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really puppy power if puppy is based mainly on Ubuntu?

Posted: Sat 17 Mar 2018, 21:31
by oui

I suppose, it was a very bad decision to create so much new puppy's and derivates based on Ubuntu as the old sources and binaries of old versions of Ubuntu are old between only a few month!

I have the 13 (+ 1 bonus) DVD's of Debian Jessie 8.10 (dec. 2017 !) at home... They includes the sources.

Who is having the same for Unicorn (one of the Ubuntu level most used at Puppy to create new Puppy's or Quirky's including being somewhat really special (all in kernel etc.). I have here 3 complete Puppy's/Quirky's, complete, that means with devx!)?


no adequate sources and Ubuntu did already shrink the depositories!

how to find the (adequate, of course) sources now?

why is Puppy based on exotic software?

is that a power or an error?

seasonal version is concerned.

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2018, 11:22
by Papy
is your car obsolete because a new version has just been released ? LTS versions are supported a long time, seasonal ones only six months, by official Ubuntu .. Multiverse and universe are independant from official, and support what they like.
What you say can be true or false, depends on what seasonal version is concerned.
Are you speaking about artfulpup ? ask Peebee the answer.

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2018, 23:00
by oui
the especially problematic version was ubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10

the puppy world did develop a lot with that version, things being, yes, it is so, really about "utopic"

but now they are simply


if you don't can find again the adequate sources :idea: !

perhaps sources are yet available at an hidden (or open) point of the web :?:

it's about Unicorn

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2018, 23:12
by Papy
unicorn is not better or worse than others flavors. Simply some Puppy members worked with it stronger as tahrpup
or Lucid.. because these versions were installed for real usage, and you cannot reinstall each time a new version is released, as your car.

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2018, 03:38
by perdido
oui wrote:the especially problematic version was ubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10

the puppy world did develop a lot with that version, things being, yes, it is so, really about "utopic"

but now they are simply


if you don't can find again the adequate sources :idea: !

perhaps sources are yet available at an hidden (or open) point of the web :?:
Yes the souces are on the web.
There are 4 different source .iso images that are each 4GB that represent different create times during developement.
If these are what you look for.


Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2018, 14:52
by oui
oh wonderfull! Thank you very much...

Japan goes on with Artful

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 04:03
by hamoudoudou
really puppy power if puppy is based mainly on Ubuntu? of course, software has no developmnent elsewhere. Puppy just pack together external software.

Re: Japan goes on with Artful

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 06:23
by wiak
hamoudoudou wrote:really puppy power if puppy is based mainly on Ubuntu? of course, software has no developmnent elsewhere. Puppy just pack together external software.
But if that is 'true', 'hamadoudou', then it is a result you have encouraged since your statements often object about developers discussing developer issues. You want working software for 'passengers', but don't seem to get the point that original software for 'passengers' has to be actively developed and that development is the difficult part (not the talking about already developed and working software applications).

Yes, there is plenty of already developed software available from the Ubuntu repositories (and similar from the Debian repositories).


my programs were noodle collars for 'mother's day'

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 15:31
by hamoudoudou
Devs are the first step, the distribution has to be distributed to Public, and many repair stations all over the world will help local users..
Never i was a programmer, some tries with Basic made me understand my programs were noodle collars for 'mother's day'
If i give my help to devs , never i was disclaimed by them.. Some are famous, their puppy a success, and i am proud of that...
When the Puppy does not work and is given up it is easy to say it's because of testers, or tester if only one was found in the forum, among friends.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2018, 01:50
by wiak

Nilson Morales is famous.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2018, 18:02
by hamoudoudou
Nilson Morales is famous. Not in America del norte, Ni como Pele.. Pero para Puppy Linux es un maestro..

Re: really puppy power if puppy is based mainly on Ubuntu?

Posted: Sat 19 May 2018, 03:27
by 01101001b
oui wrote: really puppy power if puppy is based mainly on Ubuntu?
It seems to me a rather pointless question. If Puppy derivatives from Ubuntu are useless (let's cut the cr*p) eventually will be used by no one, so eventually there'll be no one developing them, and "problem" solved.

I sense a measure of confusion here. Those derivatives of Puppy are Ubuntu oriented, yes, *but* they're *not* Ubuntu, they are *Puppy* (no sudo, no apt-get, root user, and so on). So thinking Ubuntu's "problems" are those Puppies' problems too, well, it's not always true.

All in all, let's remember that "if it ain't broke, don't fixit", so no need to be running after each and every change Ubuntu does 8)

Posted: Sat 19 May 2018, 03:50
by 01101001b
oui wrote:the especially problematic version was ubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10

the puppy world did develop a lot with that version, [...] but now they are simply dead
Maybe it's just time to move on. I started with Tahrpup, then LxXenial, LxArtful, also tried Puppy (Lx)Precise (out of curiosity)... and surprisingly, all of them seem to me quite alike. Of course there were different details from one version to another, pluses and minuses, but you could point out a common style in all of them.

So, newer versions of Ubuntu are not a big deal in the Puppy Universe, I guess :D

Posted: Sat 19 May 2018, 04:30
by bigpup
Puppy is not based on anything but Puppy specific programs, and ways of operating.

There are some basic common Linux operations that use specific common Linux programs, code, commands, etc.......
About 1/3 of Puppy is this stuff.
Got to get that stuff from someplace. :shock:
Some repository. :!: :shock:
Some developers choose to get it from Ubuntu repositories.
Some get it from Slackware repositories.

Why not get everything from a Puppy repository?
Because there really is not one that is constantly updating this core Linux stuff.
Ubuntu, Slackware, etc.... repositories do keep up with updates to Linux core stuff.

Because a Puppy version is using core Linux stuff from say Ubuntu repositories.
There is a better chance that a program compiled for Ubuntu will also work in that Puppy.
Both OS are using the same core Linux stuff versions.
The program is compiled for those versions.
Those core Linux programs, files, code are what the programs expects to find in the OS.

Posted: Sat 19 May 2018, 06:04
by darry19662018
oui wrote:the especially problematic version was ubuntu Utopic Unicorn 14.10
the puppy world did develop a lot with that version, things being, yes, it is so, really about "utopic"
but now they are simply dead

if you don't can find again the adequate sources :idea: !

perhaps sources are yet available at an hidden (or open) point of the web :?:
The databases for PPM can be modified once ubuntu move them from the main server to old releases this was done for Lucid and Precise.

You choose an iso live-cd from a different Linux.

Posted: Thu 24 May 2018, 18:50
by hamoudoudou
You choose an iso live-cd from a different Linux. The game is to start it with Puppy..
Why not ? Is that Puppy Linux..

Posted: Thu 24 May 2018, 19:09
by darry19662018
If a Puppy is built with Ubuntu packages it is a Puppy.

my answer means that puppy is used to boot another OS..

Posted: Tue 29 May 2018, 09:31
by hamoudoudou
my answer means that puppy is used to boot another OS.. as some people use Pupppy Linux just to recover Windows.. ISOBOOTER will boot Ubuntu
Puppy is not really based on Ubuntu. Puduan, Dpup, slacko... Puppy choose the shop..
X-Slacko slim can use packages from many OS.
Sure its own packages would no be enough to enjoy thousands of computer users, excepted for computing. Puppy used to build Puppies.

Re: my answer means that puppy is used to boot another OS..

Posted: Tue 29 May 2018, 10:54
by darry19662018
hamoudoudou wrote:my answer means that puppy is used to boot another OS.. as some people use Pupppy Linux just to recover Windows.. ISOBOOTER will boot Ubuntu
Puppy is not really based on Ubuntu. Puduan, Dpup, slacko... Puppy choose the shop..
Well Pelo I like this part of quote because yes your right some people fail to grasp that Puppy is not based on Ubuntu - Its packages are used to build that Puppy with Wolf CE or other build system eg old woof, or unleashed.

As for the choose the shop part I understand that to mean one can peruse the Ubuntu repos and intall programs to run in Puppy thanks to the package manager or as you call it shopping - quite like that Pelo quite like that.

Posted: Tue 29 May 2018, 11:02
by bigpup
Is this really, really that hard to understand??????

There are some basic common Linux operations that use specific common Linux programs, code, commands, etc.......
About 1/3 of Puppy is this stuff.
Got to get that stuff from someplace. :shock:
Some repository. :shock: :!:
Some developers choose to get it from Ubuntu repositories.
Some get it from Slackware repositories.

Those repositories keep this core Linux stuff up to date.
Puppy does not have a Puppy repository that does this.