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ffmerge 0.2b

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2020, 21:56
by plinej
This started as gtk-yt-dl:

This requires: gtkdialog, ffmpeg, and youtube-dl

If you don't have youtube-dl installed the program will download and install it to /usr/local/bin/

I've added more options and improved some code as well as made everything possible via the command line without running the gui. The main idea of this project is to enter a url of a youtube playlist that contains multiple videos and have options to trim the start and end of videos that are silent, convert to mkv with a couple of settings, and merge (concat) the videos in to a single file with metadata that contains chapters. All of these steps can be done individually or together. You can also enter a text file with multiple playlist url's to download multiple playlists.

If you have fftag installed the merged video will open and you can edit the metadata including the chapters. The metadata extracted from youtube videos is definitely hit or miss.

If you run with no arguments the gui will start, or you can run from the command line with these options:

Code: Select all

root# ffmerge -h
Run script on existing videos with no downloading:
-i /path/to/video
This command will merge all videos of selected type.
The conversion will take place in the directory that the selected file resides.
Download only options will be ignored and skipping the gui will be assumed.

Enter playlist url or text file of multiple url's to download:
If entering a url you can either enter the part after list= 
or the full url in quotes
-p (url or /path/to/text-file)(if text file - skip option is assumed) 

-v (ignores other arguments and displays version number - 0.1a)
-s (skip the gui and run cli only)
-d /path/to/output (assumes last used or current directory if not available)
-z (ignores all other arguments and only displays the currently saved options)
-u (updates the settings and then exits the program without running)

Download only options (no trimming, converting, or merging):
-O (enable) (downloads videos from entered playlist in default mode) 
-o (disable download only)
-B (enable) (downloads best mp4+m4a - assumes -O) 
-b (disable best mode - assumes -o) 

If no download only options selected (defaults to enable or last used):
-m (disable conversion to mkv) 
-M (enable conversion to mkv) 
-t (disable trimming of silence at start and end of videos)
-T (enable trimming of silence at start and end of videos)

Options if mkv conversion is not disabled: 
-c (crf quality in range 1-51)(1-best 51-worst - default 23 or last used) 
-q (conversion speed preset value - medium is default or last used)

Current settings:
preset=medium output-directory=/mnt/home/1-cdrip/ crf=23 download-best=false download=false disabletrim=false disablemkv=true

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2020, 21:59
by plinej

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2020, 16:10
by plinej
0.1a is up. minor bugfix.

Posted: Fri 21 Feb 2020, 15:15
by plinej
0.2 is up, internationalized

Posted: Sat 29 Feb 2020, 11:52
by plinej
0.2a is up. minor bug fix

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2020, 12:23
by jplt3
Thanks for your work , will soon use it.

Posted: Thu 21 May 2020, 22:17
by plinej
0.2b is up