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Robocode - make own bot and learn Java!

Posted: Tue 13 Nov 2018, 18:11
by puppy_apprentice
Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java or .NET. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
More on Robocode Home Page


1) Load Java 6 .sfs or better (i've loaded jre- on my Slacko 7.0)
2) Click on robocode- (download)
3) Choose directory to install.
4) To run click on in /yourpath/robocode or in terminal:

Code: Select all

I. First we will run battle with bots installed with application:

1) Battle/New
2) Packages/Sample, Robots/Crazy and Robots/SpinBot
3) Start Battle

Picture 1

II. Now we make own bot:

1) Robot/Source Editor
2) File/New/Robot
3) Enter Name for your bot
4) Enter Package Name for your bot

You will see template code for your bot.

Picture 2

Code: Select all

package Puppy;
import robocode.*;
//import java.awt.Color;

// API help :

 * Puppy_Apprentice - a robot by (your name here)
public class Puppy_Apprentice extends Robot
	 * run: Puppy_Apprentice's default behavior
	public void run() {
		// Initialization of the robot should be put here

		// After trying out your robot, try uncommenting the import at the top,
		// and the next line:

		// setColors(,,; // body,gun,radar

		// Robot main loop
		while(true) {
			// Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like

	 * onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
	public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like

	 * onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
	public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
	 * onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
	public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
And this my code for Puppy_Apprentice bot after small changes (to make more advanced bot you have to read Robocode Wiki or watch Video Tutorials):

Picture 3

Code: Select all

package Puppy;
import robocode.*;
import java.awt.Color;

// API help :

 * Puppy_Apprentice - a robot by (your name here)
public class Puppy_Apprentice extends Robot
	 * run: Puppy_Apprentice's default behavior
	public void run() {
		// Initialization of the robot should be put here

		// After trying out your robot, try uncommenting the import at the top,
		// and the next line:

		setColors(,,Color.gray); // body,gun,radar

		// Robot main loop
		while(true) {
			// Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like

	 * onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
	public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like

	 * onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
	public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
	 * onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
	public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
To use our bot in battle we have to compile our bot code first.
So in Source Editor choose Compiler/Preferences and change -version in Compiler Options field into -showversion.

Picture 4

Now choose Compiler/Compile.

To assign your bot to battle look at point I.

Picture 5

After battle you will get some statistics.

Picture 6

Build the best, destroy the rest!