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Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 19:30
by Pizzasgood
Okay, I'll PM Puppian tonight or tomorrow. I'd do it now, but I'm almost done with 3.0.1, so I want to wait until I get that finished and uploaded. About all that's left is going through G2's service pack for anything I didn't already do, and then some final testing.

I added a note to that old thread too, but I don't feel like constantly editing threads when I make new version. So what I'm going to do sometime is set up a page on my website for Pizzapup in general, listing all of them with information and stuff. Then that can link to the forum threads for each version. Then I'll just point to the appropriate page of that site rather than a forum thread.

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 22:02
by GuestToo
you might want to add Gdmap with the large file support patch, if you already haven't ... i really don't know if there are any bugs in it or not, but it was a simple patch ... i like the version with the Exit button, but i compiled that on Puppy 108, i think it should be compatible with Puppy 2, but again, i'm not totally certain (well, it works on my machine)

i was thinking of adding Gdmap to SP214

also zcat, which you already know about

you might like the /etc/X11/app-defaults/XCalc file from this:
it just makes xcalc prettier, and easier to read for people with vision problems

i've been watching the Bugs forum, but i haven't noticed anything to put in SP214

maybe you would like to add a Startup folder to Pizzapup? ... 182#105182

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 22:53
by Pizzasgood
Thanks, I had intended to grab that Gdmap, but kept forgetting. The other stuff is cool too, but I'm going to hold off on putting them in 3.0.1. I'm trying to limit myself to just porting to 2.14 and fixing some bugs. 3.1[.0] might get them though, especially that startup directory idea.

I'll throw in the patched Gdmap in a couple minutes, and probably upload overnight (I'm at home for the week, so I don't have the "faster than Sonic with three power-rings" internet connection I get in my dorm).

Next I'm working on the web_215.sfs, which will hopefully be semi-compatible with Pizzapup 3.0.1 if you rename it web_301.sfs :twisted:

Graphing calculator

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 23:24
by cb88
Is there a graphing calculator emulator for puppy like ti-86 or ti-89? They are they main calculators used at the colleges in NC. UNC-Charlotte and the Comm. College I am attending use them. is there an emulator with a simple interface? the emulators i have seen did not seem very streamlined or compact. Basically what I am talking about is an ti-86/89 emulator that focuses on the guts of the calculator and non of that sissy photographic quality Gui mess although a layout similar in arrangement would be nice.

I've got a hideous :twisted: Calc Lab this week as follows:
triangle formed by line with endpoints y=4 and x=3 find the max area of an inscribed circle. Now that is something to bend your brain around. anyhow I probably just missed something simple.

High hope for 2.15 CE

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 00:25
by bostonvaulter

I don't think strict emulators are 'legal', if you have your own calculator, you can get an image directly from the caluculator to use with the emulator. and then that would be legal

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 04:55
by Pizzasgood
A nice (non-emu) graphing calculator program would be cool. I'll add it to my todo-list.

We got to borrow TI-89's last year in my AP Calculus class. I miss mine. It was so much nicer than my TI-83+. I have a sentimental attachment to my 83+ though, as that was the first thing I ever programmed, back in seventh grade.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 05:23
by bostonvaulter
Yeah I've had a TI-89 since Junior year of high school and have never looked back (i had a TI-86 before)

It is SOOO much better than the 83/84. It has CAS (computer algebra system). It seems like it should be possible to find a nice small app that does just about everything the 89 does, graphing, algebra, 3d graphing. I haven't heard of any. But I guess I haven't really looked hard enough.

If you're going into a technical major (i'm going into Electrical Engineering) I would highly recommend a TI-89 over a 83/84. There are some things that an 83/84 just can't do.


Texas calculators

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 14:01
by Colonel Panic
I've got a TI-85, which is pretty good though the "daddy" of them all had to be the TI-92.

I still miss my old TI-57 though because unlike the modern Texas calculators you could run it directly off the mains, so you could run calculations to do with chaos theory and very slowly converging looped calculations that would take days or even weeks without running the batteries down.

Good luck with PP 3.01.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 17:05
by cb88
I thought that i had seen some gpl emulators on a few sites but i haven't tried any of then basically something like what the ntfs drivers do for linux microsoft didn't write them and they aren't perfect but they still work. I have a ti-86 which is the max I can use for my classes because the ti-89 is capable of doing too many things or so they say.
But seriously anybody that would use the emulator would also have a the real one otherwize they probably wouldn't know how to use it or even need to use it given that gnumeric and other programs are more suited for use with computers. whew gotta go.

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 19:54
by toronto
thanks Pizzasgood

Pizzapup 3 is just great


Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007, 02:49
by cb88
bump on the ti-86 emulator or decent graphing program

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2007, 16:09
by Pizzasgood
I forgot about that. Thanks. Let's see... yep, I did add that to my "general ideas" list for the overall Pizzapup project (different from a to-do list for a specific Pizzapup, which I haven't made for the next one yet anyway).

But I don't plan to start another Pizzapup for at least a month, very possibly more. So when I clean up some of the loose ends I've accumulated I'll look into at least finding the program I want to use, and packaging it if it isn't already packaged.

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2007, 16:41
by cb88
Cool, figured you had fogotten or were busy far as that goes i am taking classes at two colleges commuting 45min to one of them. It no rush but would be nice.


Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 10:21
by puppyjim
I've tried your distro & its very good - I noticed especially that you got the FUN_game bubbles to work properly. :roll:
It doesn't work properly in puppy 2.16/.17 - better tell BK what you did, since it might give futher indications of 'whatever!'.

Your distro is the 1st one to be added to my library of 2 (so far). :D

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 21:05
by Pizzasgood
Actually, I didn't do anything at all. I based this puplet off Puppy 2.14, in which the games worked fine. So if they don't work on newer versions, it's something Barry did rather than didn't do. (I haven't used anything newer than 2.14, other than a quick test or four of 2.15 and 2.16.

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 21:47
by cb88
i haven't noticed bubbles not working maybe you got a bad download did you check the md5? i never do but it couldn't hurt


Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 13:19
by puppyjim
Thanks for your reply pizzapup - I'll check my copy of 2.14 (I never thought of that - I must be getting senile) :roll:

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 20:36
by puppyjim
cb88 wrote:i haven't noticed bubbles not working maybe you got a bad download did you check the md5? i never do but it couldn't hurt

I've checked my copy of 2.14 (bought cd - not download) and it crashes as well. Therefore either I have a screwed-up computer OR something is different with pizzaPup!

The bubbles_game only goes wrong after the "Hall-of-fame" window appears - except of course pizzaPup. 8)

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 23:31
by Pizzasgood
The only things in Pizzapup I can think of that would possibly do anything would be adding some SDL packages and changing the GTK themes/engines.

The SDL stuff is this:

I don't remember which ones are in PETget and which ones I added myself though. I think just libsdl_image. That one is just two files (really one file and a symlink).

I don't think that's the problem though. GTK seems more likely to affect it. Try changing the theme in Pizzapup (start -> Desktop -> GTK theme) to the one in standard Puppy (not sure off the top of my head which that is, but one of the more boring ones). If Bubbles crashes then, we'll know where the problem is (sorta). I could upload a PETget of the themes package I used if that's the case.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 19:39
by puppyjim
I tried the change in desktop image (lion sketch - that was the most Boring available) and it did cause odd problems.
So changed back to the default and all seemed okay for a bit and then problems. So I re-booted but still had funnies occuring.

There is obviously a connection - it needs a GURU to sort it. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm a MINUS something - well we've all got to start somewhere - bottom of the heap sounds good :roll: