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Mouse and keyboard hung after starting with Nvidia drv

Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2018, 23:02
by takenp
Bionicpup64 7.9.5 of xxxphilb

I compiled Nvidia driver 340.107 for the distro and got the subj. (Mouse and keyboard hung) after rebooting.

But after unpluggin and plugging mouse and kb I got them working

So the solution I found on Arch wiki was like this. We have to disable evdev (Xorg input driver) in xorg.conf that causes this problem:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
    Option	   "AllowEmptyInpu" "False"
    Option	   "AutoAddDevices" "False"
I've also added a section "InputDevice" from the older xorg.conf but possibly it isnt needed.

So nvidia driver is loading, mouse and keyboard works but there are some problems with libGL* libraries. glxgears says ELF class is wrong... ((

Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2018, 23:42
by bigpup
The puppy version is bionicpup64 7.9.5?
That is the latest release and the one to be using.
Have you done Quickpet>Info>Bionicpup updates?

Did you get the 64 bit version of the Nvidia driver?

You are sure that is the correct driver for your hardware?
The one Nvidia web site recommends?

Posted: Tue 16 Oct 2018, 03:24
by p310don
I have had the same issue repeatedly with various Pups. I have found that at the end of the compile process Nvidia asks to re-write it's own xorg.conf file. Don't do that, and then run Puppy's xorgwizard and select nvidia and the keyboard works.