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ffaudio-0.5a (gtkdialog gui using ffmpeg as the backend)

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 05:21
by plinej
Here's a new gui I wrote that will convert between numerous audio types using ffmpeg.

0.2 - Added an entry for user options to be added. The options will be saved and will appear in the combobox the next time you use the same output file type. If there's something that works that you want added to the gui, let me know the command and the output file type.

added some sanity check pop ups that you can disable and they won't pop up again. Just warnings when you try to convert lossy to lossless, up convert sample rate, up convert bitrate in the same file type, and up convert bits per sample.

added more options to existing codecs that work but aren't listed when you view the encoder options in ffmpeg

0.3 - added an option to use quality setting instead of constant bitrate with mp3, ogg, and ac3

0.4 - added more codecs and output types, fixed some of the various options that didn't work.

0.5 - added more codecs and output types and added compression level for flac output.

Depending on how your version of ffmpeg is compiled, these are the output types and codecs used.

dts (dca)
wv (wavpack)

aac (aac codec)
aac (libfdk_aac)
ac3 (ac3 codec)
ac3 (ac3_fixed)
amr (libopencore_amrnb)
aptx (aptx)
m4a (aac)
m4a (libfdk_aac)
mka (aac)
mka (libfdk_aac)
mka (libmp3lame)
mka (libopus)
mka (libshine)
mka (libvorbis)
mka (speex)
mp2 (libtwolame)
mp3 (libmp3lame)
mp3 (libshine)
ogg (libopus)
ogg (libvorbis)
ogg (speex)
opus (libopus)
sbc (flac)
wma (wmav1)
wma (wmav2)

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 06:34
by phat7
What is different to ffconvert?

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 12:38
by plinej

Obviously this program does similar things that FFconvert does but here are some of the differences:

the input file attributes are populated so you know what your source file is

audio output only (you could use a video file for input)

options change automatically when various output file types are selected depending on what the codec supports (all checks are done on first load of the program and will automatically do the checks again if you change your version of ffmpeg)

all options in one window so no clicking between tabs

Basically, it's like anything else, there are numerous programs out there that are similar but this is how I prefer the layout to be.

Posted: Fri 08 May 2020, 19:22
by plinej
updated to 0.4

Posted: Tue 12 May 2020, 00:24
by plinej
updated to 0.5

Posted: Thu 21 May 2020, 22:12
by plinej
0.5a is up