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NaNoWriMo Linux 0.1 release

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2005, 15:44
by Mathiasdm


Release notes

NaNoWriMo Linux - a Linux distribution aimed at writers.
Version 0.1 (Beta) - Based on Puppy Linux 1.0.3.

-Removed a lot of programs.
-Added some programs.
-Total menu rewrite.
-New icons for the desktop.

To-do list

-Change Firefox version from 1.0PR to 1.0.6
-Use Puppy Linux 1.0.3.
-Find a way to hide the filesystem.
-Add new help files.
-Create several wiki pages with writing tips and techniques.
-Listen to suggestions from other people.
-Create website.


Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005, 06:13
by Lobster
Gosh almost missed this . . .
and when you go to download (click on download) you get completely dazzled by adverts - I was just about to leave when I discovered it was available.

Can someone else host this please?

I have added it to the news section

You should maybe create a wiki page as you have a blog and a forum but no web page? I will download it to see what progs you have added.

To celebrate I provide my notes for "The Novel Puppy Linux" (based on a true story)


Could be on to a winner there.

You doing a 1.0.4 version based on barebones perhaps Mathiasdm? Should be able to before your 31 July deadline . . .

Good luck


Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005, 09:30
by Mathiasdm
I'll try and create a 1.0.4 version in time. Should be possible :-P
Oh, and I'm working on a website ;-)

Your novel looks really promising!

Oh, and I hadn't noticed those ads yet. I was using firefox with adblock :oops:

One more thing... Is there any explanation on how to add .pup files to Unleashed yourself? Right now, I've only added some Unleashed programs.

Enjoy my first beta version :P

Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005, 11:15
by Lobster
Not sure about your question.

Downloaded and burnt a copy, which is very similar to Puppy1.0.3 but set up with a menu arrangement for writers.

I believe you were going to use Latex and other specialised tools? Maybe they will come later. The download location is slow.

The menu set up was focussed (apart from a browser being set up as a "procrastination tool" - I think it is a research tool)

Your main priority would seem to be creating dotpups of writer tools (which would serve Puppy and also allow you to enjoy these in your menu)

I would suggest widening from novels to include script and play writing - perhaps with specialised templates for Abiword or OpenOffice writer.

You might also consider technical writing.

Which writers tools do you know of which might be suitable for Puppy (maybe someone can help with compiling)?

I would also move to 1.0.4

This is a great start but as yet I feel most writers would be better off with the standard or Barebones Puppy. What do you feel you are offering for your next beta?

I hope what I say is constructive and taken in that way.

Good job. :)

Posted: Sun 24 Jul 2005, 20:45
by Mathiasdm
Adding Latex and other tools seems like a good idea :)
However, I also want NaNoWriMo Linux to be simple and straightforward (I don't want too much programs for the same task).

I'm currently thinking about what other programs to add. If you have any suggestions, please mention them ;-)

OpenOffice will probably not be something I'll add, as I want this distro to work well for old computers, and be downloadable for people with a modem.

Your comments are constructive indeed ;-) I will need some more time to think about future plans for the distribution.

Things I'd like to do:
-add documentation on basic use of the distribution
-add documentation on writing techniques
-look for programs that can have an added value for NaNoWriMo Linux
-find a way to hide parts of the filesystem (Simplicity, in my opinion, is important too)
-backup a directory (/root/writing) to a floppy or to USB with a click of a button

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 11:05
by Mathiasdm
NaNoWriMo Linux now has a website: .
Tell me what you think ;-)

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 11:38
by Lobster
Hope it goes well for you. :)

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 10:50
by Mathiasdm
Thanks :-)

Well, I hope a version based on 1.0.4 will be ready today, but I'm starting to fear for it :?
I keep bumping into errors, and trying to include Firefox 1.0.6 isn't that wonderful either.
Oh well, I'll get them sorted out.

If I don't, you'll have to wait 3 weeks before the next version :oops:

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2005, 20:37
by Lobster
Hope these writing links are useful . . . ... iting.html