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Adding Packages???

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 23:26
by jimbo
This is probably way beyond my capabilities, but what is required to add a package that is not in Puppy or Puppy unleashed or in any of the Dotpups or packages listed here?

I would like to have the samba server installed so I can browse Puppy shares from a Windows box on my home network. And I like Smb4K LAN browser. I find it to be easier than LinNeighborhood.

Thanks for any suggestions, jimbo

Posted: Sun 15 May 2005, 20:49
by Flash
Hi Jimbo. The best I can do is point you to the bottom of :arrow: this page. (Maybe someone who knows more than I do will jump in here.)

Have you checked out what's available from Pupget and Dotpup yet? What you want may already be available as a one-click installation.

Good luck. If you get something to work, tell everyone how you did it in the "How To." :)

Posted: Tue 17 May 2005, 15:27
by jimbo
I have spent hours Googling and LDPing. Installing software to a Linux system is still pretty much a mystery to me. My meager understanding is that there are about three ways to install Linux applications. Tarballs where source is compiled is one way. This method requires that a C compiler is installed. RPM or other package manager is another method. This requires that someone has built an RPM package for your distro. Another method is binary files. I think this method involves a package of files that has been compiled and ready to install into the proper directories. It would require that someone has compiled an application for your distro that you want. And then there is DotPup and PupGet. These methods are similar to the binary method and the RPM method specific for Puppy.

So, if I want an application that is not already available as a binary or RPM package or a DotPup or in PupGet, I need to go the tarball route. And that means that I need to install a C compiler on my Puppy installation. (Maybe someone would tell me if I am remotely on the right track.)

Thanks for any input, jimbo

Posted: Tue 17 May 2005, 20:26
by Flash
I'm no expert myself, but it looks like you've pretty much got it right.

There is a version of C for Puppy called tiny C. You can download and install it from Pupget. See this post for a little more about it.

Look at it this way: Puppy is a risk-free way learn about Linux, and since you don't have to go through the hassle of installing it, you learn faster.

Posted: Tue 17 May 2005, 22:36
by thoughtjourney
Hi Jimbo,

I had a quick look on Google myself and found that there are a few unsupported binaries that you could try here:

scroll down 'til you find Binary Packages. There are Slackware binaries, which may be ok. I've had success installing Slackware binaries myself. If you want to download one of those, create a directory for it by typing on the commandline (rxvt)

>mkdir /root/my-applications/smb4k

I always think it is safer to do this, because sometimes the top-level directory is not included in the tarball, so when you extract it, the files are created in your current directory, which is a pain ;)

Save the binary to this directory.

You will then need to extract the tarball, and you can do so on the command line like this :

>cd /root/my-applications/smb4k
>tar -zxvf smb4k-<version>.tgz

<version> is the version number you have downloaded. Check what has been exracted using

>ls -a

A smb4k-<version> directory may be created, and if so, move into it and list the files using

>cd smb4k-<version> && ls -a

If not, all the files should be in your smb4k directory. Look for a README file, and that will direct you further.

Linux software installation is pretty confusing at first, but once you get used to it, it is as easy as pie. If you don't want to go with what I have described above, I'd be happy to download the source code and compile it for you on my Mandrake distro.


Posted: Tue 17 May 2005, 22:40
by thoughtjourney
Sorry, one more thing. QT3.2 is required for smb4k. I think this is included in Puppy, but can someone confirm this?

Posted: Wed 18 May 2005, 01:12
by BarryK
Yep, Qt 3.3.4 is in Puppy.