb, or will this be our ONLY option for a 20digit iso? well, that and the barebones :| yeah... i could just check, but just checking won't make much of a point. puppy's gotten to be a fat fat fatty lately. i dub him "gordito." piggylinux :(

Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2007, 20:14
by Nathan F
Oh, Pizzasgood was a good boy and kept it at 99MB. I'm trying my hardest to do the same with Grafpup, and can do it if I remove the scanner drivers. I may yet do just that.
