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QEMU-Puppy 2.13-1

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2007, 23:54
by Erik Veenstra
I've built and uploaded QEMU-Puppy 2.13-1:

From the site: "QEMU-Puppy is an OS and a set of applications on a USB memory stick. This OS can be booted natively, or on top of an other, already installed, OS. Just borrow a PC, boot your own environment and return the PC unaffected. ... The tricky part is trying to have the OS on your USB memory stick to be able to boot both natively and in a virtual machine. But it can be done. And that's what makes QEMU-Puppy unique."

(Please use the torrent and keep seeding it for a while. Thanks.)

Erik V. -

Posted: Fri 05 Jan 2007, 08:18
by zikarus
Thx a lot Erik, it is great!

Ever thought of combining Qemu-Puppy with MU's Muppy?


Posted: Fri 05 Jan 2007, 10:32
by Erik Veenstra
Since the initrd.gz's of Muppy and QEMU-Puppy differ, you can't
just copy Muppy's mupp_212.sfs to QEMU-Puppy's pup_212.sfs.
That probably isn't enough.

What are the differences in both initrd.gz's? Well, MU patched
/sbin/init and I patched /sbin/init. Once again, no luck...

I applied both patches to the original /sbin/init. No
conflicts. A quick visual inspection showed that it could


I'm not going to build, test and distribute another
distribution. Simply because time is scarce and there's no
personal need. If you want to do it yourself, including
building, testing, documenting, distributing and supporting the
whole thing, well, I'll send you the patched init script...

Erik V. -

Posted: Fri 05 Jan 2007, 12:21
by zikarus
Touché Erik :-)

Expected something alike and you are right of course.
But I am not "tekkie" enough to do such things...

Maybe MU himself would be willing to include the functionality into his product?
