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How well has puppy been translated?

Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2020, 17:20
by mjmikulcik
For the most part, documentation on the wiki is poor and when existing, usually in english, so I've found on my years of using puppy that this forum is the place to go to learn how to do things that aren't quite intuitive, but that leaves people who can't speak english a hard time figuring out how to get started.
So my question is how far has the community gotten in translating puppy and puppy documentation to other languages?
Is there a best way to contribute to this project?

Re: How well has puppy been translated?

Posted: Sat 18 Jan 2020, 04:48
by 01101001b
Hi mjmikulcik!

I see you are a user in this forum for quite some time now (as long as me ;-) ) so you have very probably seen these sub-fora:

Forum index » House Training » Users ( For the regulars )

- Usuarios de habla Hispana
- Für deutschsprachige Anhänger
- Pour les francophones

As you correctly stated, not being acquainted with English is a huge barrier, not just regarding Puppy's mastering but also for everything else.

Puppy derivatives and versions come fast enough to make the matter of mantaining an up-to-date wiki a losing battle.

Hence, the sub-fora. I guess that's the best approach to deal with this matter. Not ideal, perhaps, but viable. If you understand French, Spanish or German, you could pass by over there as other users do, myself included (from time to time, I must add) and perhaps help someone :-)


Posted: Sat 18 Jan 2020, 05:31
by mjmikulcik
I know what you are talking about with the sub fora and I've noticed they hardly see any traffic. Maybe there aren't many people who speak other languages using puppy (perhaps because they don't know how) or i was wondering if they used another forum. I'm not asking this for myself because i speak English natively, but I've seen puppy become my os of choice and revolutionize the way i use computers and i couldn't help but notice there's no other translations for (as far as i can tell).

The wiki as you say changes too fast to stay up to date. I've made edits myself quite some time ago and yeah, I've seen them go out of date and when trying to learn how to do things I've seen the really old answers. I don't know what the solution is but i thought I'd bring the subject up