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The ICANN-GDPR drama and US Govt' browbeating

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2018, 09:16
by belham2
Wonder how many people (end-users), even to this day, are aware of this sort of stuff, and/or even care? :cry: ... s_debacle/

Re: The ICANN-GDPR drama and US Govt' browbeating

Posted: Sun 06 May 2018, 08:59
by nosystemdthanks
as per usual, the world complains bitterly about the united states but continues to support their own politicians who fund these sorts of things with public money.

like thats not the other half of the reason these things continue!

ever heard "regime change starts at home?"

this starts with the american lobbyists (not the american people-- the multinational corporations that have taken over government one-piece-at-a-time) and it continues with the support of american politicians and european politicians alike.

but dont watch where the money actually goes--

(just two examples)

2001-- bt ends joint venture with at&t:

2002-- bt joins american nortel for voip: ... e-service/

just put all the blame with people who will never help you... never actually hold people accountable on your side, where you can actually change things-- its like admitting defeat.

"but the americans, the americans!" he says...

then invariably supports parties/leaders/ companies that work with the american corporations to continue the same corruption.

you dont need elections, because you dont really use them. just let us run everything from here and then you can complain forever.

where does trumps international jurisdiction come from, anyway?

it comes from merkel, philippe, turnbull, trudeau, nieto, rajoy, may, varadkar, etc.

a. we didnt elect any of these people

b. quite a few million of us didnt elect trump, either. but for some reason, the world keeps electing sellout leaders (just like we do) and then assuming that only the *american* sellouts are the problem.

you know whats wrong that with that?

first of all, its utter and absolute nonsense.

second, it robs *YOU* of all agency, authority, responsibility and power. what are you using it for? really-- WHAT ARE YOU USING IT FOR?

if you want to stand up for something, stop whining, please... go change your own nations politics! theres always plenty of back room deals to go around-- dont kid yourselves, the corruption is in every country.

every nation that wants to gets kickbacks (in policy-- not directly in money) from cooperating and being an accessory, whether youre the prime minister of the united kingdom or the leader of a middle eastern oil exporting country, its the same game being played.

if the rest of the world wants to do business with america, then america is going to do business how america wants to. and you know how much access most americans have to that process?

about the same amount as you.

but youre not doing any more about it than we are. its all talk! its drivel-- its lip service to supposed principles, same as here.

whats disgusting about it though is that you really believe it makes you *better people* than those doing the same exact thing as you, but who happen to live somewhere else.

and the attitude on this forum about it (year after year, usually from the same elitist spew-mongers) is the biggest joke.

regime change starts at home. good luck!

lets be fair-- plenty of people here are smarter than all of that. well, some...

but the ridiculous america bashing that goes on here is nothing more than idiotic bigotry. youre no better than trump when he talks about foreigners, and its not really different.

while we are on the subject of trump, who the world hates MOSTLY because its FASHIONABLE-- not that there arent better reasons, just that people dont actually care about them...

do you think *any* of this ICANN business would be different under hillary? not very likely. name the last american president who cared about yielding to ICANNS competitors. go ahead. nobody actually cares!

what is america doing with your data that gchq and asd arent? anything at all? no? p*** off! no one is special with regards to this. i never, ever hear little lord fauntleroy complaining about gchq-- it only matters when the americans do it!

when america talks about american politics, its a joke. when the rest of the world talks about american politics-- its an international joke.

go and rebuild your empire already-- its mostly the brits with the absurd notion that theyre suddenly a bunch of saints in the international community.

but before you call up south africa to ask if they miss apartheid yet-- ask yourself one question:

where do you think america learned all these nasty tricks from, anyway?

who do you really think youre kidding? i mean wouldnt you find it sort of hilarious if germany starting making comments about how the united kingdom was too authoritarian? its not like the 20th century was in the 1700s, was it?

i dont hate other countries, we are all australians on this forum-- but some of the brits here who obviously think america should still be living under rule by the queen have rhetoric that makes about as much sense as "the real ira."

if you want to be political, at least take responsibility for your own part. otherwise youre just relying on empty rhetoric.

the best part is, youll say all this stuff now, go on to britains got talent and become an international celebrity-- only to emigrate and retire in california. dont worry-- theyve got your number over here.

Oh Yes You Can!!!

Posted: Mon 07 May 2018, 02:35
by sszindian
Wrong Heading!