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Open Arena--Tiny Quake 3 Game

Posted: Tue 12 Dec 2006, 03:39
by kirk
Here's a small version of Open Arena 0.60.

About OpenArena

OpenArena is an open-source content package for Quake III Arena licensed under the GPL, effectively creating a free stand-alone game. You do not need Quake III Arena to play this game.

Bots were added starting in 0.6.0. They will spout taunts and everything!
The graphics quality has been reduced to make it smaller. I replaced the ioquake3 engine with an ioquake3 engine I compiled several months ago. The engine included with Open Arena requires openAL. This one does not. It's a 18MB download:

Thanks to MU for hosting!

You'll need SDL and Hardware video accelaration.

If you like you can download the High quality version. I think it's 84MB.

The Open Arena home page:

There are many mods for quake3, to install a mod just place the mod's folder in the same directory as the base3q folder. Then start the game and select mods from the menu.

Some good mods:

Urban terror (448MB)

Reaction Quake (493MB)

Western Quake (163MB)

Posted: Tue 12 Dec 2006, 04:50
by sunburnt
Aaaaahhh... QUAKE !!!

I've followed the series from the very first one, just bought Q4 but haven't tried it yet.

This & a bunch of other killer games should be made into a Puppy Squash file addon.

This brings to mind the idea of a GUI menu for loading & unloading Squash ".sfs" files.
So Puppy would boot with a preset Squash file mounted that can be swapped for others.
This would require ununioning and/or reunioning the mounted files.

Posted: Tue 12 Dec 2006, 05:10
by klhrevolutionist
sunburnt: Nathan F. has a gui for loading/unloading squash files. Could probably be edited to fit work with puppy if it does'nt already.

Posted: Tue 12 Dec 2006, 05:42
by sunburnt
Thanks klhrevolutionist; (Nice to see your still with us).

I keep saying other folks have to have thought of this stuff too.
Maybe Nathan will pop in here about what he has... If not I'll PM him.

Posted: Tue 12 Dec 2006, 16:38
by Pizzasgood
I played with the cli version (I think) in one of the beta versions of Grafpup (around May 2006). It wasn't quite working right, but I think I was doing it wrong. I got it to work eventually, and it was pretty nice.

Posted: Thu 14 Dec 2006, 17:55
by kirk
This & a bunch of other killer games should be made into a Puppy Squash file addon.
You could just make a DVD with your games and Puppy on it. Set them up to run from one directory if needed, put them all in a folder and then:

mkisofs -J -l -D -allow-lowercase -allow-multidot -no-iso-translate -o /mnt/home/game.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table /mnt/home/gamefolder/

Then you can just mount the CD/DVD and run the games. Though, some run slow off the CD/DVD. Quake 3 runs well from a CD/DVD.

Posted: Thu 14 Dec 2006, 20:26
by sunburnt
Best to have a Squash file so the wad is 40% the size for putting on the HD.

If apps. in the Squash file could be mounted but not unioned, that'd be great!
So no library files to go in /lib or /usr/lib, no configs. to go in /etc, & so on.
The whole thing would mount at /mnt/games-1 & would mostly stand alone.
These kinds of app. wads could be added & subtracted with no problems at all...

This relates to the posted discussion on changing the Linux dir. structure.
If apps. contained ALL the files they need (minus common libraries of course).
So append new paths to point to the app's. libraries, or maybe create links in /lib,
then they could be attached to the dir. tree without need to union them.

Posted: Fri 15 Dec 2006, 02:08
by wow
I've downloaded the game from the official site (78.4 MB), requires libopenal , libartsc and openGL stuff, nice game :)

* Pentium II 233MHz / AMD K6-2 300MHz or equally powerful processor
* 64MB of system memory
* OpenGL supported video card with 16MB of video memory. (Voodoo Banshee, TNT and up)
* 50MB of hard drive space

i dunno how to install it

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2008, 02:50
by wilmer
how do you install it ? :?

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2008, 03:56
by mrkcee
Just extract the file and run the 'quake3' file (i think that's the filename).


Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2008, 22:13
by changturkey
Can one run the normal version too?

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008, 14:10
by mrkcee
changturkey wrote:Can one run the normal version too?
What do you mean by normal version? If you mean the official vesion, I think you can. wow was able to get it running. :D

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008, 14:28
by changturkey
Because the one provided uses a modded engine or something? Where can I get OpenAL? I am using Dingoalpha6.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008, 17:42
by kirk
Ya, for some reason they use openal. The one I posted I compiled without it.. Urban Terror is now a stand-alone game. Still quake 3 based. It doesn't use openal.

Here's a openal package for dingo. I built it in T2. Haven't tested it. Good luck.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2008, 18:05
by changturkey
How do I install them?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2008, 02:44
by kirk
Just extract it to / and try your game. There is a config file for openal, but you may not have to mess with it.