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Gslapt - install Slackware packages

Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2006, 11:46
by MU
This program allows to install and remove Packages from Slackware-Linux.
Use it, if you find no Puppy package using PSI:

It has a grafical interface, screenshot of the german one (english is available too, of course):


I tested it in Puppy 2.10alpha with many already installed programs, so I'm not shure, if all dependencies are met in a new Puppy.
It also works in 2.12, and others reported positive results in newer versions like 2.16.

This is NOT intended to be used in Puppy 1!

**** WARNING ****
If you install the wrong packages, your Puppy can get completely broken !!
For example, do NOT install Gtk, as Puppy itself relies on a different version of Gtk.

I included a configuration, that will refuse to install critical programs like Gtk.
So it should be quite safe, but I might have overseen some programs.

Download (300 kb): ... Gslapt.pup

You now should go to edit - options.
Remove the "" repository.
Instead, add:
Then click on "reload".

Optional comandline version (the following text is for advanced users only)

This program uses slightly modified versions of the Slackware pkgtools, see the included readme-Puppylinux.txt: ... s/scripts/

Documentation is available in /usr/share/doc.

You can modify the list of Slackware-repositories in /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc.

First, create a list of all available packages:

slapt-get --update

Now look, what is available:

slapt-get --list > /root/slackware.txt
leafpad /root/slackware.txt &

Now install a package from this list, for example "whois" to resolve URLs from IP-adresses:

slapt-get --install whois-4.7.15-i486-1

To remove it, run:
slapt-get --remove whois-4.7.15-i486-1

Now lets try a Gtk-based program: Gslapt, a grafical version of slapt-get.
(note: I already added gslapt to the dotpup, but you can try it anyway)
slapt-get --install gslapt-0.3.15-i386-1

This will give you errors about missing dependencies, and suggests to use --ignore-dep.
If you do that, it installs Gtk, Glib, X11 ... bye bye Puppy, you're dead.

So DO NOT USE --ignore-dep!
Instead, install it without dependency-check, using: --nodep
slapt-get --no-dep --install gslapt-0.3.15-i386-1

After installation, type "gslapt" to test it.
I did not have a closer look yet, so be aware that this grafical interface could also have the --ignore-dep problem!

You will find many Slackware-packages and documentation at


Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2006, 14:06
by MU
I updated the dotpup.


1.) replaced slapt-get with a wrapper-script.

It removes "--ignore-dep", and adds "--no-dep" , and then runs slapt-get2 (which is the original binary).

This should enshure, that you cannot install dangerous dependencies by accident.

2.) I modified the rc-file.
Added a server with more programs.
Added some packages like "x11" to be "locked".
Like this they can not be installed, what should avoid to break your Puppy.

Like this you also should be able to use gslapt without danger (at least, if there are no packs I have overseen).
Gslapt looks a bit like the dotpup-downloader :)


Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2006, 14:36
by plinej
Works fine in 2.11, thanks Mark.

Posted: Thu 19 Oct 2006, 13:57
by stux
Does this work on the LiveCD or just installed systems?

Posted: Thu 19 Oct 2006, 18:41
by MU
I run it in a frugal install, which is like a Live-CD with the personal settings saved to the harddisk.
So I think it will work with the LiveCD.


Posted: Sun 22 Oct 2006, 13:34
by MU
I updated and renamed the dotpup.
It now is simply called "Gslapt", as the grafical interface now is included.
You can run it from the dotpups-menu.

I also modified the rc-file, it had some errors, so you could not un-install packages.
I also added a italian mirror to the list with many very up to date packages.


Posted: Thu 26 Oct 2006, 08:43
by MU
Gslapt was missing some icons, so you could not see, which packages were selected.
Fixed the dotpup.

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 10:52
by QBall2U
COOL! 8)

Thanks Mark! :D

Posted: Mon 09 Aug 2010, 16:02
by hailpuppy
hey Mu, this sutility is indeed cool. But i wonder , will it work with current puppies as well. Its true that we already have pupy versions built up from slackware binaries but this sort of a utility really helps,specially if this utility can install slackware applications even on a live puppy.

Posted: Mon 09 Aug 2010, 16:12
by Jim1911
hailpuppy wrote:hey Mu, this sutility is indeed cool. But i wonder , will it work with current puppies as well. Its true that we already have pupy versions built up from slackware binaries but this sort of a utility really helps,specially if this utility can install slackware applications even on a live puppy.
It should work, just update the repositories. Also, check out LHP which is built on slackware and has the latest gslapt along with the puppy package manager plus many more goodies.

Posted: Fri 18 Feb 2011, 15:14
by Blesphemy206
because the question was never answered I went ahead and tested it out with LiveCD and all is well. Everything works fine. Hope that helps those of you who were wondering.