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Bionicpup64 release keybinding set for "findnrun" (SOLVED)

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2019, 21:04
by gychang
Like the recent bionicpup64 lot on my laptop (IBM x220), runs almost perfect. One minor problem is Super-Hyper-F is taken up by the file "findnrun" and cannot be reassigned to Rox filemanager.

Is this possible to reassign the key to Rox?, Rox works fine with other key combo but I am used to Super-Hyper-f...

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2019, 21:14
Usually to edit/change in:


Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2019, 03:56
by gychang
ITSMERSH wrote:Usually to edit/change in:

thanks, with your suggestion I got it all fixed!