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I Love Puppy and its derivatives

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2019, 16:51
by enrique
As the little reads I Love Puppy and its derivatives

Just like an ex-alcoholic I am trying to stay away of Evil Windows and its manipulations. Well to be honest I did use Lubuntu as an alternative, But Ububtu/Lubuntu is following steps of Windows. So for the past 2 month I been trying to stay away and I been testing various different Puppy variations. For more that a month I did use peebee's LxPupBionic-18.05+4.iso But wine 64 bit requires a Linux a 64 bit Linux OS. To make story short, that lead me to having trouble finding help in woof-CE.

A good Samaritan called wdlkmpx proposed me and alternative "BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)". And as I had posted I been very happy both with "BusterDog" and its simple script to build. I still looking into final details.

Did I say I am a very Happy Puppy User! Yes I did and I am also grateful of the Puppy Linux Discussion Forum and all the master/experts that create this wonderful projects. I been corrected/informed that there is only a few master builders. That most of forum users are clients for the puppy derivatives that do not request understanding of the inner workings of puppy.

Well I am a different beast. I do not what to just try puppy. I do want to used it as my 99% of my daily use on PC. Day after day, so that I can stay away of the devil. That means that I like to rely 99% on puppy. For that I like to understand the inner working of my puppy. I know that seems to becomes a problem for some. And I have a few friends out side of the forum that are already placing bet that I will fail. See that I am not and will not become a master builder to offer you guys a new derivative. That is not my objective nor I have the time for support.

But I am posting because I am starting to feel strange. Is like I been cut in and old millennia dispute between Good and Evil. It can be as simple as some saying that debiandogs are not puppys. I do not want to detail things, The main issue is that getting detail-info on building puppies becomes it self a huge project. I have not ask to be provided with the explicit solution to a problem. But it will be nice to be put in the right direction. Instead I see in the post many people saying it is a huge task, or pointing to read from the beginning of Gods creation. Well at least God did all in 6 days. How many threads should that be?

Conclusion, I am here as long as you guys like. I will be always grateful on any you guys provide us. Please do not ask me to take a side. Only sided I take is against Evil Windows 10. And please take notes on what I said. I bet you there a few guys like me looking to used puppy as their default OS not just as a Linux Toy distribution as I had read.

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2019, 21:29
by bigpup
Documentation is the last thing that gets worked on by anyone working on Puppy Linux.

The other problem.
What documentation there is.
Some is old and really no longer applies to Puppy Linux the way it now is.
None of the documentation is 100% wrong. but it has never been updated to reflect the changes that have been made to Puppy Linux.

Woof-CE was developed by one person and offered as the build system, to build a Puppy version.

That person totally understood how to use it :shock:

He tried to give some useful documentation, on using Woof-CE to build a Puppy version, but not clearly written for understanding by a person totally new to using Woof-CE.

That Woof-CE developer is no longer around!!!

Others have taken over working on Woof-CE build system.
They are doing some very good work on making it better and putting tweaks and fixes into the core operation of Puppy.
Woof-CE is getting better!

Documentation seems to be the one thing that is never getting worked on or updated.
Maybe, one day, someone that really understands how to produce good documentation, will volunteer to produce some for Woof-CE!!

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2019, 23:36
by Mike Walsh
@ enrique:-

I switched from Windows to Linux almost overnight, after EOL for XP. I went with Ubuntu (everybody recommended it!) for around 6 months. But Canonocal's kernel 'customizations' soon led to major freeze-ups for my onboard graphics, 'cos they decided to drop support for it.

Shortly afterwards, I switched to Puppy, and, soon after that, went 'all-Puppy'. I've been using Pup as my 'daily-driver' ever since. In all honesty, I'd just use it. Don't worry too much about trying to totally understand it straight away; you'll soon find, as time goes by, that you pick up enough on a day-to-day basis to get a fairly good 'feel' for why things work the way they do.

Best to just enjoy Puppy, for now. You'll soon begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

That's my advice, to you and other new, budding Puppy users.....and that's from experience.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2019, 01:42
by tallboy
I agree with Mike, just use your Puppys! :D

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2019, 02:01
by ndujoe1
Stick around in the kennels and Puppy Linux will grow on you. It is a no drama OS imo.

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2019, 16:23
by enrique
I see the thread was move. I am sorry I am relative new and do not know what area is for what. By the way I think the forum software do need that upgrade that all been speaking. I read the registering Issue. But my point is for more basic stuff. For example with a Thank Button you acknowledge the user that response without having to post. Any way to provide a title that reference experience or administrative job. So when we read an answer we know we are responded by a moderator or that should be a good response that's coming from an expert.

@bigpup yes I do understand that point now. I had a different impression when I started. I been approach a few times and explain the Documentation Issue. And that we should assume that the majority of users are client/users of the distros, only a few are master builder with experience. But do you guys realize that there are guess visitors that leave disappointed. That is why my friends where having fun with me and betting I will fail.

@Mike Walsh, tallboy & ndujoe1. Regards "just use your Puppys!"
I clearly understand you point day by day & liltle by litle we all can build up our experience and expertise. Fine with that. But As I say I am a different beast. I am on a quest. I want to stop at least 99% of my interaction with Windows. Well I do have 1 laptop that is been use as a Home Theather PC where I have a W10 running Nexflix. It is because is the only way I can download and keep the movies for latter. But I am studding making this thing and Android x86 but I need to find out if Netflix can still be running from Fake Androids.

At the moment I am almost there. I have a LxPupBuster64(BusterDog) that can emulate and execute all my ex windows program need that I am used to do. All 64/32/16 bits and dos mean in reality 99%. As there unimportant exceptions like rufus-2.18p, etc. Well the do execute but difference in device handling between Linux/WIN do not allow them to fully function.

My problems at the moment is some special needs. Like for example; I need to be able to compile and used any kernel I need. See I also use my PC for Satellite Television, and I am custom to use my Laptop as a Spectrum Satellite Signal Analyzer. And to do Fast Blind Scan while hunting for new satellite channels. But I have faith that our friend fredx181 can show me what is missing if he get free time for me. I can always do reverse engineer to understand what different in his kernels. Nice learning project if I had the time.

So see for me "just use your Puppys!" require me to fulfill all my special needs and at the moment BusterDog can not do that. Funny thing is that woof-CE Kernel Kit did allow me to build my kernels!! HEHEHEHE That is Life.

But I am almost there. And very happy so far with the past 2 moth of abstinence.

To be fair with fredx181 he did post some document or programs that I had no time jet to studdy. May be he did post what is missing. Sorry if that is the case. And my Special BIG Thanks to him.

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2019, 20:19
by Mike Walsh
@ enrique:-

I never set out on any specific quest. When I switched from Windows to Linux, I wiped MyCrudSoft out of my life overnight.....and never looked back.

I guess I'm not the same as most Windows users. In all the years I used Windows, I never did so because I had to. I also never became dependent on any specific software....and when I switched (a one-way ticket!), I fully understood I would need to learn completely new ways of doing everything.

That was fine. To me, that was all part of the 'fun'..!


As for NetFlix....huh. Why are you even mentioning 'Fake Android', hmm? NetFlix runs, OOTB, on the Linux version of Chrome. End of story.

About the only thing you can't do in Linux, AFAIK, is to download episodes. You could, however, record an episode of NetFlix by using a screen-capture app.....

There's more than one way to skin a cat, y'know!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2019, 22:20
by enrique
I see you where brave enough to find new Linux software to substitute the windows ones. That is nice. I wish I could do that. See I can do almost anything from adapting, doing researcher and even reverse engineer of a product. But I do all that slowly as I am slow learner. I can not just forget what I used to do and pretend I will quickly adapt to the new situation. That is why I hate Force Automatic Phone Upgrades. So I do admire you. I can't. So my approach was to be able to execute in Linux what ever I did before. Listen there are even very stupid games that I like to play like O'conors's Slay. So been able to having them with me in Linux is a +. And yes slowly with time I will find and learn to use new applications in Puppy Linux.

I am retire with a very low income. So my Internet is the Cellphone. But my brother just install 200 mgs at his home. So when I visit my brother I can Download the Nexflix Series and Movies. Then later at Home I can view them without the need to use my Cellphone. As you just said you can not do that with Crome. Download is only Possible Using Windows 10 Store App or Android Market App. See now how an X86 PC running Android may possible do that job.

And there is the impossible to substitute. How about Updatelee's Spectrum Satellite Signal Analyzer software. In Linux is that one or nothing!! So If I do not install that kernel then simply I will not have Spectrum Satellite Signal Analyzer software. I know every crazy guy has his own story.

DO not worry I will be around in the forum learning you ways. Time will tell.