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Network wizard only work with Open AP's?

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 17:46
by paulsiu
I can get the Network Wizard to return a list of Wireless AP, but I could not select any of the AP on the list unless it is opened. Is this the limitation at the moment? I thought it would take me to a screen where I can enter the key.

In addition, Network Wizard can set up a list of profiles, but I have never been able to get any of the profiles to work. The only time I got the wireless to work is by editing the /etc/Wireless files directly and enter the SSID, etc. Is this because I am using WPA-PSK?


Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 19:18
by rarsa
The current wizard only supports WEP, but... I've just released a test version that supports WPA-PSK/TKIP.

Please try it